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Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Buttons on June 19, 2008, 17:19:13 pm

Title: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Buttons on June 19, 2008, 17:19:13 pm
What kind of fuel pressure should i be getting?
The guage on my regulator reads 3psi when ignition is on and pump is running, BUT when the engine is running it drops to 0psi!!

The motor is popping and banging when revved, hence the reason i looked at fuel pressue.

Any ideas?

(2276 IDA'd with Holley fuel pump if that helps!)

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: SteveW on June 19, 2008, 17:52:47 pm
Well with my limited knowledge I'd say you have a problem with the holley fuel pump or its a problem somewhere else causing the pressure to drop (short circuit maybe?) IDA's need a constant 3 to 3.5 PSI fuel pressure..

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Bruce on June 19, 2008, 21:02:55 pm
Try a different gauge.  If your car continues to run with 0psi, the gauge isn't right.

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Jim Ratto on June 19, 2008, 22:30:09 pm
again, if it is liquid filled when engine compartment gets hot, it will show inaccurate reading. I had a liquid filled gauge make me chase my tail for a few months back in mid 90's....  drive car, gauge showed under 1psi, cranked reg up to show 3psi, carbs flooded, burbled, ran like shit.

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Bruce on June 20, 2008, 03:19:56 am
..., carbs flooded, burbled, ran like shit.
I had that problem recently and the gauge said the pressure was good.  So I tried another gauge.  It agreed with the first.  But it still flooded.  A third gauge confirmed the first two were duds.
Those small gauges everyone uses are junk, and they get shook to death.

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Jim Ratto on June 20, 2008, 16:31:03 pm
..., carbs flooded, burbled, ran like shit.
I had that problem recently and the gauge said the pressure was good.  So I tried another gauge.  It agreed with the first.  But it still flooded.  A third gauge confirmed the first two were duds.
Those small gauges everyone uses are junk, and they get shook to death.

I agree. I am going to eventually need another...
What i want to do is just buy a real diagnosis type pressure checking gauge, then plug hole in tee.

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Harry/FDK on June 20, 2008, 16:37:23 pm
..., carbs flooded, burbled, ran like shit.
I had that problem recently and the gauge said the pressure was good.  So I tried another gauge.  It agreed with the first.  But it still flooded.  A third gauge confirmed the first two were duds.
Those small gauges everyone uses are junk, and they get shook to death.

I agree. I am going to eventually need another...
What i want to do is just buy a real diagnosis type pressure checking gauge, then plug hole in tee.


Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: 69Stu on June 20, 2008, 21:19:32 pm
Have you tried adjusting the fuel with the engine running?

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: Buttons on June 20, 2008, 22:03:02 pm
No... you mean adjust the regulator whilst it's ticking over??? that sounds pretty logical......... thanx

Title: Re: Fuel pressure??
Post by: John Rayburn on July 01, 2008, 01:30:22 am
Sounds like your pump has something stuck in the bypass. Run the engine, and smack the pump around with a wrench or something, it'll probably dislodge. Good luck.