The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: lowfastbus on May 22, 2008, 20:58:27 pm

Title: Cool drive...
Post by: lowfastbus on May 22, 2008, 20:58:27 pm
I was arranging my workshop this evening and had to put my '67 outside.
Instead off putting it back in when finished I decided to go for a quick drive, hadn't been out for over a month now.

Just a ten minute drive but taking it through all it gears at 7000+ rpm sure felt good 8)

Funny how good a little drive can feel

Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: louisb on May 22, 2008, 21:01:50 pm
Yeah, I am having serious with drawls since taking the '67 of the road last month to start its resto. I miss driving it.  :'(


Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: Gaz1 on May 22, 2008, 21:32:23 pm
Not drove my 67 for a while now,no engine in at the moment so it'll be a while longer yet as well  :(

Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: ESH on May 23, 2008, 09:44:47 am
My ‘63s been on the backburner for a couple of months and there’s a few outstanding jobs to sort on it but the other day I had to move it out of the garage and I ended up doing the exact same thing.

Was pretty good fun…



Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: Luftkraft on May 23, 2008, 12:57:34 pm
great pic, Mat!  8)

Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: javabug on May 23, 2008, 13:00:45 pm
I can totally relate...I haven't even seen my Bug since February.  I know when it does come back to the house the same thing will happen!

Altho I do tend to rely on the kindess of friends and neighbors during withdrawl sometimes.  Couple weeks ago I was visiting with Mike Maize, and we went and drug his 'vert out of storage and had a mini "California day."  That kind of stuff helps a lot!

Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: ESH on May 23, 2008, 13:51:06 pm
great pic, Mat!  8)

Thanks! I parked it there to remind me to get things sorted so I can get out in it and drive it again. I figure if I see it sat there it'll help move things along. I think it's working...


Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: ESH on May 23, 2008, 13:52:05 pm
...I haven't even seen my Bug since February.  I know when it does come back to the house the same thing will happen...
That was pretty much my situation, I sent the car off somewhere in late January or February while we got things straight at home and only got it back a couple of weeks back. Still stuff to do but the car's on the priority list now whereas a month or so back it wasn't even a factor. With the winter being pretty quiet over here car wise it wasn't such a big thing but it's effectively the Summer now so it's play time...


Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: Mike Maize on May 23, 2008, 15:13:22 pm
I can totally relate...I haven't even seen my Bug since February.  I know when it does come back to the house the same thing will happen!

Altho I do tend to rely on the kindess of friends and neighbors during withdrawl sometimes.  Couple weeks ago I was visiting with Mike Maize, and we went and drug his 'vert out of storage and had a mini "California day."  That kind of stuff helps a lot!
Dont forget you got to drive a SPG roller stroker with old solex carbs on Gene's manifolds too! Not to shabby for a cruising day. That was a really fun day. Rain finally stopped and I was out buzzing around in the convertible last night :P

Title: Re: Cool drive...
Post by: javabug on May 23, 2008, 15:38:46 pm
That's true, I did!  Such a cool engine.  Glad to hear you got the 'vert out.