Title: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Jim Ratto on January 23, 2009, 19:37:12 pm =
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: speedwell on January 23, 2009, 19:55:46 pm maybe i'm stupid but wha't the VIN ??? chassis number ??? ..................................... ::) ::)
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Jim Ratto on January 23, 2009, 20:07:05 pm maybe i'm stupid but wha't the VIN ??? chassis number ??? ..................................... ::) ::) Yep same thing :) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: speedwell on January 23, 2009, 20:39:55 pm ok the chassis number of my 61 is 3.8......... ;
but actually i replaced the original pan by an 63/64 and the VIN is 59.... the first one circulation date was 29/01/64 and here's a pîcture of the guarantee of my 61 car i still have the maintenance pad Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Jim Ratto on January 23, 2009, 23:47:37 pm built Oct 25, 1966, was zenith blue, somewhere I have engine # (H...)
Doctor of some sort took delivery in Germany owned car until 1984 or 85 Friend of my parents bought car in 84-85, added chrome 5.5" wheels did some body work, Euro blade bumpers I got car in Dec 1986, car was zenith blue until Dec 1989, when it was painted its current color. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sam K on January 24, 2009, 00:30:11 am My Bug is a '67, VIN# 117****** (modified to keep my secret identity a secret) 8). According to the birth certificate, it was assembled on october 11th, 1966 and shipped on the 25th. The roiginal color was L633 Vngblue with a platinum (white) interior. Options were M002/358 US equipment and M093 hinged rear side windows. My uncle purchased it from a young couple in 1969 or so. he told me that he only wanted a '67 and looked at several before he chose it. I bought it from my uncle in October 1990. It had 199,630 miles and was completely original and more or less on it's last legs. Since I've owned it, it's been through a great deal of changes. I could list them all, but it would take a couple pages ;D. The current paint was done in June 2001. It's Honda Electron Blue, a color from a 2000 Civic SI.
(http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f315/67bug/072.jpg) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 24, 2009, 00:31:51 am My 67 is 117117279. I bought it August 8th 1998, originally Savannah Beige. Man I wish I had THAT car back!!
The GTV is 112....?? Bought by Tom Hanks (not that Tom Hanks, though ;)) in Salt Lake City, Utah. Driven until the winter of '86-'87 when he parked it in the garage because he thought the motor had enough. I found it with almost 108k on the clock, and (am still) resurrected it. Just turned 123k miles last weekend :) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 02:49:00 am REAL BAD IDEA! Vin numbers are one path they're using for identity theft!
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 24, 2009, 03:56:43 am REAL BAD IDEA! Vin numbers are one path they're using for identity theft! Word up, Home Skillet! You beat me to it. I was gonna post something about urging NOT to do this. At least not on a public venue. Private messages or e-mails, perhaps. Good looking out, John. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Zach Gomulka on January 24, 2009, 03:59:49 am Nobody wants my life!!! :D
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: 58vw on January 24, 2009, 05:26:49 am is this one of those scams....send me $5.00 and your account # and ill put 3 million in your account for you to keep......... ;D
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 05:58:04 am There are several VIN scams. One is that your VIN is taken and put onto another vehicle of the same make and year. The car is then sold to a new owner and promptly stolen back by the seller, who restores the original VIN. The car is reported stolen and YOUR car is impounded and YOU arrested. Meanwhile the thieves have a pocket full of cash and are onto the next VIN number replacement with their car. This is only one example.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: 58vw on January 24, 2009, 08:11:42 am sooooo.......thats what jims up to!!!! >:(
;D ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Bruce on January 24, 2009, 08:13:56 am Thieves aren't gonna do that scam with an old VW. They'll do it with a newer belly button car. Much easier to harvest a VIN from any car in any parking lot anywhere in the world. All VINs are visible from the outside of the car.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Black Sheep on January 24, 2009, 09:12:07 am REAL BAD IDEA! Vin numbers are one path they're using for identity theft! Kinda what I was thinking too , VIN posted on a public forum are of great use to anyone looking to sell on or ship a vehicle of dodgy origin . So far you have a couple of 67's a 66 and a 61 in the library to choose from ::) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 17:42:15 pm Thieves aren't gonna do that scam with an old VW. They'll do it with a newer belly button car. Much easier to harvest a VIN from any car in any parking lot anywhere in the world. All VINs are visible from the outside of the car. This is why Police agencies now tell you to cover your VIN with tape on your new car. You can put it on forum and just hand it to anyone, if you like.Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 24, 2009, 18:00:09 pm Much easier to harvest a VIN from any car in any parking lot anywhere in the world. All VINs are visible from the outside of the car. True, about the parking lot. And you're right... most cars have visible vin plates. Except mine. I've covered 'em for years. Brown electrical tape in the wagon and black for the Bimmer. Vinyl tape is a beautiful thing. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Jim Ratto on January 24, 2009, 18:04:51 pm sorry for the lame idea
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Harry/FDK on January 24, 2009, 18:10:02 pm sorry for the lame idea Jim, try it on some "greeder" forum. ;D ;D ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 18:16:21 pm Yeah, Jim! I'm gonna give you a punch in the skull! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 24, 2009, 18:17:22 pm sorry for the lame idea Don't be sorry, Jim. I actually like your ideal. Sadly, the world that we live in is the lame part, because there are moronic individuals that live life their way they do. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 18:22:21 pm Thank God for you, Mark!
