Title: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Jim Ratto on September 08, 2008, 16:42:13 pm Good to meet you (finally) yesterday, after dealing with you since the JSC days...and my days under Jerry's rule.
Your car looked killer yesterday. I really like the mufflers, presentation of the motor, interior, entire car really. 8) How big is the motor...94 x 86? Tell us some details of the build, history of the car, engine specs. Jim 805 Ratto Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Jason Foster on September 08, 2008, 16:55:11 pm I agree Ratto Ricks car is super fine. Please enlighten us Rick.
Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Prowagen on September 08, 2008, 17:00:56 pm Hey yeah I like this thread I want to know more about Mr Sadler and his cars! How long have you been with Bug Pack/Dee to whats the history????
Regardss, Rob. Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Rennsurfer on September 08, 2008, 22:21:34 pm Nicely done car, indeed. Our spy cams were on it, last night.
Sargecam. (http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6528.0;attach=20708;image) Private (or whatever rank is below a Sarge) cam. (http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj128/Rennsurfer/Nicks%20Cruise%20Night%202008/Ricks672.jpg) Can't wait to see how it does at the track. I'm sure it won't disappoint. Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Sarge on September 08, 2008, 22:34:16 pm "Private Spycam"... say, that has a nice ring to it! ::) ;D
Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Rennsurfer on September 08, 2008, 22:38:34 pm "Private Spycam"... say, that has a nice ring to it! ::) ;D Touchè, Sarge. ;D Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: alfie the monster on September 08, 2008, 22:39:22 pm Is a private spy cam the one hidden in the ladies toilets you were telling me about Sarge :o
Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Rick Sadler on September 08, 2008, 23:31:29 pm First of all, thanks to all of your nice comments (in person and on the forum). The car is a copy (of some sorts) of my original '67 that I had in 1975. Paint is a 1974 VW Rallye Yellow (10A). Engine is 86x94 with an FK87, BUGPACK Street Eliminators 46x38 valves, compression is 12.5 to 1 and it made 227 bhp on Roger Crawford's House of Power Dyno. Tiger at A-1 did the 1-3/4" merged exhaust system that flow through stale air heater boxes and connects to BUGPACK dual qps. Berg 5 Speed 4 wheel disc brakes. I tried to keep it as close as I could to the 70's period with a little upgrade here and there.
Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Sarge on September 08, 2008, 23:42:59 pm Is a private spy cam the one hidden in the ladies toilets you were telling me about Sarge :o Sssshhhhhh....quiet!! ::) ;D First of all, thanks to all of your nice comments (in person and on the forum). The car is a copy (of some sorts) of my original '67 that I had in 1975. Paint is a 1974 VW Rallye Yellow (10A). Engine is 86x94 with an FK87, BUGPACK Street Eliminators 46x38 valves, compression is 12.5 to 1 and it made 227 bhp on Roger Crawford's House of Power Dyno. Tiger at A-1 did the 1-3/4" merged exhaust system that flow through stale air heater boxes and connects to BUGPACK dual qps. Berg 5 Speed 4 wheel disc brakes. I tried to keep it as close as I could to the 70's period with a little upgrade here and there. OK, "a little upgrade here and there"...., the whole car looks like an upgrade. Nice job, Rick! 8) 8) 8) Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Rennsurfer on September 09, 2008, 00:05:26 am Rick explained, in detail, how the stale-air heater boxes ended up with the larger pipe. VERY cool! Best of the both worlds... like Rick told me, last night; 36hp. fan shroud and heat in the winter. AWESOME!
I can sort of relate with my A-1 bigger than stock fresh-air heater boxes. Well done, Rick. Please keep up us posted on how it does on the track. Outta be really fun. Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: javabug on September 09, 2008, 04:18:55 am merged exhaust system that flow through stale air heater boxes Very cool, I have a set of 40hp stale air boxes for exactly that same purpose. Any tips or pics are definetly welcome! Super clean car, by the way. Kinda reminds me of a '67 I have in mind for some day way, far down the road. Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: airstuff on September 09, 2008, 06:48:44 am Nicely done car, indeed. Our spy cams were on it, last night. Sargecam. (http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6528.0;attach=20708;image) Private (or whatever rank is below a Sarge) cam. (http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj128/Rennsurfer/Nicks%20Cruise%20Night%202008/Ricks672.jpg) Can't wait to see how it does at the track. I'm sure it won't disappoint. woooooooow,what a beauty of a car :) Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: airstuff on September 09, 2008, 06:49:37 am heat boxes on a 2387,great 8)
Title: Re: Rick Sadler, tell us about that Monster Lemon '67.... Post by: Jon on September 09, 2008, 08:19:08 am Any pic's of the muffler setup? Love the car Rick!