Title: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: bugnut68 on November 03, 2008, 18:39:00 pm Just looking for some tips on how to identify a chromoly flywheel off of visuals? Are there any clues as to give away a flywheel's identity as cast or otherwise?
Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: Peter on November 04, 2008, 00:06:13 am forged flywheels ring like a bell when you strike them with a wrench
a cast one wil sound more dull cheers, Peter Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: deano on November 04, 2008, 01:24:59 am Yes, if you drop it on your foot, and you hear a ring, it's chromoly.
Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: Eric Ellis (57HotrodVW) on November 04, 2008, 01:33:41 am Yes, if you drop it on your foot, and you hear a ring, it's chromoly. Hmmm, I'd think the sound made in that scenario would be more like @#$%^&*!!! ;D Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: bugnut68 on November 04, 2008, 02:08:40 am Yes, if you drop it on your foot, and you hear a ring, it's chromoly. Shoot, I guess my clumsiness is well-known...;D Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: Bruce on November 04, 2008, 03:02:06 am Briefly touch it with a grinder. Yellow sparks = steel, orange sparks = cast iron.
Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: javabug on November 04, 2008, 03:27:22 am Make sure you do the grinder test AFTER its been balanced. ;)
Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: deano on November 04, 2008, 03:33:11 am I believe the chromoly flywheels have a smoother overall machine finish, than compared to OEM VW. Cast ones have a separate ring gear and usually say something like, "Premium" on them.
Title: Re: How to I.D. chromoly flywheel? Post by: bugnut68 on November 04, 2008, 03:35:44 am Thanks folks... I'll have to take a closer look at what I've got, but I'm pretty sure this one doesn't have a separate ring gear... that much I'm pretty sure of.