Title: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Chris W on January 21, 2009, 18:33:46 pm Looking for more pictures of fat biscuit interiors please.
(http://lh5.ggpht.com/_WfCoy6mmPwA/SWu4auH_wlI/AAAAAAAAFHQ/608o6smIvTo/s800/Dash%20and%20wheel%20picture.jpg) (http://lh6.ggpht.com/_WfCoy6mmPwA/SXdb0MUm6lI/AAAAAAAAFN8/92ahdUAheDk/s800/Interior%201.jpg) (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_WfCoy6mmPwA/SXdbz-zG31I/AAAAAAAAFN0/uytCusT4PIQ/s800/Interior.jpg) Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: roland on January 21, 2009, 19:29:00 pm don't know if you've seen these:
http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php/topic,591.0.html http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php/topic,2819.0.html http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php/topic,619.0.html Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 21, 2009, 20:45:18 pm We did this one up at the shop I work at for the Slingle Cab. It uses a modified type 3 backrest with armrest, as well.
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Lenny on January 28, 2009, 03:51:47 am We did this one up at the shop I work at for the Slingle Cab. It uses a modified type 3 backrest with armrest, as well. Awesome use of the rear Type 3 seat!! Very cool. Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Chris W on January 29, 2009, 18:46:18 pm Thanks guys- Keep them coming! I have been looking for fat biscuit done in red, kinda hard to find.
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Lenny on January 29, 2009, 19:11:44 pm Thanks guys- Keep them coming! I have been looking for fat biscuit done in red, kinda hard to find. We make them here with no problem. (http://classicvws.com/cars/bisquit.jpg) Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: danny gabbard on January 29, 2009, 19:19:25 pm Lenny can I get gravy with those biscuits? That blue interior looks nice and tight, Like always
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: j-f on January 29, 2009, 20:16:27 pm Here is mine. :)
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Rennsurfer on January 30, 2009, 05:36:53 am Lenny, those blue interior pieces look GREAT.
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: louisb on January 31, 2009, 16:52:20 pm Here is mine. :) Hey J-F, what color is that? I have got it in my head that a terracotta color fat biscuit pattern would look good in a black car. Trying to think of something that is not the usual red, black, gray, tan combo you always see in black cars. Or maybe a dark coca or navy blue just to be a little different. --louis Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: speedwell on January 31, 2009, 17:48:48 pm More a red scrubs louis ;) , those seat are the same as mine , same creator ;D ;D the design and color are different ,mine are black with empi logo insert
Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: Cheesepanzer on January 31, 2009, 22:21:53 pm We did this one up at the shop I work at for the Slingle Cab. It uses a modified type 3 backrest with armrest, as well. That's bitchin! I'm looking to re-do my interior on my 63 SC and love what you've done to yours. 8) Title: Re: Fat Biscuit Interiors! Post by: j-f on February 01, 2009, 18:59:52 pm Here is mine. :) Hey J-F, what color is that? I have got it in my head that a terracotta color fat biscuit pattern would look good in a black car. Trying to think of something that is not the usual red, black, gray, tan combo you always see in black cars. Or maybe a dark coca or navy blue just to be a little different. --louis As Fabian said, they are red ;) But it depends of the light. |