Title: The Rimac Incident Post by: Jim Ratto on July 31, 2008, 21:18:07 pm Ever have a dual VW valve spring crushed to 300lb come flying out of Rimac and get you in the nose?
no? I don't suggest trying it either. Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Black Sheep on July 31, 2008, 21:24:36 pm Not a good day then Jim ?
Cant say that a spring ever gave me a bloody nose ::) Was that using the drill press method ? Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Jim Ratto on July 31, 2008, 21:31:46 pm Not a good day then Jim ? Cant say that a spring ever gave me a bloody nose ::) Was that using the drill press method ? no this was at Buggy house around 1997 or so. I was checking spring pressure, with a razor blade tucked into top coil as an indicator against a scale... POW saw stars for about 10 min and bled all over shop. My boss, Jerry comes walking back to shop....takes a look....and says "what THE f**K did YOU do?!!!!!!!! Jeeeeeeezes jumped up C+++ST!!" He runs to fridge in the shop, grabs a cold can of Bud and says "put this sumbitch on your nose so it don't swell." Oh man, for about two weeks it hurt to sneeze. Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Black Sheep on July 31, 2008, 21:35:52 pm You would not want to do it twice eh :o so did you drink the bud and sneak another one out the cooler ;D
Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Jim Ratto on July 31, 2008, 21:42:31 pm You would not want to do it twice eh :o so did you drink the bud and sneak another one out the cooler ;D yeah I drank it but the can was bloody so it wasn't that good. Ick what's funny is that Geoff Ball, my coworker and friend, put a sign on Rimac after that "JIM RATTO MUST WEAR HOCKEY MASK WHEN USING" ;D Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Black Sheep on July 31, 2008, 21:49:34 pm Ive had a tee shirt made up for a apprentice of mine , NOT TO BE GIVEN SHARP TOOLS WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION , after thee trips down to accident and emergency in one day ::)
Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: John Rayburn on August 01, 2008, 07:19:15 am Did it give you a spring shaped tattoo?
Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Ivan on August 01, 2008, 18:34:02 pm My boss, Jerry comes walking back to shop....takes a look....and says "what THE f**K did YOU do?!!!!!!!! Jeeeeeeezes jumped up C+++ST!!" He runs to fridge in the shop, grabs a cold can of Bud and says "put this sumbitch on your nose so it don't swell." Shame he didn't get there sooner, huh? Title: Re: The Rimac Incident Post by: Ivan on August 06, 2008, 10:56:52 am wow! who sent you that picture of me? ;D I have my contacts.... ;) |