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: j-f on January 24, 2009, 18:27:22 pm sorry for the lame idea Don't be sorry, Jim. I actually like your ideal. Sadly, the world that we live in is the lame part, because they are moronic individuals that live life they way they do. It's so true. :-[ Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Fastbrit on January 24, 2009, 18:32:51 pm Thank God for you, Mark! (http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t318/Photokernow/holiday_inn_sign.jpg)Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Jason Foster on January 24, 2009, 18:35:37 pm well we can keep this going with either omitting vins or not disclosing the whole thing. I have my birth certificate I'll possibly scan it to show with the vin covered of course. Good looking out John.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Dave Rosique on January 24, 2009, 19:00:19 pm sorry for the lame idea Don't be sorry, Jim. I actually like your ideal. Sadly, the world that we live in is the lame part, because they are moronic individuals that live life they way they do. True, sad but true... Back in 1974 when I first started buying Snap-on Tools, one of our customers, a Long Beach city Prosecutor suggested I engrave my social security # on each tool since that number could be easily traced... I did for a few years... Could you imagine doing that nowdays with all the dirtbags trying to steal your identity? ~DR. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 24, 2009, 21:09:14 pm (http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj128/Rennsurfer/HolidayInnSign.jpg) Wow, Keith... I didn't know you CARED. :-[ Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: John Rayburn on January 24, 2009, 21:59:56 pm Thank God for you, Mark!
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Fastbrit on January 24, 2009, 23:19:18 pm ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D ;D :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sam K on January 25, 2009, 02:25:44 am Thieves aren't gonna do that scam with an old VW. They'll do it with a newer belly button car. Much easier to harvest a VIN from any car in any parking lot anywhere in the world. All VINs are visible from the outside of the car. This is why Police agencies now tell you to cover your VIN with tape on your new car. You can put it on forum and just hand it to anyone, if you like.In my WRX, I used to keep the Dashboard VIN# covered because there were a rash of WRX thefts a couple years ago. Some of the local dealerships were cutting keys from the VIN without having people prove ownership. Anyway, I was pulled over and while writing my warning ticket , the officer made me remove the tape from my VIN# and told me it was against the law to cover it. I covered it up again the next day. 8) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 25, 2009, 06:56:26 am Anyway, I was pulled over and while writing my warning ticket , the officer made me remove the tpse from my VIN# and told me it was against the law to cover it. I covered it up again the next day. 8) Amen, brother. Good on ya. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Neil Davies on January 26, 2009, 10:56:30 am When I bought my '51 (just over 3 years ago) I rang an old friend who's a real vintage buff. He asked for the VIN number to see if he could identify it. Turned out he'd got an old database from the mid-90's with all the VIN numbers of split window beetles known in the UK at that time. I gave him the first three numbers and he told me the last three! Then he told me when the car had come into the Uk, where from, and a load of information about the car that I didn't know. He even said he remembered seeing the car back then and might have some photos!
