Title: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Dougy Dee on May 08, 2008, 22:02:32 pm I need to make a decision regarding a cam for a street driven 1776. This is for one of my 'old guy' buddies...
49cc heads, Deckheight is wide open from .015 to ... 'Stock' 044's, 42 x 37mm, dual springs, Shooting for 8.5CR range. 44IDF's, Stock Ratio Rockers We've pulled an E110 out with a porous nose and spalled lifter faces. Thinking an E120 with CB lifters. Anyone have any idea what the CB equivalent would be? (There is a shortage of 250 - 260 .050 duration cams available from them...) I have thought about going to a CB2246. Anyone with realworld experience with that cam? I'm not sure who to call for Pauter or SLR/Erson cams as they have some interesting choices. Who carries these cams? Is SLR/Erson Steve Long Racing??? The XV304 looks interesting... Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Jim Ratto on May 09, 2008, 00:35:13 am I need to make a decision regarding a cam for a street driven 1776. This is for one of my 'old guy' buddies... 49cc heads, Deckheight is wide open from .015 to ... 'Stock' 044's, 42 x 37mm, dual springs, Shooting for 8.5CR range. 44IDF's, Stock Ratio Rockers We've pulled an E110 out with a porous nose and spalled lifter faces. Thinking an E120 with CB lifters. Anyone have any idea what the CB equivalent would be? (There is a shortage of 250 - 260 .050 duration cams available from them...) I have thought about going to a CB2246. Anyone with realworld experience with that cam? I'm not sure who to call for Pauter or SLR/Erson cams as they have some interesting choices. Who carries these cams? Is SLR/Erson Steve Long Racing??? The XV304 looks interesting... how much does the car weigh and which gears in transaxle? That 2246 is too hot in my opinion for a low CR street motor. I think Engle 120 or K7 Web 86B would be all out street cam but i would hike CR to 9.5:1 and hope car is light and gears are tight, advance it so intake center is 104ATDC Bugpack Tayco lifters have been working with Engle cams for me. All in how you put motor together Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Dougy Dee on May 09, 2008, 01:56:15 am Car weighs 1900lbs with driver.
Stock gear transaxle with 4.125 R&P. I'm leaning towards the E120. I like it and not too much lift for the big valves and dual springs. I can get the Tayco/Bugpack lifters locally. Anybody regstering problems with Engle cams with CB Lifters??? Thanx in advance Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Bewitched666 on May 09, 2008, 07:09:32 am With those heads you can also consider the W125 cam.
Those are pretty big heads for a street driven 1776 or not?Is there work done on those heads? W120 is a great streetcam i must admit ;D Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Zach Gomulka on May 09, 2008, 15:54:50 pm 120 and 9:1. A 125 will leave you wanting more low end, my .02 ;)
Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Jim Ratto on May 09, 2008, 16:28:26 pm I had two clubmates and very close friends that ran the 125 in pump gas 1776's in full weight cars. One had 40IDFs and had less driveability and lower rpm response and willingness than the other 1776 which ran 44IDFs and then eventually 48IDAs. The 44IDF motor pulled harder than most of the "usual" 1914's that came out of my employer (Engle 110, untouched 40 x 35 or 35 x 32 heads, 44IDFs), from idle on up.
I would "go through" the 044's before bolting them on as is. Are you going to go through and shim springs and trim keepers at least? Before the 125 though, I would suggest the K8, if you have 1.4's Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Bewitched666 on May 09, 2008, 16:54:10 pm Isnt the K8 with 1.4 rockers almost similar to the w125 with 1.25 rockers Jim? ???
Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Jim Ratto on May 09, 2008, 17:16:32 pm Isnt the K8 with 1.4 rockers almost similar to the w125 with 1.25 rockers Jim? ??? I think so BUT less lift @ lifters = quiter valvetrain, less wear in bores, less mass at valve stem, springs work less. Plus leverage of ratio helps spring return lifter and keep it in contact with lobe WTF is Carlos Libre? Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Udo on May 09, 2008, 18:34:17 pm Pauter has a lot of cams , 100 grinds there is one for every needs , ;)
Udo Title: Re: Decisions decisions. Pauter? Erson/SLR? CB? Post by: Dougy Dee on May 09, 2008, 20:09:31 pm 120 and 9:1. A 125 will leave you wanting more low end, my .02 ;) I'm a big fan of the E120 cam and have used it successfully on several of my motors. I'll probably go that route again but was lookig for alternatives. I considered an E125 but not for this guy. Thanx for your response... |