The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on January 02, 2009, 19:46:46 pm

Title: 22 years of this
Post by: Jim Ratto on January 02, 2009, 19:46:46 pm
I cannot believe it has been 22 years of having a VW be such an element in my free time. Being 38 years old, this old thing has taken up much of my focus for more than half my life. A lot of things have come and gone in 22 years (including, almost, my '67) and to jump in the thing this morning and drive it to work it sort of hit me just how long it has been. You'd think in this amount of time a few things would have happened....A) I would have nailed down every stupid little thing that bothers me when driving the car, B) I would have grown bored with driving it (though driving a quiet, modern, auto-trans car most days keeps the VW in perspective) but neither has happened. There's still a stupid-long list of things to do, and I still get a jolt from listening to the Webers crack wide open.

 I guess the best thing is the people I've met along the way and the things I've learned though. While the car has been fun (among other things), the real fun has been the crap my VW friends and I have been through in the last 22 years. Stuck in the middle of nowhere broken down, bloody cuts, chemical burns, being held at gunpoint by LAPD, getting dizzy from carb cleaner, garage fires, wheels falling off and rolling past little kids walking home from school, grease-city in my parents' garage, countless pissed off girlfriends, even more pissed off neighbors, driving over a field of tarantulas on I-10, flat cams, exhaust-gasket cheeseburgers...  it's all been so much fun.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: gibber! on January 02, 2009, 20:46:22 pm
I've often thought the same Jim!
Countless months of having to park the right way on hills to make bump starting easier, all the winters driving in freezing temperatures without heaters- scraping ice from the inside of the screen raised a few eyebrows at work!
I too have had my fair share of wheels falling off (always seems to be a rear for some reason?!?) the most memorable whilst doing 60 along a dual carriageway with two friends with me, my mates' face in my mirror still cracks me up! That wheel took the drum off, fortunately the hubcap caught the hubnut. I had just refitted it as a Police car pulled up to find out what the problem was.... he watched as we bumped the car in order to get it going incidentally!
I've had an engine fire, electrical fire and an extinguisher randomly going off inside the cab, along with numerous unexplainable breakdowns and immeasurable time wrenching.
But all of this I would weather again if I needed to.... charactor building you could say!

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Bugsy on January 02, 2009, 21:26:25 pm
Hey, took me more than 30 years to GET the Bug after my dad lost his rear wheel when i was a kid.  ;D

Canīt believe why it took me so long. I love your stories of times gone by, and learning lots of new things from you.
Iīm glad and impressed of all you guys that drive the same car year after year. I would likely not be in to it if you hade given up struggle 20 years ago.

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: bugnut68 on January 02, 2009, 22:44:55 pm
I cannot believe it has been 22 years of having a VW be such an element in my free time. Being 38 years old, this old thing has taken up much of my focus for more than half my life. A lot of things have come and gone in 22 years (including, almost, my '67) and to jump in the thing this morning and drive it to work it sort of hit me just how long it has been. You'd think in this amount of time a few things would have happened....A) I would have nailed down every stupid little thing that bothers me when driving the car, B) I would have grown bored with driving it (though driving a quiet, modern, auto-trans car most days keeps the VW in perspective) but neither has happened. There's still a stupid-long list of things to do, and I still get a jolt from listening to the Webers crack wide open.

 I guess the best thing is the people I've met along the way and the things I've learned though. While the car has been fun (among other things), the real fun has been the crap my VW friends and I have been through in the last 22 years. Stuck in the middle of nowhere broken down, bloody cuts, chemical burns, being held at gunpoint by LAPD, getting dizzy from carb cleaner, garage fires, wheels falling off and rolling past little kids walking home from school, grease-city in my parents' garage, countless pissed off girlfriends, even more pissed off neighbors, driving over a field of tarantulas on I-10, flat cams, exhaust-gasket cheeseburgers...  it's all been so much fun.

Okay, you've gotta elaborate on the LAPD story... my curiosity is piqued.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Jim Ratto on January 02, 2009, 23:02:02 pm
I cannot believe it has been 22 years of having a VW be such an element in my free time. Being 38 years old, this old thing has taken up much of my focus for more than half my life. A lot of things have come and gone in 22 years (including, almost, my '67) and to jump in the thing this morning and drive it to work it sort of hit me just how long it has been. You'd think in this amount of time a few things would have happened....A) I would have nailed down every stupid little thing that bothers me when driving the car, B) I would have grown bored with driving it (though driving a quiet, modern, auto-trans car most days keeps the VW in perspective) but neither has happened. There's still a stupid-long list of things to do, and I still get a jolt from listening to the Webers crack wide open.

