The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Pure racing => Topic started by: GetBackOnTrack on June 17, 2008, 21:14:37 pm

Title: gearbox trouble
Post by: GetBackOnTrack on June 17, 2008, 21:14:37 pm
My bug has started to jump out of second gear today. I can shift to second gear but when  punch the speader pedal it will jump out with a weard sound, any sugestions of what that could be wrong? bend hockey stick? I tried to adjust my way out of it by removing my berg shifter back and forth, but with no luck. Checked my gear mounts as well, they seem allright.

Any input would be apreciated. Just want to hear if there is something else I can do to diagnostigate the problem before I pull it out.

Thanks, Jakob

Title: Re: gearbox trouble
Post by: Rasser on June 17, 2008, 21:56:55 pm
slidt skiftemuffe/nav, tror jeg desværre. Tænderne er en smule skråtskårne og hvis de bliver slidt kan den hoppe ud af gear som du nævner.    :-(  øvbøv.  Det er næsten umuligt at se at det er slidt, ofte opdages det først når den er bygget og man er ude at køre.

Er det std. vw gearinger så har jeg stumper der er i ok stand, men du kan give lyd hvis du får brug for nye stumper.

Det slider hårdt på grejet med sådan et par honda ryk ;-)

Title: Re: gearbox trouble
Post by: Fastbrit on June 17, 2008, 22:41:51 pm
Or, to put it another way... ;D

 worn skiftemuffe / nav, I think, unfortunately. Teeth are a little skråtskårne and if they are wearing can jump out of gear as you mention. øvbøv. It is almost impossible to see that it is worn, often detected only when it is built and you are out to run. Is it std. vw gearinger I have stubs are in a position ok, but you can give sound if you need new stubs. The slider hard grejet with such a pair honda jerk

I like the bit at the end about "Honda jerk" :D

Title: Re: gearbox trouble
Post by: Tekken on June 17, 2008, 22:46:37 pm
 :D :D ;)

Title: Re: gearbox trouble
Post by: Rasser on June 17, 2008, 23:02:00 pm
H ;D ;D ;D

GetBackontrack better tell the story about the Honda him self ;-)  or better yet show the video!

Next time you better check up on your danish-> english translater....  it seems it has a few bugs you need to sort out  ;-)