The Cal-look Lounge

Happenings => Happenings => Topic started by: Russell on July 20, 2008, 01:03:01 am

Title: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Russell on July 20, 2008, 01:03:01 am
Just looking at whats in the magazines and on the forums and its about time that someone sorted this out, I know that its been talked about before but heres my take on how the show season should look and how often !

Please note im not saying that all other shows should be stopped, the local shows are needed for our hobby but it would be nice to have big ones to look forward too, however you will see by my list i dont really want to have any Big events with 20,000 people and 15,000 of them are party goers...

I see it like this:

Volksworld, UK, Yearly
European Cal Look get together (not a show), every year a different european country

5/6 European Drag events, May, June, July, August, September ( styled around the DDD/SCC events)
maybe 2 in the UK and 2 in Germany, 1 in Norway, the UK ones organiised by the outlaws hopefully

European Bugin, Belgium, 2 yearly alternating with Bugin in the USA

(2 years apart)
Hessich, Germany, 4 yearly
Bad Camberg, 4 yearly

Now all this is for a reason.....
1) it gives more time to get cars finished for EBI and 2 means i could maybe try this drag racing lark with a bit more effort and 3rd i would like to meet other people with cal look cars in there own countrys.

Last year i was invited to a get together with around 25 people for a 1 night BBQ, it was fantastic, very little cars, just good people, food, drink and lots of talking, no hassle.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Harry/FDK on July 20, 2008, 19:19:51 pm
A schedule like this would make a very tight group of VW fanatics.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Trond Dahl on July 20, 2008, 19:41:37 pm
Perhaps you should try sticking to one car, im sure It would take a big load off your shoulders :-)

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: on July 21, 2008, 11:44:12 am
A Cal-Look meet/bbq or something in the UK would be awesome.

I kinda drive my looker around on my own!! billy no mates!! LOL

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Prowagen on July 21, 2008, 12:08:36 pm
I think with the cost of fuel and the credit situation in the UK that alot of the current local shows are a good thing.

But on the other hand as always too much of a good think can turn out to be bad, as the more show choice there is the more shows will struggle to break even and eventually disappear!

Personally I love drag racing! So prefer to go to those types of shows, I loved DDD last year it was the first time I had been but that seriously floats my boat, hopefully something like that will kick off here in the UK! Just racing without all the crappy glitzy rubbish thrown in like the bigger UK shows do.
I think thats why I love going to see the Outlaws at Shakey as its pure racing porn!

Man I am soooooooo looking forward to Hessich too! Last year was also my first Bad Camberg, being a race head i thought that I would get bored there but you just have to appreciate a vintage VW in its raw form un modified as VW intended those cars were beautiful!

In the fear of upsetting a few I would be as bold to say the UK VW show scene is stale and I much prefer the shows in other countries.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: on July 21, 2008, 13:19:15 pm
In the fear of upsetting a few I would be as bold to say the UK VW show scene is stale and I much prefer the shows in other countries

I have to say I agree, was at Bug Jam at the weekend, while it is always great to catch up with people etc the focus seems to have moved away from VWs.

Seem like just another generic car show. at the Pod.

I guess my tastes have changed, EBI is now the highlight of my VW year, problem is it is bloody miles away!  ;D

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Jon on July 21, 2008, 14:49:56 pm
I see it like this:

Volksworld, UK, Yearly
European Cal Look get together (not a show), every year a different european country

5/6 European Drag events, May, June, July, August, September ( styled around the DDD/SCC events)
maybe 2 in the UK and 2 in Germany, 1 in Norway, the UK ones organiised by the outlaws hopefully

European Bugin, Belgium, 2 yearly alternating with Bugin in the USA

(2 years apart)
Hessich, Germany, 4 yearly
Bad Camberg, 4 yearly

I think you are on to something vital here Russe, good things shouldn't happen to often! You savor the bi-yearly shows more because then "everyone" is there each and every time.. leave people enough time to plan and get the finance in check to get back on the road! As it is now people are doing their prioritizing for them selves, and that "sort of" bring the "quality" down... as there will always be someone who couldn't make it "this year".
If the show is bi yearly everyone is in sync so to say...