Not much of a point to all that, other than that although a database of VIN numbers might be a good idea as a private resource, it's probably better off as that, not a public thing. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sarge on January 26, 2009, 14:34:17 pm Some of the local dealerships were cutting keys from the VIN without having people prove ownership. Keys are a HUGE problem at the dealership. We don't let ANYONE off easy when it comes to ordering them (especially if they've lost all their keys... you need a current registration and drivers license to apply as well as being the OWNER of the car. It's amazing how many times we have to go over and over this with a customer ::)). All new VW's and Audi's 2000 and up have immobilizer ignition systems meaning the key must be programed to the car (that will be an additional $125 :)) by our Service Department to get the vehicle to start (it's amazing how many times we have to go over and over THIS with a customer, too ::)). We also have to keep all this information in a log book which could be inspected by "Big Brother" at any time. Duplicating a customers existing key doesn't require all the paperwork... we have a small mill for doing the flat sided center cut late model keys as well as a relic of a machine for doing the older conventional looking keys. One tiny screw-up and you get to start over again.... the boss is ALWAYS watching, too. >:( :( Just one of many blood pressure tests in a day at the Fun Zone. ;) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Brian Silva on January 26, 2009, 18:34:55 pm Haha, Had the same experience as Sarge at the Mercedes dealer I worked at. When a customer wanted to order a key, they had to go thorough the same process for purchasing a key. They bocked and squeeled once they found out a single key cost $210 :o dollars but for that kind of money we threw in the programming for no charge.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Rennsurfer on January 27, 2009, 01:52:56 am Great post, Sarge. Good to hear that dealerships are going beyond a few us car owners covering the vin.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: lawrence on January 27, 2009, 02:02:15 am Some of the local dealerships were cutting keys from the VIN without having people prove ownership. Keys are a HUGE problem at the dealership. We don't let ANYONE off easy when it comes to ordering them (especially if they've lost all their keys... you need a current registration and drivers license to apply as well as being the OWNER of the car. It's amazing how many times we have to go over and over this with a customer ::)). All new VW's and Audi's 2000 and up have immobilizer ignition systems meaning the key must be programed to the car (that will be an additional $125 :)) by our Service Department to get the vehicle to start (it's amazing how many times we have to go over and over THIS with a customer, too ::)). We also have to keep all this information in a log book which could be inspected by "Big Brother" at any time. Duplicating a customers existing key doesn't require all the paperwork... we have a small mill for doing the flat sided center cut late model keys as well as a relic of a machine for doing the older conventional looking keys. One tiny screw-up and you get to start over again.... the boss is ALWAYS watching, too. >:( :( Just one of many blood pressure tests in a day at the Fun Zone. ;) Same deal over at To#¤ta, Sarge. A few years ago I worked the retail counter and I would deal with customers and their keys on a daily basis. Run the VIN, get the key code, cut the key, etc. I got quite good and the parts guys usually asked me to cut them because I had the magic touch ;D With some keys ranging from $75-$125 the boss didnt want many screw ups. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sam K on January 27, 2009, 02:40:25 am A very close friend of mine lost the only key to his '98 Audi A4 (which I had previously owned and ended up with again later, but that's a whole other story) while on vacation. The car was in the airport parking lot and something like $15.00 per day. betweem the parmking fees and the cost of a new "switchblade" key and getting it programmed to the car, it cost him a small fortune.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sarge on January 27, 2009, 17:24:05 pm Being a dealership in Santa Ana, you can only imagine how many car "flippers" (those in the business of buying and selling used junk) we get to deal with on a daily basis involving keys. Then there's the young gals who lost all their keys (at the club they were at last night) and want us to drop EVERYTHING we're doing NOW and make a key over the phone for pick-up in the next five minutes ::)! I HATE KEYS!!! >:(
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: lawrence on January 27, 2009, 21:11:28 pm Being a dealership in Santa Ana, you can only imagine how many car "flippers" (those in the business of buying and selling used junk) we get to deal with on a daily basis involving keys. Then there's the young gals who lost all their keys (at the club they were at last night) and want us to drop EVERYTHING we're doing NOW and make a key over the phone for pick-up in the next five minutes ::)! I HATE KEYS!!! >:( I like to classify those people into the group called MORONS!! ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Bugsy on January 27, 2009, 22:12:53 pm Yes Lawrence. MORONS!