 I guess the best thing is the people I've met along the way and the things I've learned though. While the car has been fun (among other things), the real fun has been the crap my VW friends and I have been through in the last 22 years. Stuck in the middle of nowhere broken down, bloody cuts, chemical burns, being held at gunpoint by LAPD, getting dizzy from carb cleaner, garage fires, wheels falling off and rolling past little kids walking home from school, grease-city in my parents' garage, countless pissed off girlfriends, even more pissed off neighbors, driving over a field of tarantulas on I-10, flat cams, exhaust-gasket cheeseburgers...  it's all been so much fun.

Okay, you've gotta elaborate on the LAPD story... my curiosity is piqued.

Sheep and I were traveling to Phoenix Bug A Rama in fall of 1990, from San Francisco Bay Area. We left Pleasanton about 4pm on a Friday, got to Norwalk around 9pm that night. We stopped at the Motel 6 right off I-5, what is that, the Carmenita exit? Anyway, we paid for a room, then jumped back in my Bug to go to Jack in the Box for dinner, down the street.
We pull into Jack's parking lot, and we're about to park and a squad car pulls RIGHT behind us with lights on, and officers get out, weapons drawn and order us from loudspeaker to show our hands. We were separated, searched, and questioned. Seems a "blue VW" had been seen near the scene of a warehouse robbery near there and we "fit the description." My driver's lic showed my Pleasanton CA address, which made the cop scratch his head "What are you doing in LA?"... anyway our stories matched, so they laughed, we laughed, and they were cool, and we got our Jumbo jacks and hid out that night. Though we listened to crack fiends getting busted right outside our window all night too.

there was also the time my dad and I got held gunpoint by Plumas County (CA) sherriffs because they had overheard us saying "ok we're going to go pick up my crank", which was a Scat 82mm.... not the crap people snort. Stupid cops. They had my friends shed scoped out I guess. I was rebuilding my 2276 in his shed when I lived in Quincy, CA, and some of the locals were suspected of dealing I guess. We went by my friend's to pick up my case to get hot tanked and told him we'd be back "with the crank" and that turned them on I guess. Crappy thing was they "caught" my dad and I at my work, and we were cuffed and stuffed in front of customers and my boss. Didn't look too good.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: bilboa2 on January 03, 2009, 02:38:54 am
great thoughts jim.. YOU are a vw guy.Been 30 or so for me, as i stepped out of vw's for around 5 yrs after porsche stint.. bumped into clyde berg in the mid 80's, he said come racing this weekend. I towed clyde and his orange car for a season with my fj60 To#Īta land cruiser and had a ball. Then he (and doug) MADE me drive the sonic muffin in seattle..won king of the hill. later clyde MADE me drive his car with dougs 1776 k10 motor in it. Did a nice wheelie, and ran mid 12's..ALL I SAW WAS HOOD..hooked since then again.EVEN building motors now.. not bad for a lamo parts aids every weekend though.... Great that mische, metz and other old friends are still interested too... ok, dyno don too.. old pervert...bill

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Sam K on January 03, 2009, 02:49:50 am
I had a similar revelation last week while driving my bug to work. When I turned 16 and started driving, my car's odometer read 99,630 and it turned over to all 0's and couple weeks later. So last week, on the 24th, I driving along and it tured over to 90,000 and I realized that the last time that I had seen the first "9" it was 1994. I was 16 years old and the only things I cared about was my bug and my girlfriend at the time. Now 14 years later nearly everything in my life has changed, but I still have that bug and it's been my faithful (more or less) companion through it all. I got so wrapped up in my reminsence that I missed my exit! I love that car.  :)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: javabug on January 03, 2009, 03:45:49 am
I'll admit I'm envious of you guys who have been doing the aircooled thing since you were just starting to drive.  Back before I was 16, in the early 90s I really would've loved a cool Beetle (or any), but out here on the east coast the first thing you did when acquiring a Bug was BODY WORK.  Hugely intimidating to a youngster.  So I got into Rabbits (the cars, not the furry mammals) since they needed less work to have a good time.

Now I'm so happy I've got my '67, and its not up to where I want it yet, but I'm playing catchup best I can.  Hats off to you who have been doing it for years, and thanks for your stories, help, and enthusiasm.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Hotrodvw on January 03, 2009, 18:10:51 pm
I'm almost 36, and got the 'bug' early on when my dad and uncle were in to them, and dune buggies.  We bougth me a '67 for my first car, I've been sunk ever since.  I had that car for a couple yrs, then sold it for who knows why.  I took 12 or so yrs off, and now I'm back into it full bore.  Good times!!! Here's a pic of my first VW. 


Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: louisb on January 03, 2009, 18:29:53 pm
Wow, I just realized I have been into bugs for 18 years. At 36 that is half my life. Add 8 previous to that being into muscle cars and hot rods. Damn I feel old.  ;D


Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: crofty on January 04, 2009, 10:22:44 am
They must have loved the lic plate!  ;)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Sarge on January 04, 2009, 19:05:53 pm
Time to head off to Nick's this afternoon for a club meeting.  It's been 45 years for me and I still get excited with the thought of a ride in a hopped up bug... to hang out with good friends and talk some shit, have a burger and forget about all the drama of life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything! 8) :)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Harry/FDK on January 04, 2009, 19:20:06 pm
 :o 8) 8)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Eric Justus on January 04, 2009, 19:24:03 pm
Sounds like a good day for a nice ride today, Sarge. I havent been to "Nick's" since it was "DQ." Is there still a good little gathering there at nights? Maybe I can cut some holes in the floor pan of the 55 and fred flinstone it down there...hahaha :D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 04, 2009, 19:31:56 pm
Just about 12 years ago my dad told me I needed to go pick up a HotVWs so we could order a few things to get his '72 going again for me to drive. So fresh out of school one day, and walking on my way to my dads shop I stopped by the gas station and picked up the January '97 issue, the one with Greg Brinton's racecar on the front, and Geoff Peterson's Garnet Red '59 inside. I was immediately hooked. I soaked up every word, even though I had no idea what a "2442" was ::) I remember asking my dad how much his 1776 was "bored over" expecting to hear something like .030" or .060"!! :D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Sarge on January 04, 2009, 20:27:26 pm

Sounds like a good day for a nice ride today, Sarge. I havent been to "Nick's" since it was "DQ." Is there still a good little gathering there at nights? Maybe I can cut some holes in the floor pan of the 55 and fred flinstone it down there...hahaha :D

First Sunday of the month, dude.... see you there!

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: vwcab on January 04, 2009, 20:33:29 pm
Time to head off to Nick's this afternoon for a club meeting.  It's been 45 years for me and I still get excited with the thought of a ride in a hopped up bug... to hang out with good friends and talk some shit, have a burger and forget about all the drama of life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything! 8) :)
Life can be beautiful,have some fun Sarge.  ;)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Eric Justus on January 04, 2009, 20:44:11 pm

Sounds like a good day for a nice ride today, Sarge. I havent been to "Nick's" since it was "DQ." Is there still a good little gathering there at nights? Maybe I can cut some holes in the floor pan of the 55 and fred flinstone it down there...hahaha :D

First Sunday of the month, dude.... see you there!

Just took the slicks of my dads car...looks like we are cruisin today! :D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Sarge on January 04, 2009, 20:44:37 pm
Time to head off to Nick's this afternoon for a club meeting.  It's been 45 years for me and I still get excited with the thought of a ride in a hopped up bug... to hang out with good friends and talk some shit, have a burger and forget about all the drama of life.  I wouldn't trade it for anything! 8) :)
Life can be beautiful,have some fun Sarge.  ;)

When your my age, life IS beautiful! ;) ;D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: tikimadness on January 04, 2009, 20:50:08 pm
Hey Jim did you ever thought of writing down your memoires?Should be fun to read.

Keep writting that good stuff ;)


Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Sarge on January 04, 2009, 21:36:30 pm
Hey Jim did you ever thought of writing down your memoires?Should be fun to read.

Keep writting that good stuff ;)


Thanks, bro! ;)

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Bewitched666 on January 04, 2009, 22:52:37 pm
Hey Jim,cool story.
I can relate too as i started thinkering with vw beetles in 1986 ;D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Jon on January 05, 2009, 13:23:00 pm
I'm almost 36, and got the 'bug' early on when my dad and uncle were in to them, and dune buggies.  We bougth me a '67 for my first car, I've been sunk ever since.  I had that car for a couple yrs, then sold it for who knows why.  I took 12 or so yrs off, and now I'm back into it full bore.  Good times!!! Here's a pic of my first VW. 


NICE stance!! Just perfect!

