The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on May 13, 2009, 17:45:58 pm

Title: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 13, 2009, 17:45:58 pm
never hear much about the guys from across the pond getting busted for speeding, street racing...etc.

What's the punishment over there? You guys have "traffic school?"

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Black Sheep on May 13, 2009, 17:50:28 pm
You get the book thrown at you  :( points on your license fined and the possibility of a custodial sentence at her majesties pleasure  :o not cool

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Fastbrit on May 13, 2009, 17:54:08 pm
In the UK, basic speeding results in 3 points on your license (12 means a year's suspension) plus a £60 (c $100) fine. 100mph or more generally means a bigger fine plus anything from two to six months suspension. Street racing? Hmm, you would most likely be charged with reckless or, more probably, dangerous driving – that would mean a ban of indeterminate length (down to the judge) and a huge fine OR a prison sentence (the latter primarily if a fatal accident has been caused).

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Black Sheep on May 13, 2009, 17:55:53 pm
So not good then

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Nico86 on May 13, 2009, 18:26:13 pm
In France it depends what speed you were driving and what you were doing when you got caught. They can retire a few points on your license and give you a fine (depends on what you were doing too), you may go to the tribunal and have a driving license suspension if you were really dangerous. Maybe you can have some prison, but only if you get caught again (don't remember the name of it in english).
That's if french police can catch you, because they have crappy cars and minibuses  :D :D.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: wolfswest on May 13, 2009, 19:10:33 pm
Once got caught in a nightly illegal streetrace with a bunch of cars.  A was a passenger so I got nothing but my friend who drove got a mayor fine + he lost his license for a month... 

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 13, 2009, 19:27:49 pm
luckily, last time the PO-lice showed up during a street race I was involved with, they didn't even realize the VW was racing (and winning)... had run 2 out of three, cops showed up as the "other guy" (1990's 5.0 Mustang) was going against my friend's Rabbit when the cops appeared. I stayed parked, Rabbit took off (got away) and the guy losing the races got busted.

However, an informal battle that played out in Pleasanton a few years earlier wasn't so easy. Was going up Bernal by fairgrounds, guy in a 635CSi got REAL nasty, so it was on. I was getting off freeway, he wanted past me, flew over to next lane, we met at stoplight. Had my girlfriend in the car and I told her she better grab on tight. Light went green and we left the bimmer way back there, but I wasn't letting up. Stupid me.... Bernal is the street the police station was on. As we approached it, full bore, redlined going into 4th, the inevitable happened... red and blue lights, spotlight... crap. I pulled off and cop comes up bewildered and out of breath. Instead of the usual "license and registration" bit they always say, this cop said "what in the HELL are you doing? Why were you racing that guy?"
I said "what guy? I'm not racing"
Cop: "I radared you @ 92 mph a 1/4 mile back and you were accelerating! It's a 45 zone through here!"

my girlfriend began to cry. I thought for sure I was going to jail. It took a while for the cop to write me up and come back to car. When he did, he didn't say much, at first. then he gave me the story about what happens to kids, and having to rinse the asphalt down and scrape bodies up and so on... yeah thanks, can't you see my girlfriend is already freaking out?

In the end, it cost me over $1000 and I had to attend a 2 day "extreme offender" traffic school 'camp'

Not good.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: bugnut68 on May 13, 2009, 19:32:28 pm
Ok, I'll say it, since no one else has: Street racing's bad, mm'kay?  ;D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Russell on May 13, 2009, 23:02:38 pm
In scotland.... my cars are too fast so not likely to get caught  ;D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Martin Greaves on May 13, 2009, 23:08:32 pm
In scotland.... my cars are too fast so not likely to get caught  ;D

Is that because the old bill still have horse and cart.  :D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Russell on May 13, 2009, 23:16:01 pm
In scotland.... my cars are too fast so not likely to get caught  ;D

Is that because the old bill still have horse and cart.  :D

maybe but at least i can race because my cars actually GO !!!!!!

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Martin Greaves on May 13, 2009, 23:17:09 pm
In scotland.... my cars are too fast so not likely to get caught  ;D

Is that because the old bill still have horse and cart.  :D

maybe but at least i can race because my cars actually GO !!!!!!

Well let's hope my little car will soon. ;D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jon on May 13, 2009, 23:22:56 pm
If you are caught with a "tuned" moped in Norway you will pay $644...  that aught to say something about the level of the fines on the outskirts of Europe...  :-\

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on May 14, 2009, 00:19:38 am

   Nico 86 I love the picture you are using for your member profile from my web site ( DKP line up at one of the Bug - In in Orange County on the track after the event ) Keith Goss car and Mike Martinez chop top can be seen ).


Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: John Rayburn on May 14, 2009, 02:13:58 am
If you are caught with a "tuned" moped in Norway you will pay $644...  that aught to say something about the level of the fines on the outskirts of Europe...  :-\
                                                        So, let's have it , JHU; What happens to you if caught in a full blown street race in Norway?

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Bewitched666 on May 14, 2009, 07:21:09 am
Cops in holland never caught me when i used to streetrace but then again streetracing isnt that popular among the vw beetle crowd.
It wasnt even that popular before the firstThe Fast and the Furious movie,after the movie it caught one a bit.

Holland is kinda slow in car trends as this country isnt really car minded,vw dragracing is just getting popular here the last few years.

Street racing here caught one after the Fast and the furious movie but i think the hype slowed down a bit but you still have it here and there. 8)

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: wolfswest on May 14, 2009, 08:11:16 am
Cops in holland never caught me when i used to streetrace but then again streetracing isnt that popular among the vw beetle crowd.
It wasnt even that popular before the firstThe Fast and the Furious movie,after the movie it caught one a bit.

