Title: The New Street Rodder Post by: Donny B. on August 07, 2008, 01:01:34 am This is pretty cool. The latest issue of Street Rodder (October 2008) has a review of Demon Bugs. From the article they seem to pretty impressed as all of us here are. Congrats to Stephan! Another kudo for you!
Title: Re: The New Street Rodder Post by: bugnut68 on August 07, 2008, 19:16:29 pm I don't buy as many VW books as I used to, but I'm always looking for a new book with a cool twist. Stephan's book has a real nice range of styles and cars, and I really enjoyed it (still am enjoying it, too ;D) REALLY looking forward to Keith's next Cal-Look installment!
Title: Re: The New Street Rodder Post by: Stephan S on August 08, 2008, 01:52:53 am Thanks guys!
Got the latest issue of Street Rodder in the mail yesterday as well. Cool to see Demon Bugs listed in Chris Shelton's article! Besides being into hot rods, Chris is a diehard VW guy. So is another Street Rodder editor, Eric Geisert (formerly of VWTrends). Title: Re: The New Street Rodder Post by: John Rayburn on August 08, 2008, 16:53:01 pm Stephan, have they gone into second printing yet? I remember they were selling way faster than the publisher thought!
Title: Re: The New Street Rodder Post by: Stephan S on August 08, 2008, 19:01:35 pm Yes, 2nd printing on its way to Motorbooks.