Last year i was invited to a get together with around 25 people for a 1 night BBQ, it was fantastic, very little cars, just good people, food, drink and lots of talking, no hassle.

That was GREAT wasn't it? A big thanks to the organizer!!

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: nicolas on July 21, 2008, 17:54:24 pm
i know what you mean Russel and yeah that would be great for all the bigger meetings, but i like the small meetings fun as well. even the cars are not show and shine, but it is great to see some friends.

AND we need more racetracks and racetime in Europe!!!! like this weekend at Bitburg. my car isn't ready so no racing again, but if this were weekly or bi-monthly it wouldn't be that bad. we need a racing association or a guerillia group that puts some pressure on our gouverments to plant some racetracks all over Europe.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Black Sheep on July 21, 2008, 18:58:50 pm

AND we need more racetracks and racetime in Europe!!!! like this weekend at Bitburg. my car isn't ready so no racing again, but if this were weekly or bi-monthly it wouldn't be that bad. we need a racing association or a guerillia group that puts some pressure on our gouverments to plant some racetracks all over Europe.

Yup got to agree with that one , they got it right in the states back in the late 50's , open up disused air fields over here , got to be loads kicking about after the cold war and the yanks pulled up sticks and left .
Me and a couple of like minded idiots have been busy looking about in the south of england found a couple of potential sites too  8)
A few small cal and race weekend's a year ,almost a invitation only would be too cool .
Why don't some of you lot come down to Devon with us next month,5974.0.html   and get a bit of 1/8th mile action  8)

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: ESH on July 21, 2008, 20:15:50 pm
Good thread Russ.  8)

I have my own thoughts on this subject but it's interesting to see what some of the others on here are thinking too. When it comes specifically to VW race events though the continent definitely has the lead, dedicated facilities or not.


Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: flatfire on July 22, 2008, 09:21:13 am
EBI 2 yearly.
Its a great thought opening up old airfields, but as a collective European rules and regs make organising an event safety wise a minefield.

Maybe  the European mainland has the better attitude but from a pure love of the pro-stock ghia (for instance) it would be great to see it run down a real racetrack. Santa Pod ,Shakey, Scandanavia for example.

How would the invitation only event work? You don't want just friends to race you want dick dasterdly types as well. (

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Black Sheep on July 22, 2008, 17:16:59 pm
The invitation only was just an idea to do away with undesirables , you know the type of muppet who comes straight off a muddy camping field with mud dropping off onto the the track and oil dripping all over the shot , like there was at EBI 1  ???

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Harry/FDK on July 22, 2008, 17:44:40 pm
i know what you mean Russel and yeah that would be great for all the bigger meetings, but i like the small meetings fun as well. even the cars are not show and shine, but it is great to see some friends.

AND we need more racetracks and racetime in Europe!!!! like this weekend at Bitburg. my car isn't ready so no racing again, but if this were weekly or bi-monthly it wouldn't be that bad. we need a racing association or a guerillia group that puts some pressure on our gouverments to plant some racetracks all over Europe.

I think we all can forget about that plan. Europe is so anti-car compared to the States. If gouverments take about 70% or more per liter of the gasprice, then you need one hell of a armed guerillia group to convince the Suites and the Green Legion that we need more space for our hobby. And as for the future, we can be happy with what we have right now, but things will decrease. What i read in the German "inside" press... :( :( :( Rules, regulations, more emission shit, oldtimers banned, youngtimers banned. Even with proof that older cars due to their weight advantage are less polluting than these new 2 ton Fortresses (wich take way more energy to produce) the old car will loose...
Just my 1 cent.

But i'm getting off-topic now. Excuse.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: flatfire on July 22, 2008, 18:15:19 pm
The invitation only was just an idea to do away with undesirables , you know the type of muppet who comes straight off a muddy camping field with mud dropping off onto the the track and oil dripping all over the shot , like there was at EBI 1  ???