Holland is kinda slow in car trends as this country isnt really car minded,vw dragracing is just getting popular here the last few years.

Street racing here caught one after the Fast and the furious movie but i think the hype slowed down a bit but you still have it here and there. 8)

That's pretty much the same here in Belgium.  All hell broke loose after the first FATF...  ;D  Illegal streetraces everywhere, many ricers...    I remember the movietheater parkinglot after I saw the movie.  Everybody was doing burn outs, leaving sideways, all bad tempered and ready to race.  ;D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jesse/DVK on May 14, 2009, 08:25:30 am
When you are at a streetrace in Holland the police gives you stupidfines. Like not using your blinker, drving with fog lights etc. These are all 60 euro fines but you get them send home and not beeing pulled over for them so it's hard to prove that you did use your blinker. They do it so it's not fun to go anymore. Speeding tickets are really high also a lot of speeding camera's over here (they were invented by a dutch guy). Also they have this new thing like a traffic school. When the cops think you're driving to dangerous you get a fine (at least 300 euros), they take your licence (up to the judg) and send you to traffic school (at least 750 euros).

My nephew is 16 and I tuned his moped for him. He was doing  95 km/u but your allowed to drive 40km/u. He got a fine of 470 euros!! For a 16 year old that's two months working ridicoulous.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: John Rayburn on May 14, 2009, 08:35:44 am
750 Euros for traffic school?! Yikes! How many hours do they make you go to that?

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 14, 2009, 13:56:31 pm
750 Euros for traffic school?! Yikes! How many hours do they make you go to that?

It's very cheap, actually, John. It averages out to one Euro per hour. 750 hours is fully worth it to get caught, yes?

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jesse/DVK on May 14, 2009, 15:09:39 pm
750 Euros for traffic school?! Yikes! How many hours do they make you go to that?

I believe it takes 3-4 days.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: JS on May 14, 2009, 19:58:42 pm
If you are caught with a "tuned" moped in Norway you will pay $644...  that aught to say something about the level of the fines on the outskirts of Europe...  :-\
                                                        So, let's have it , JHU; What happens to you if caught in a full blown street race in Norway?

The words suspension, jail, and a $$$$ digit fine has been mentioned...

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Lee.C on May 14, 2009, 20:08:59 pm
My Advice - DON'T GET CAUGHT  ;)

Sayin that I did have an "officer" threaten to take the manx off me right there and then BUT luckily he got another call  ;) :)

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Doktor on May 14, 2009, 22:23:01 pm
Street racing here caught one after the Fast and the furious movie but i think the hype slowed down a bit but you still have it here and there. 8)

Almost exactly the same in Croatia...

About seven years ago I got caught for speeding in populated area (was driving about 95 km/h in a 50 km/h zone)...policeman was laughing all the way...
He let me go without any ticket because I was a student at the time, and because I was driving a beetle. ;D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on May 15, 2009, 01:19:13 am
Tis a good thing they're easy to out run :D

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Wünderwolff on May 15, 2009, 07:11:00 am
you might turn out to be a tad bit dissapointed.  ;D  the car you show is only for the cop who messed up an arrest, instead of doing the traffic he has to drive a round in the smart, worst punishment ever.

However the good cop might catch you with this -->

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Nico86 on May 15, 2009, 16:17:40 pm

   Nico 86 I love the picture you are using for your member profile from my web site ( DKP line up at one of the Bug - In in Orange County on the track after the event ) Keith Goss car and Mike Martinez chop top can be seen ).


I didn't know it was one of your pic, that's one of my favorite cal-look photo !

Tis a good thing they're easy to out run :D

Sometimes they patrol with this here :  ;D


And back in the ol'days they had this :


Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Zach Gomulka on May 15, 2009, 19:48:35 pm
Ohh lord I love me the Alpine!!!

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: speedwell on May 15, 2009, 21:06:52 pm
back in the 70's &  80's  here in belgium for the highway the police had some porsche 911 E

here's a link ( with other pictures of the car , the last pictures with 997 police car are just a test to see what the car will look , but specifications and current politics  don't allow to find 911 in police services

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: norfolk boy on May 15, 2009, 21:13:28 pm
dont let the fu*kers catch us then  8) 8)

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: speedwell on May 15, 2009, 21:22:44 pm
and we have some bay windows painted in blue for the police
 ( (
 and red & white for the gendarmerie(  it was in  70's & 80's

and we had some bay windows with speeding camera inside
(  (

here's a survivor  (

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 15, 2009, 21:49:05 pm
Hey, a split bay window... or, a bay split window. Will wonders ever cease?


Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: John Rayburn on May 15, 2009, 22:10:30 pm
I'd like to see those going down the freeway about 70 with the front door open!

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 15, 2009, 22:18:19 pm
Hey, a split bay window... or, a bay split window. Will wonders ever cease?


I would call that a suicide door.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: John Rayburn on May 15, 2009, 22:22:38 pm
Is there a headlight in the door? You could do Morse code driving down the street.

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: Jim Ratto on May 15, 2009, 22:24:40 pm
Sarge... what's the part number on those windshield seals? You guys stock them right?

Title: Re: what happens in Europe if you get caught street racing?
Post by: speedwell on May 15, 2009, 22:31:00 pm
Hey, a split bay window... or, a bay split window. Will wonders ever cease?

good one mark  ;D ;D ;D