The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: drgouk on June 04, 2009, 10:39:15 am

Title: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 04, 2009, 10:39:15 am
   I am buliding a new street car with a little strip action, its a 1965 Australian assembled bug with a 1998 mexican floorpan with early pan halves. The engine is a 2.7l pauter, built along the lines of Don Pauters street motor.
It will have a bus box and I am converting the pan to IRS.
I am looking for a tyre wheel combo that will work with a stock width balljonit beam, with dropped spindles, stock 4 lug brakes. I would prefer not to narrow the front beam, but if I have to I guess I will.
At the rear I don'nt mind having to narrow the trailing arms to get a decent tyre under the guard.

I was thinking of the repo Gasburners, or the orginals if I can find them. Will the GEE BEES fit under my front guards with a 145x15 with the cb dropped spindles?

Are all the repo Gasburner offsets the same? MWS? Cip?

How about the 4 lug versions, Anyone running them with a simular combo?

Another option I had thought about was a set of the flat 4 Fuchs, detailed with black backing 4.5 at the front, 5.5 at the rear. Anyone running these?

or a set of flat 6 fuchs 15x6, These are alot cheaper than the deep 6's

Some input from you guys would be appreciated!


David Gouk

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 04, 2009, 13:53:38 pm
I don't have much input, but as long as you're not going to use 14" wheels up front with the drop spindles (providing that your '98 pan features a ball joint type beam), you should be fine with clearance. Otherwise, the smaller wheel diameter will conflict with the ball joints.

Sounds like you have fun little car. After you get the wheel decision worked out, please post some pictures of it. Good luck with your venture.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Lanny Hussey on June 04, 2009, 15:23:57 pm
I've had dropped BJ spindles interfere with real Gasburners. Although heavier than the originals, the FF Fuchs sure are nice.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: roland on June 04, 2009, 16:07:36 pm
I say avoid the repro GB.. they have a terrible offset and, imo, they look like sh*t... I'd go for FF fuchs or maybe something a little different like this for example:

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: DKK Ted on June 04, 2009, 17:06:42 pm
Hi Dave, here is a pic of my set-up. 69' with 2" drop spindles with repo GeeBee's, But does have a 2" narrow beam. Have no issues at all. 145 tires and disk brakes.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Zach Gomulka on June 04, 2009, 18:22:49 pm
Stock drums? Yikes.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: yvre on June 04, 2009, 18:32:12 pm
Yeah, I was about to say that... 2,7L Pauter engine + stock brakes doesn't sound like my idea of fun.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 04, 2009, 19:24:39 pm
Stock drums? Yikes.

Stock discs. 

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 04, 2009, 19:38:14 pm
Thanks Guys for the honnest advice. Im swayed toward the flat 4 or a set of genuine wheels.
I will post some pics as I get more into it.

Ted, your car looks good with those GB's

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: DKK Ted on June 05, 2009, 05:51:34 am
Thank you Dave, appreciate the nice words.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Chris W on June 05, 2009, 06:03:31 am
I run a stock width beam in my 66 with drop spindles and real Gas Burners on 145's w/disc. The ball joint clears, but not by a ton.


Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 05, 2009, 06:10:00 am
Chris, really dig your car. Looks great in every aspect.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 05, 2009, 07:55:23 am
I run a stock width beam in my 66 with drop spindles and real Gas Burners on 145's w/disc. The ball joint clears, but not by a ton.


Thanks Chris, Thats exactly the look im after, Do you know of any forsale?

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Chris W on June 05, 2009, 16:37:32 pm
None for sale that I know of, I got mine from a wanted add here... (

Thanks Fred!

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: roland on June 05, 2009, 18:11:32 pm

Or something a bit different, very cool and much cheaper:

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 05, 2009, 19:48:04 pm
Thanks for the leads.

Chris, Which brand of drop spindles are you running? Do you have adjusters in the beam?

Is there anything to watchout for with gasburners, when buying S/H?

What is the corrision like on them?, is it hard to keep under control?

How much clearence do estimate between the wheel and balljonit?


Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Chris W on June 05, 2009, 19:54:31 pm
I got all my suspension stuff from Russel at Oldspeed. I would have to look up what spindles he sent me. My wheels were clean when  got them and still have the original primer/paint on them.

No adjusters in the beam, I would like to get in down a little more in the front. With a tank gas and interior I think it will be right where it needs to be.

The Ball joint has about 10mm of room right now.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: bluestar on June 05, 2009, 21:28:03 pm
"Chris w" , I really like the soft look of your car , GB are very clean like original version .

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 05, 2009, 21:42:31 pm
I say avoid the repro GB.. they have a terrible offset and, imo, they look like sh*t... I'd go for FF fuchs or maybe something a little different like this for example:

Roland, are there any difference in the gee bee's from Java or MWS or are they all the same? On the Java website they list them as having a ET40, Isnt that close to the orginal?


Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Chris W on June 05, 2009, 21:59:49 pm
Thanks for the comments guys. Real Gas Burners have a 42mm offset.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 06, 2009, 05:48:22 am
So... what's the final wheel decision, drgouk?

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 06, 2009, 08:46:22 am
So... what's the final wheel decision, drgouk?

Hi Fred, Seriously considering an orginal set of Gasburners. I will let you know once I have done a deal.

Thanks for your help Guys.

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on June 07, 2009, 06:36:09 am
I've had dropped BJ spindles interfere with real Gasburners. Although heavier than the originals, the FF Fuchs sure are nice.

Hi Lanny, Do you remember what brand of dropped spindle that you were using?

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: roland on June 07, 2009, 10:26:51 am
I say avoid the repro GB.. they have a terrible offset and, imo, they look like sh*t... I'd go for FF fuchs or maybe something a little different like this for example:

Roland, are there any difference in the gee bee's from Java or MWS or are they all the same? On the Java website they list them as having a ET40, Isnt that close to the orginal?


ET40 is close yes, MWS have ET35. that's not very different from real ones but that with the dropped spindles and disc brakes, it's a lot..

I think real ones are the way to go  :) But Racecraf car looks very nice with those replicas!

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: drgouk on July 04, 2009, 05:58:03 am
I got all my suspension stuff from Russel at Oldspeed. I would have to look up what spindles he sent me. My wheels were clean when  got them and still have the original primer/paint on them.

No adjusters in the beam, I would like to get in down a little more in the front. With a tank gas and interior I think it will be right where it needs to be.

The Ball joint has about 10mm of room right now.

Hi Chris,
          Just wondering if you could find out what brand spindles that you used? I got a nice set of orginal Gas Burners, but with Empi dropped spindles they rub on the balljoint. Are you running stock disc brakes on the 66? Thanks

David Gouk

Title: Re: wheel combo advice needed
Post by: Chris W on July 04, 2009, 06:01:26 am
I will check and let you know on sat.