Totally understand that.   :) I can just imagine organising an invitation event and matching up a few grudge races. You can still see the passion in  Ron Flemings eyes when you see the underdog beating another car. These guys really don't want to lose, which is great to see.  :)

Even a little mini European cup England, France, Belgium, Germany, Norway Sweden, Finland, Wales, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, and of course not orgetting the mighty Scotland. If I have missed out any country Sorry 'bout that. Please add.

You never know Scotland might qualify  ;D   

Or heaven forbid a Woman beats eveyone :o ;D

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Udo on July 22, 2008, 19:35:15 pm
@ prowagen

"Just racing without all the crappy glitzy rubbish thrown in like the bigger UK shows do."

This is what we do each weekend at Bitburg . The result is that we do not have as much competitors as other show events have . Others that make big shows and partys make a lot of money .... but we keep on doing the events like this . This is why i like the Garryss picknick event  :D


Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Prowagen on July 22, 2008, 20:29:23 pm
@ prowagen

"Just racing without all the crappy glitzy rubbish thrown in like the bigger UK shows do."

This is what we do each weekend at Bitburg . The result is that we do not have as much competitors as other show events have . Others that make big shows and partys make a lot of money .... but we keep on doing the events like this . This is why i like the Garryss picknick event  :D


Unfortunately Bitburg is a little far for me but I will be there for DDD6. We are trying to get something running like this in the UK with Dakota drag strip but it will take time as the place needs improvement, so far things have been pretty good!

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Harry/FDK on July 22, 2008, 20:52:10 pm
@ prowagen

"Just racing without all the crappy glitzy rubbish thrown in like the bigger UK shows do."

This is what we do each weekend at Bitburg . The result is that we do not have as much competitors as other show events have . Others that make big shows and partys make a lot of money .... but we keep on doing the events like this . This is why i like the Garryss picknick event  :D


Cool Udo, My vacations will be at Bitburg from now on. But i'm looking for a T3, 2 ltr to make this happen.
I'm just sick and tired of the Budel and other Sauf meetings. I am not the fastest but i would like a relaxing, racing and learning weekend, and meet some friendly people.


Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Udo on July 22, 2008, 21:47:18 pm
"relaxing, racing and learning weekend, and meet some friendly people."

for this it is the best place . You must not be fast , only try to make your own times faster and learn driving on a good track and timing system . Most people think they must be fast to compete , but the most imortant thing is learning by driving  ;)


Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Udo on July 23, 2008, 06:22:46 am

I think you may not forget the bugshow in Belgium . It was a big event each year at Spa racetrack and it is back now at a good lokation i think . The track looks good .


Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: flatfire on July 23, 2008, 08:40:37 am
Looks good. Maybe we are trying to create something when its already there. From your picture Udo the track looks good.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Russell on July 23, 2008, 21:03:54 pm
the bugshow was fun at spa but not uphill racing...

yes the new location looks good but it will lose it SPA feel which made it different, i always loved going to that show, pity they had to stop, as getting it going will be hard with EBI on the go.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: yvre on July 24, 2008, 15:07:57 pm
the bugshow was fun at spa but not uphill racing...

yes the new location looks good but it will lose it SPA feel which made it different, i always loved going to that show, pity they had to stop, as getting it going will be hard with EBI on the go.

I think there's enough place for both events... no problem.

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Udo on July 24, 2008, 20:46:54 pm
the bugshow was fun at spa but not uphill racing...

yes the new location looks good but it will lose it SPA feel which made it different, i always loved going to that show, pity they had to stop, as getting it going will be hard with EBI on the go.

I think there's enough place for both events... no problem.



Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Lids on July 25, 2008, 19:53:10 pm
I have only done two shows this year Volksworld and EBI.  Next on the list is SCC, then if i can be bothered VW Action.  But i mustn't forget slough swapmeet.  that reminds me must contact Kobus, need more belgium beer :)

Title: Re: VW Shows are there too many ? this is what i would have if i was GOD !
Post by: Harry/FDK on August 02, 2008, 18:49:36 pm
"relaxing, racing and learning weekend, and meet some friendly people."

for this it is the best place . You must not be fast , only try to make your own times faster and learn driving on a good track and timing system . Most people think they must be fast to compete , but the most imortant thing is learning by driving  ;)


Thanks Udo  ;)