In many cases the Polo owners seems to be the worst and S8 owners is the more understanding one. In Sweden we now have to order the keys with the help of VIN, already cut from our Audi/VW importer, Takes a couple of days but you should have thought of that before you lost your LAST key, instead of makeing a copy of the existing one ;D. SARGE How easy is it if you need a key to an older car in the states, up to 95'? Do you have axcess to an existing code or do you sell new locks right on? I would say in our case it's almost impossible to get the code to those. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sarge on January 28, 2009, 00:46:36 am I like to classify those people into the group called MORONS!! ;D Well put, dude! ;D Yes Lawrence. MORONS! In many cases the Polo owners seems to be the worst and S8 owners is the more understanding one. In Sweden we now have to order the keys with the help of VIN, already cut from our Audi/VW importer, Takes a couple of days but you should have thought of that before you lost your LAST key, instead of makeing a copy of the existing one ;D. SARGE How easy is it if you need a key to an older car in the states, up to 95'? Do you have axcess to an existing code or do you sell new locks right on? I would say in our case it's almost impossible to get the code to those. Nowdays, we don't get involved with helping those who've lost all their keys on pre '99 model cars... we send them to the locksmith. ;D In the old days, we had a code book that corresponded to the lock number stamped on the door handle or the ignition lock and a squeeze cutter to make keys (extremely easy to screw up). I don't miss that a bit! Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Jim Ratto on January 28, 2009, 00:53:20 am Nowdays, we don't get involved with helping those who've lost all their keys on pre '99 model cars... we send them to the locksmith. ;D In the old days, we had a code book that corresponded to the lock number stamped on the door handle or the ignition lock and a squeeze cutter to make keys (extremely easy to screw up). I don't miss that a bit! [/quote] Hey uh... Sarge you guys have a key for my Bug? ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Sarge on January 28, 2009, 01:38:48 am Hey uh... Sarge you guys have a key for my Bug? ;D Next time I see you, remind my about it and we'll try my key.... I bet it works ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Jim Ratto on January 28, 2009, 01:42:21 am even in a non RED '67? ::)
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Jim Ratto on January 28, 2009, 01:59:57 am Sarge, sheep wants to order your back door key. Got those?
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? Post by: Neil Davies on January 28, 2009, 11:39:44 am Hey uh... Sarge you guys have a key for my Bug? ;D Next time I see you, remind my about it and we'll try my key.... I bet it works ;D My old '67 door handle could be opened with any key - my front door key for one! I also used a teaspoon once, and I have even used the arm of my sunglasses... Glad I got a new handle a while back! :D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sarge on January 28, 2009, 14:30:44 pm Sarge, sheep wants to order your back door key. Got those? I don't like the sound of that.... ::) ;D My old '67 door handle could be opened with any key - my front door key for one! I also used a teaspoon once, and I have even used the arm of my sunglasses... Glad I got a new handle a while back! :D Hahaha! In the late '80's, I was lucky enough to snag the last OEM ignition switch VOA had to offer. I never paid any attention to the new key profile.... just installed the switch and added the key to the other two on the key ring. One day, to my amazement, I found that my old original key turned the new switch :o. Always fun to get the last of something... nowadays, I spend time looking through the old paper parts catalog I salvaged out of the dumpster years ago for treasure but the pickin's are getting slimmer by the minute. :( Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Donny B. on January 28, 2009, 16:36:21 pm Quote I spend time looking through the old paper parts catalog I salvaged out of the dumpster years ago for treasure but the pickin's are getting slimmer by the minute. By any chance did you managed to get a copy of Progressive Refinements Sarge? Those are pretty cool to look through. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Fastbrit on January 28, 2009, 17:12:32 pm Amongst my ton of old dealer manuals, parts books, bulletins, etc, I have a complete key code book for older air-cooled models, giving the codes and what that means in terms of the profile and dimensions of the key... Pretty interesting (but very boring reading...). 8)
Did you know that back in the 1960s, the same key would fit one in every 64 Bugs? :) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Bugsy on January 28, 2009, 17:46:39 pm Its' sad when the parts disappear from the shelf but it feels god to get the last one. I got the last key to my 62', ordered with keycode.
