The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Russell on June 04, 2009, 21:31:03 pm

Title: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Russell on June 04, 2009, 21:31:03 pm
So ive been thinking if you were a member of a club 20-25 years ago and havent been in the scene for as long is it ok to say Im part of that club now even thought you dont have a car and have recently stumbled accross the www and sites such as this which has allowed you to rekindle old frendships ?

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: louisb on June 04, 2009, 21:36:29 pm
Pulls up chair.



Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Rick Meredith on June 04, 2009, 21:47:33 pm
So ive been thinking if you were a member of a club 20-25 years ago and havent been in the scene for as long is it ok to say Im part of that club now even thought you dont have a car and have recently stumbled accross the www and sites such as this which has allowed you to rekindle old frendships ?

Short Answer: SURE!

Long Answer: In DKK we had active members and inactive members. An active member went to all club functions and paid dues and were able to vote on club policies. club business and officers. Once you went inactive you were still welcome at events and still considered a member but didn't have any of the other rights. Since our club has been inactive for several years, I would say that we're all inactive members. The only exception would be if some one was voted out of the club... Then they would no longer be considered a member.

Best Cal Look clubs have always been about the people... the cars are just a conduit.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: johnl on June 04, 2009, 22:04:26 pm
Even though I've not been active in the VW club world for years until recently I don't feel I left.  I've never consider myself a member of DKP II or DKP III, but still feel I'm part of the original DKP. 

What I've learned since returning to the scene is that the old timers are remember and for the most part respected for what they did back in their day.  I know that when I attend functions today I always feel welcomed and because of that I look forward to these gatherings.

Times have changed, cars have changed and in general the groups have grown up and matured.  In my book this is all good.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 05, 2009, 00:36:06 am
Great post, Rick. But like we said in our club... "Cool is not for sale." And that is the bottom line.

If people want to burn bridges, then so be it. Long as everyone knows what's taking place.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Rick Meredith on June 05, 2009, 00:53:34 am
Cool has got to be earned!  8)

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 05, 2009, 01:11:25 am
Cool has got to be earned!  8)

Ding! Ding! Ding! YEP... you're right on the money with that one, my friend.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: jick on June 05, 2009, 01:32:13 am
"cool is not for sale"  is the greatest phrase ever posted on this forum.

couldn't agree more.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: low oval on June 05, 2009, 01:38:12 am
I would like to believe I was cool 30 years ago, maybe even 25.  I'm afraid "cool" has long since passed me by.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Rennsurfer on June 05, 2009, 01:38:22 am
"cool is not for sale"  is the greatest phrase ever posted on this forum.

couldn't agree more.

Our own McNew gets the full credit for that one. First time he said that at one of our meetings at Larry's Pizza, I almost fell outta my chair from laughing so hard.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Worm on June 05, 2009, 16:31:48 pm
Why does Russell write this crap?  Uh...... so you are asking, ... can I attend a college reunion, even if I don't still attend the college?

Are you REALLY asking that question?  Amazing.

To answer your question more succinctly, HELL YES!  We were all part of something very special 25 years ago that has created a sort of bond and a sense of nostalgia in all of us.  And once a club member always a club member.  We had many "members" that never had their cars "voted in".  I had four or five different VW's the entire time I hung out with DKK and only ONE of them was worthy of having stickers in the windows.  I was STILL a member.  The entire time.  And yes I still am.

Go back to sleep.



Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on June 05, 2009, 17:08:36 pm
LOL Worm ;D  ;D  Get Him >:( >:( 

 I was In DVB in 1975 and early 1976 then Started are own Club DSK with a few Ex Members of DVB and we were all Die Hard VW nuts  I dont Concider myself a DVB Member now but I have a Great Respect for the Club  and for Frenchy for trying to get it Going again but My Heart and Soul Lie with DSK we were mostly all Friends to begin with whitch made it even Better we had 31 Original Members we took most repersented club at the First Rally we attended, I have been a Member of DSK since it Started and I will Die A Member I dont know if we will ever resurface as a Big Club Again but there are a Few if us still active and we are all Building Cars Again some of the car's are being brought back to life as they have been in storage over 30 years still with all the original equipment BRM's, Deano,Berg,Empi Ect. Are Dream Is to Have all the DSK cars at the Classic at the same time when there done Cant Say when that will be as we get older things seem to take longer to get done But we are going to show that OLD SCHOOL IS STILL COOL....             

 ("There's No School Like OLD SCHOOL)

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Russell on June 05, 2009, 23:38:57 pm
So ive been thinking if you were a member of a club 20-25 years ago and havent been in the scene for as long is it ok to say Im part of that club now even thought you dont have a car and have recently stumbled accross the www and sites such as this which has allowed you to rekindle old frendships ?

Short Answer: SURE!

Long Answer: In DKK we had active members and inactive members. An active member went to all club functions and paid dues and were able to vote on club policies. club business and officers. Once you went inactive you were still welcome at events and still considered a member but didn't have any of the other rights. Since our club has been inactive for several years, I would say that we're all inactive members. The only exception would be if some one was voted out of the club... Then they would no longer be considered a member.

Best Cal Look clubs have always been about the people... the cars are just a conduit.


Great answer and that what i had expected, i agree also like the active and non active members part. great idea.

Why does Russell write this crap?  Uh...... so you are asking, ... can I attend a college reunion, even if I don't still attend the college?

