The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: airstuff on January 26, 2009, 10:53:53 am

Title: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: airstuff on January 26, 2009, 10:53:53 am
Which dual carb kits can be used on a stock 1200cc engine,to make it cool period looking engine? ;D

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: Aaron Britcher on January 26, 2009, 12:17:48 pm
Fabricate some manifolds and a linkage then put some early Solex's on each side- simple, cheap, looks old. With some nice fuel lines or hose and some appropriate air cleaners, it could look very 'old'. Something along the lines of an old Okrasa motor visualy.

Stuff like this doesn't have to cost a fortune.

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: beetletom on January 26, 2009, 13:13:16 pm
TDE carbs.

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: speedwell on January 26, 2009, 16:32:37 pm
here's mine empi/speedwell sprintkit  ;)

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: airstuff on January 26, 2009, 16:59:57 pm
Nice carb kit,and a rare one :)ž

I am considering some other options to,what do you guys think about this kit: (


Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: jimi323 on January 28, 2009, 02:49:46 am
i think is made to run on a 1600cc or more... not for 1200cc

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: 181 on January 28, 2009, 12:51:08 pm
Riechert in Germany is still making a kit for 36ers and 40 hp engines. The kit includes manifolds, linkage, air cleaners, seals, jets and all parts needed. They can provide you with 28PCI carbs too or you can buy your own locally. Send them a mail.

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: dirk zeyen on January 28, 2009, 19:52:59 pm
the cb-carbkit is not for 1200cc engines, but you can change jets and venturies.
send cb an e-mail and ask them about runing this carbs on a1200cc engine.
i can give riechert a call and ask about the price for their kits, but i think they are not the cheapest...


Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: airstuff on January 28, 2009, 21:57:15 pm
Thanks guys,

I wouldn't want to buy an expensive carb system for this motor.Also not doing it wright now,cause I have other expenses regarding the 2276cc I'm building,so I will leave it for later.

But I always look for ideas.

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: Rocket-Racing on January 28, 2009, 23:03:42 pm
Like Aaron Britcher says, some home made manifolds (real simple) and a couple of Solex 28 PCI carbs (50's, manual choke) is all you need. A friend of mine has this setup on the original engine in his Ghia and it works really good. A little more power and better gas mileage than stock..

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: Lee.C on January 28, 2009, 23:27:20 pm
I used to have a VERY nice "Vanguard" dual carb setup for a 1200 - it used a pair of 28pict Solex's  and some VERY tall manifolds - I even think the guy that used to make and sell these kits is on here but I can't remember his name  ::) :)

I do have some emails from this guy somewhere - I will dig them out  :)

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: 181 on January 29, 2009, 15:30:20 pm
Thanks guys,

I wouldn't want to buy an expensive carb system for this motor.Also not doing it wright now,cause I have other expenses regarding the 2276cc I'm building,so I will leave it for later.

But I always look for ideas.

It was around 400E not long time ago. Nice price for a complete set without carbs I think..

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: Torben Alstrup on January 30, 2009, 01:53:20 am
Nice carb kit,and a rare one :)ž

I am considering some other options to,what do you guys think about this kit: (

Nope. manifolds do not fit on 1200 heads. they are designed for 15/1600, But a 1300 cc. engine could most likely benefit from them, - with a little jetting.

Title: Re: 1200cc dual singles?
Post by: qubek on January 30, 2009, 11:30:52 am
Nice carb kit,and a rare one :)ž

I am considering some other options to,what do you guys think about this kit: (

Nope. manifolds do not fit on 1200 heads. they are designed for 15/1600, But a 1300 cc. engine could most likely benefit from them, - with a little jetting.

I was wondering if anyone made a comparison between those two carb kits:
Those solexes and ICT's seem to be similar in size.
I have a single port 1600 in mind (definitely not a topic for Pure Racing forum ;) )