The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on December 08, 2008, 23:20:41 pm

Title: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Jim Ratto on December 08, 2008, 23:20:41 pm
Or are you single, in your twenties and EVERY day is your car day?  ::)

It's always been Saturday mornings for me, for as long as I can remember. Even now with limited free time, I still shoot for leaving Saturday mornings free for the Volkswagen.

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "car day" for you?
Post by: Wünderwolff on December 08, 2008, 23:29:24 pm
I'm in my thirties and have an absolutely gorgeous girlfriend, and still, every day is car day. I breath, eat, think aircooled vw. It is in surges though, the summer is busier and we do ralleyes. It is always hectic before ralleyes. That is also the time my girl gets fed up with it. But it passes, like everything does.  ;D

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Christoph on December 09, 2008, 00:11:30 am
Or are you single, in your twenties and EVERY day is your car day?  ::)

any problems with that? ;D

i´m single, in the end of the twenties and my only driving car is my bug, so every day is vw day, even if it sucks in winter.
time for working on my daily or the other project is limited cause of study and work.
the real question is where the hell should i get time for a girlfriend  ;)


Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: louisb on December 09, 2008, 00:13:52 am
Sundays are car/garage day for me. I go out about 10 am into the garage, put the radio on the local rock station, and work until late that evening.


Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: lawrence on December 09, 2008, 00:29:05 am
Pretty much when ever I want. As long as im not working or studying. Heck, I even go to friends houses and we work on each others cars. Early twenties here  ::) ;D

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on December 09, 2008, 00:35:04 am
Or are you single, in your twenties and EVERY day is your car day?  ::)

Guilty as charged. My car is very reliable, and I've got most all the kinks worked out of it, so it doesn't get worked on as much as I want to. If I had the money to start messing things up it would be a different story ;) Slinger and his Slingle Cab on the other hand seems to always need some sort of attention  ::)

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Jim Ratto on December 09, 2008, 00:46:05 am
Pretty much when ever I want. As long as im not working or studying. Heck, I even go to friends houses and we work on each others cars. Early twenties here  ::) ;D

I have to say, it was the same deal for me. Not only were almost every one of my friends VW heads, but working at a VW shop had its "perks", lunch breaks were for jetting passes down Foothill Blvd or MacArthur freeway. My only responsibility back then was making sure my cat had food and water.
nearly every night turned into some VW-centric event, either fixing something, speeding around the country roads in North Livermore, or getting ripped at the local pizza place with my buddies. Now I am lucky to be awake @ 9:00pm.

Saturday mornings have always been cool for working on the Bug (except for when I worked Saturdays @ BH), feels the same way it did back when I was 16-17. Only hitch is, if something goes wrong, the car has a tendency to "shape" how the rest of the weekend is going to go. Window scrapers recently come to mind....    good thing I keep beer around.

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Sam K on December 09, 2008, 02:26:44 am
I wish I had more VW days. I'm thirty and my fiance is very understanding, but I have a couple project cars and the bug doesn't need much so it's pretty low on the totem pole right now. I was driving it to work and back a lot but we finally started getting snow so it's been a couple weeks since it's been driven. I'm feeling withdrawl symptoms.  :)

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Ohio Tom (DdK) on December 09, 2008, 03:21:57 am
Every day is VW day for me....
I just married a great (and beautiful) woman... I even worked in the garage on my wedding day... She understands the importance of my Tomato to get back on all 4's quickly as possible (even thou it's winter)...
I think she's a keeper...

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Jason Foster on December 09, 2008, 03:37:12 am
Truthfully any day I want to drive my car to work could be a V.W. day. But as far as working in the garage thats pretty few and far between and has to be worked up to and pre arranged. with a wife and three kids, home work, dinner, showers and everything else in between it gets really hectic. ESPECIALLY during little league and soccer time. Plus I work every other weekend so it's only 4 days a month I have off. I could take my car out any night I choose if I really wanted to but the family comes first most of the time. I guess if it was to be said Saturday would be my V.W. day if I was to be working on a project, I like to start EARLY too like 6:00 or so and I will work all day and into the wee hours of the night and continue to Sundays if needed. One thing I have is a coupon board my wife made for me with coupons good for 1 full day at a time in the garage uninterupted. Otherwise if it's just V.W.'s in general everyday is a volkswagen day for me and most of all my Volkswagen day is for sure the first Sunday of every month.

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Dave Rosique on December 09, 2008, 05:13:14 am

Good question!

From about 1975 - 2000 nearly every day was VW day since I made my living working on them. I would usually work on my own cars a little in the morning, thrash on customers cars all day, and finish up working on my own cars in the evening... then run 'em hard on the weekend and start the process over on Monday.
Things are different now, with a round trip 160 mile a day commute, the fact that I'm no longer working at a garage, PLUS I'm 50 and getting a little tired, my hands-on time with my VW is limited... HOWEVER, I try to catch a little of The Lounge daily and that helps a lot.

Now, Saturday is shop day... Thankfully, my wife (of thirty years this April!) knows my car hobby keeps me sane...


Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Lids on December 09, 2008, 10:03:18 am
February 29th seems to be VW day at the moment.  Although I have decided to stoke pile parts for next summer when I have 5 weeks off.  Hopefully the weather will be nice.

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Dirk / DFL on December 09, 2008, 10:20:37 am
For me Saturday is VW day, a day in the workshop... :)

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: javabug on December 09, 2008, 14:05:20 pm
Any day that I move the Bug out of the garage so I can work on something else.   >:(


I'm not anticipating any VW days until July or August this coming year.   :'( 

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Sarge on December 09, 2008, 14:20:51 pm
Everyday is a VW day for me... one air cooled and two water cooled ::).  On the weekends, I gravitate from one to the other with car washings in the driveway and detailing in the garage.  Been stuck doing mechanicals on the '67 lately with a clutch cable one weekend followed by a throttle cable the next.  A new exhaust from Tiger is on the horizon. :)

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: IP359 on December 09, 2008, 14:40:31 pm
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and all 365 days of year...
In my heart, in my mind and sometimes behind a steering wheel !

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: Jason Foster on December 09, 2008, 14:45:57 pm
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and all 365 days of year...
In my heart, in my mind and sometimes behind a steering wheel !

best answer so far....

Title: Re: Which day of the week is "VW day" for you?
Post by: IP359 on December 09, 2008, 14:53:06 pm
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and all 365 days of year...
In my heart, in my mind and sometimes behind a steering wheel !

best answer so far....

Thanks Jason