And the weatherstrip for the decklid to my 66' was the last one too from the Swedish importer ;). Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: lawrence on January 28, 2009, 21:32:33 pm It's bad enough that I am on the lounge during every free moment I get here at To#¤ta. If I worked at a VW dealer I would spend all my time loungin' and seaching musty books for NOS parts. "What, you need a key made? Be right with you sir." ;D
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sarge on January 28, 2009, 23:11:09 pm If I worked at a VW dealer I would spend all my time loungin' and seaching musty books for NOS parts. "What, you need a key made? Be right with you sir." ;D Around here you wouldn't.... Big Brother is ALWAYS watching >:(. I've learned to listen for the creak of the boss's chair, the squeek of the front door, footsteps.... not good gettin' busted as there's always extra duty as pay-back. :( Now, let's see... if I was a '67 window crank, where would I be?? Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sam K on January 29, 2009, 02:39:56 am This discussuion remind me of all those "treasure hunt" artilces from HotVW's back in the late eighties. I think the were written by Jeff Walters and they were basically stories about gong to old VW dealerships and raiding them for all the cool old parts they still had.
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Fastbrit on January 29, 2009, 08:38:16 am Those stories read like an average day for Sarge... :D
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sarge on January 29, 2009, 14:06:39 pm This discussuion remind me of all those "treasure hunt" artilces from HotVW's back in the late eighties. I think the were written by Jeff Walters and they were basically stories about gong to old VW dealerships and raiding them for all the cool old parts they still had. I remember reading some of those! Nowadays there is no treasure. Only piles of power window regulators, 1.8t ignition coils, exchange turbochargers, plastic water flanges and the like....sigh. Oh yeah, and lots of KEYS >:( Those stories read like an average day for Sarge... :D What I want to know is... when do I get to the "average day" of sitting on the patio with a stogie and a nice Gin & Tonic?? ;) 8) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: javabug on January 29, 2009, 14:12:50 pm What I want to know is... when do I get to the "average day" of sitting on the patio with a stogie and a nice Gin & Tonic?? ;) 8) In your case Sarge, its gotta be almost here??? :o :D Respectfully! (ducking) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sarge on January 29, 2009, 14:16:23 pm What I want to know is... when do I get to the "average day" of sitting on the patio with a stogie and a nice Gin & Tonic?? ;) 8) In your case Sarge, its gotta be almost here??? :o :D Respectfully! (ducking) Why I oughta..... ;D Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: John Rayburn on January 31, 2009, 02:13:57 am What I want to know is... when do I get to the "average day" of sitting on the patio with a stogie and a nice Gin & Tonic?? ;) 8) In your case Sarge, its gotta be almost here??? :o :D Respectfully! (ducking) Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Rennsurfer on January 31, 2009, 03:24:59 am Ducking and distance won't help you. Sarge is pretty handy with a mortar! Hang! Fire! BOOM! Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: javabug on January 31, 2009, 03:58:07 am I thought I felt something...is that what that was??? :o
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Sarge on January 31, 2009, 14:17:23 pm Cut the comedy or I'll send you boys a little "something".... >:(
Since Jim's original topic was Lounge Member's Car Registry and we've all decided that showing chassis numbers is not so good, how about a Member's Rides section like the "other" forum has? Just a thought. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Rennsurfer on February 01, 2009, 04:52:29 am Since Jim's original topic was Lounge Member's Car Registry and we've all decided that showing chassis numbers is not so good, how about a Member's Rides section like the "other" forum has? Just a thought. What comedy? We were serious. NOT. ;D Back on topic... yes, 'tis a good thought. Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Neil Davies on February 02, 2009, 10:24:24 am Agreed, and if the car has been subject of a thread in the In Da Werks section, it would be cool if the thread starter could include the link so we can see the build up too!
Title: Re: Lounge member's car registry? and making keys Post by: Brian Silva on February 02, 2009, 20:31:22 pm I think a "members" section would be pretty cool. A few pics (exterior, interior, engine) and a short history of the vehicle. Maybe even who or what inspired you to build the car would be cool as well.