Are you REALLY asking that question?  Amazing.

To answer your question more succinctly, HELL YES!  We were all part of something very special 25 years ago that has created a sort of bond and a sense of nostalgia in all of us.  And once a club member always a club member.  We had many "members" that never had their cars "voted in".  I had four or five different VW's the entire time I hung out with DKK and only ONE of them was worthy of having stickers in the windows.  I was STILL a member.  The entire time.  And yes I still am.

Go back to sleep.



Sorry ! ;D

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Worm on June 05, 2009, 23:45:47 pm
So ive been thinking if you were a member of a club 20-25 years ago and havent been in the scene for as long is it ok to say Im part of that club now even thought you dont have a car and have recently stumbled accross the www and sites such as this which has allowed you to rekindle old frendships ?

Short Answer: SURE!

Long Answer: In DKK we had active members and inactive members. An active member went to all club functions and paid dues and were able to vote on club policies. club business and officers. Once you went inactive you were still welcome at events and still considered a member but didn't have any of the other rights. Since our club has been inactive for several years, I would say that we're all inactive members. The only exception would be if some one was voted out of the club... Then they would no longer be considered a member.

Best Cal Look clubs have always been about the people... the cars are just a conduit.


Great answer and that what i had expected, i agree also like the active and non active members part. great idea.

Why does Russell write this crap?  Uh...... so you are asking, ... can I attend a college reunion, even if I don't still attend the college?

Are you REALLY asking that question?  Amazing.

To answer your question more succinctly, HELL YES!  We were all part of something very special 25 years ago that has created a sort of bond and a sense of nostalgia in all of us.  And once a club member always a club member.  We had many "members" that never had their cars "voted in".  I had four or five different VW's the entire time I hung out with DKK and only ONE of them was worthy of having stickers in the windows.  I was STILL a member.  The entire time.  And yes I still am.

Go back to sleep.



Sorry ! ;D

You're a good man Russell! ;D

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on June 06, 2009, 01:40:54 am

   Thanks Shubee for the nice comments my wife Judy and I we already had two meetings at our home and so far the people that are joining are great and nice to be around with. Last Sunday we went to breakfast and we had 10 cars line up. You are right people is what makes the club and not the cars. I know a lot of club may not agree but these are facts.


Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Steve DKK on June 06, 2009, 02:23:51 am
I'm 28 years and a thousand miles away from DKK.  But I feel like I still belong.

Love the lounge...

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: danny gabbard on June 06, 2009, 04:21:20 am
Steve, Do you still remember the secret hand shake, Or do we have to jump you in, again

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Steve DKK on June 06, 2009, 09:04:38 am
Yea I remember, but this time I'm keeping my pants on...

So are you in Reno now?

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: danny gabbard on June 06, 2009, 13:54:51 pm
Steve I will be in nevada till next thursday, Then drive back to hell, I mean OC.

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: nlvtinman on June 06, 2009, 14:47:00 pm
Shubee, what'dya mean "30 years in storage?"...I've only owned the '67 since 1980. And since this is the 3rd reincarnation, it hasn't always been off the road.  :P

But Gary is right, once a member of a club, it becomes a part of who you are.  Impressionable youth we all once were.

As a fellow founding member of the DSK, I won't ever allow those wonderful memories and friends to leave me.
Why, at this  past Bug-In, we re-welcomed one of our other original members. He'd been out of VW's for a long time, but got the "bug" again.
He found a Great! '66. Patina-original ruby red. A different look from the DSK's original requirements of big motors/rare wheels/ no primer, etc.   Doubt we'll ever find the glory of having 31 active members again, but the core of the DSK still exists.

As it does for ALL the VW clubs that once graced the scene.
We may have aged, mellowed, changed our focus- but we are all still addicted to the KDF car. Ain't it Great!

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Shubee2 (DSK) on June 06, 2009, 17:44:35 pm
Shubee, what'dya mean "30 years in storage?"...I've only owned the '67 since 1980. And since this is the 3rd reincarnation, it hasn't always been off the road.  :P

But Gary is right, once a member of a club, it becomes a part of who you are.  Impressionable youth we all once were.

As a fellow founding member of the DSK, I won't ever allow those wonderful memories and friends to leave me.
Why, at this  past Bug-In, we re-welcomed one of our other original members. He'd been out of VW's for a long time, but got the "bug" again.
He found a Great! '66. Patina-original ruby red. A different look from the DSK's original requirements of big motors/rare wheels/ no primer, etc.   Doubt we'll ever find the glory of having 31 active members again, but the core of the DSK still exists.

As it does for ALL the VW clubs that once graced the scene.
We may have aged, mellowed, changed our focus- but we are all still addicted to the KDF car. Ain't it Great!
LOL Steve I was Talking about the Split and the 53 Convertible  LMAO  for what you paid in Storage You could have Owned the  Storage Facilty LMAO and Been Charging rent to Others  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: Speed-Randy on June 07, 2009, 04:14:01 am
Steve, Do you still remember the secret hand shake, Or do we have to jump you in, again
let me see if i remember, up/down,up/down, more lotion, up/down,up/down, then clean up. yeah that was it

Title: Re: Cal Look Clubs and membership expiry ???
Post by: danny gabbard on June 07, 2009, 15:29:54 pm
Thanks Randy! Now everybody knows.