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: bugnut68 on January 06, 2009, 18:28:23 pm
I cannot believe it has been 22 years of having a VW be such an element in my free time. Being 38 years old, this old thing has taken up much of my focus for more than half my life. A lot of things have come and gone in 22 years (including, almost, my '67) and to jump in the thing this morning and drive it to work it sort of hit me just how long it has been. You'd think in this amount of time a few things would have happened....A) I would have nailed down every stupid little thing that bothers me when driving the car, B) I would have grown bored with driving it (though driving a quiet, modern, auto-trans car most days keeps the VW in perspective) but neither has happened. There's still a stupid-long list of things to do, and I still get a jolt from listening to the Webers crack wide open.

 I guess the best thing is the people I've met along the way and the things I've learned though. While the car has been fun (among other things), the real fun has been the crap my VW friends and I have been through in the last 22 years. Stuck in the middle of nowhere broken down, bloody cuts, chemical burns, being held at gunpoint by LAPD, getting dizzy from carb cleaner, garage fires, wheels falling off and rolling past little kids walking home from school, grease-city in my parents' garage, countless pissed off girlfriends, even more pissed off neighbors, driving over a field of tarantulas on I-10, flat cams, exhaust-gasket cheeseburgers...  it's all been so much fun.

Okay, you've gotta elaborate on the LAPD story... my curiosity is piqued.

Sheep and I were traveling to Phoenix Bug A Rama in fall of 1990, from San Francisco Bay Area. We left Pleasanton about 4pm on a Friday, got to Norwalk around 9pm that night. We stopped at the Motel 6 right off I-5, what is that, the Carmenita exit? Anyway, we paid for a room, then jumped back in my Bug to go to Jack in the Box for dinner, down the street.
We pull into Jack's parking lot, and we're about to park and a squad car pulls RIGHT behind us with lights on, and officers get out, weapons drawn and order us from loudspeaker to show our hands. We were separated, searched, and questioned. Seems a "blue VW" had been seen near the scene of a warehouse robbery near there and we "fit the description." My driver's lic showed my Pleasanton CA address, which made the cop scratch his head "What are you doing in LA?"... anyway our stories matched, so they laughed, we laughed, and they were cool, and we got our Jumbo jacks and hid out that night. Though we listened to crack fiends getting busted right outside our window all night too.

there was also the time my dad and I got held gunpoint by Plumas County (CA) sherriffs because they had overheard us saying "ok we're going to go pick up my crank", which was a Scat 82mm.... not the crap people snort. Stupid cops. They had my friends shed scoped out I guess. I was rebuilding my 2276 in his shed when I lived in Quincy, CA, and some of the locals were suspected of dealing I guess. We went by my friend's to pick up my case to get hot tanked and told him we'd be back "with the crank" and that turned them on I guess. Crappy thing was they "caught" my dad and I at my work, and we were cuffed and stuffed in front of customers and my boss. Didn't look too good.

Great story!  Good stuff... I always enjoy hearing such tales.

I've been into Volkswagens since I was a tot.  I remember bringing my Dad down for Bug In 32 in 2005, and telling Dyno Don, 'This si the man that got me into VWs.'  Dyno put on his best sympathetic face and replied with a hand on my dad's shoulder, "I'm so, so sorry..."  ;D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: Tony M on January 06, 2009, 19:52:47 pm
Nice one Jim - only 22 years - Going on 33 years of owning, crashing, rebuilding, buying, selling..... But every time i start my engine it still feels like the first time. Sarge 45 Years - outstanding.

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: bugnut68 on January 06, 2009, 20:31:53 pm
For me, being away from the scene is the biggest difficulty... the longer I'm away from VW events and other VW people the more the "it's time to get out for now" mentality starts to sink in. Going to Bug In last year and in 2005 was just what the doctor ordered.  I'm going to try for this year, but depends if my dad wants to go and what the fund situation looks like... as I'd like to make progress on my '70 this year.  ;D

Title: Re: 22 years of this
Post by: stealth67vw on January 07, 2009, 03:14:33 am
I'm going on 21 years. I built my first VW engine for my Dad's 68 bus when I was 13 back in 1988, went to my first VW show in 1989 (Pleasanton Bug Bash) and pretty much grew up around VWs. My Dad had a 1.8 Type 4 powered 1966 Notchback when I was born and sold it when I was 12, right before my interest started to take hold.  My first official VW was a 1965 Karmann Ghia when I was 14. I sold it when I was 15 so I could buy a 1967 bug and a 1970 Ghia that I drove until I was 19. I still own the 67 bug today. I've owned at least 1 VW ever since before I could drive. Only a short stint in 2002 have I only owned 1 VW at a time. I have four at the moment, and 2 of them run.  ;D Now that my life is more situated, I can afford to have more and take them to the next level.