Title: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:46:14 pm Well, Summer is finally here in full force with temperatures in the 90's.... perfect weather for an afternoon cruise over to Knowlwood Hamburgers in Anaheim for a Bacon Cheeseburger and a pitcher or two of brew. It was great driving west on La Palma over to Nick's afterward with Dustin, ScottP, Ben, Carlos, John, Steph, Don, Jay and Dave Mason. The best was after Nick's, though... three wide east on Orangethorpe with Scott and Dustin. I think we caught every light together ::) ;D 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:47:32 pm more..... ;)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:49:00 pm more.... 8)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:51:50 pm This car is SWEEEEET!!
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:53:54 pm Casey was in the house last night... good to see the car back on the road again! 8) 8)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 14:55:21 pm Time to hit the road....
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: speedwell on July 06, 2009, 15:43:19 pm nice pict bro ;)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: SCOTTP on July 06, 2009, 15:51:41 pm Well, Summer is finally here in full force with temperatures in the 90's.... perfect weather for an afternoon cruise over to Knowlwood Hamburgers in Anaheim for a Bacon Cheeseburger and a pitcher or two of brew. It was great driving west on La Palma over to Nick's afterward with Dustin, ScottP, Ben, Carlos, John, Steph, Don, Jay and Dave Mason. The best was after Nick's, though... three wide east on Orangethorpe with Scott and Dustin. I think we caught every light together ::) ;D 8) 8) 8) That was the most fun I've had in a while Sarge. All I could think of afterwards was getting handcuffed and cars impounded. But WTF, it was a kick!! Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Jason Foster on July 06, 2009, 15:56:05 pm Great day captured in great pics. Thanks for the memories guys. Sounds the drive home was a blast! See you soon.
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Rick Meredith on July 06, 2009, 15:58:39 pm Did DKK Fred make it out??
He was talking about doing something different with his wheels and I was hoping for some pics. Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Casey on July 06, 2009, 16:21:53 pm Looks like the "Gang" was is my hood yesterday! Nice pics Sarge. Thx
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: vwcab on July 06, 2009, 22:56:55 pm Nice pics Sarge,(especially the 3 bugs crossing that railroad.) ;)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 06, 2009, 23:34:56 pm Thanks for all the kind words, guys. As with all club drives, you have to be there for the true "experience." Just the best! 8)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: speedwell on July 06, 2009, 23:45:07 pm worm's convert look great with the 2.0 l fuchs :o :o
(http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9516.0;attach=31797;image) Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Worm on July 07, 2009, 01:13:21 am Thanks Dude!
Yah gotta see my new gas pedal! hah! Mark....... Put up some pics of your car with the new wheels. Very unique!!!!! Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Rennsurfer on July 07, 2009, 01:34:47 am That was a fun time, last night. I was expecting the crowd to be lighter than that. Figured that everyone was out of town for the holiday.
Dustin's car. (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss104/Rennsurfer2/NicksDustinsCar.jpg) (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss104/Rennsurfer2/NicksDustinsCar2.jpg) Jim's car. (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss104/Rennsurfer2/NicksJimsCar.jpg) There are almost twenty years of difference between these two cars. A rather nice contrast of sorts, yes? (http://i566.photobucket.com/albums/ss104/Rennsurfer2/NicksJimWormsCars.jpg) Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 07, 2009, 01:52:32 am Four pics?? Out of film I'll bet ::) ;D
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Rennsurfer on July 07, 2009, 01:55:10 am Four pics?? Out of film I'll bet ::) ;D HAHAHA!!! Yep, you guessed it, Sarge. Touchè! Thanks for posting all of the pics, too. But these two just flat out ROCK: (http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9516.0;attach=31780;image) (http://cal-look.no/lounge/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=9516.0;attach=31781;image) Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Jason Foster on July 07, 2009, 15:12:44 pm Mark your car is looking awesome the wheel treatment is stand up good!
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Turtle001 on July 07, 2009, 15:21:31 pm hey mark -- do you have more pix of your car with the new wheels -- looks bitchin!
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Tim C on July 07, 2009, 16:16:18 pm Excellent pictures. Some real "screensavers" right there.
Scott's Ghia looks amazing. 8) Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Dustin on July 07, 2009, 16:48:10 pm Thanks Sarge!! Great pics as always! Thanks for always having the trusty spy cam at hand.
Too bad there were no shots of us launching 3 wide, light after light after light!! ;D ;D Good times!! Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: speedwell on July 07, 2009, 16:51:56 pm mark show us your nipple ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Rick Meredith on July 07, 2009, 17:08:29 pm mark show us your nipple ;D ;D ;D I'd rather see his car! ;) ;D Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 07, 2009, 18:01:33 pm Yeah, more cars!! :) Thanks again, guys! 8)
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Nico86 on July 07, 2009, 18:37:34 pm Great pics Jim 8).
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 07, 2009, 19:06:42 pm Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: drgouk on July 07, 2009, 19:39:21 pm Nice pic's Sarge, Do you have any pics of the club cars with Gas Burners? I have pics of Jim Karforskis, any others? just looking for ideas on how to finish my wheels.
Thanks David Gouk Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 07, 2009, 20:29:09 pm Hey, thanks Doug! Jim K is the only guy with 'Burners in the club... they are originals and well taken care of (dreaded Black Finger Syndrome ;)).
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: bmxnut65 on July 07, 2009, 20:43:58 pm Looks you guys had a good time,wish I could of been there.I use to have gasburners on my car, but Ritchie had to have them, So now they are on his vert.
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Carlos De Alba on July 07, 2009, 23:32:21 pm Looks you guys had a good time,wish I could of been there.I use to have gasburners on my car, but Ritchie had to have them, So now they are on his vert. you were not there so, of course he had a good time........................... :D :D :D :D Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 07, 2009, 23:52:08 pm Looks you guys had a good time,wish I could of been there.I use to have gasburners on my car..... Who ARE you?? :-* ;D Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: alfie the monster on July 08, 2009, 00:26:26 am Awesome photo Sarge ;D
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Sarge on July 08, 2009, 00:30:48 am Awesome photo Sarge ;D Thanks James.... your to blame for all the pics! ;D 8) Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Jim Ratto on July 08, 2009, 00:33:19 am Looks you guys had a good time,wish I could of been there.I use to have gasburners on my car..... Who ARE you?? :-* ;D I hear you have to have gasburners to stay in DKP if you have a white '66 Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: bmxnut65 on July 08, 2009, 00:36:51 am I still have 1 as a spare.
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Jim Ratto on July 08, 2009, 00:37:37 am I still have 1 as a spare. so you are 1/5th in the club? Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: Carlos De Alba on July 08, 2009, 00:37:50 am I still have 1 as a spare. 1 spare pair of Jean Short that is............. :D :D Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: bmxnut65 on July 08, 2009, 00:40:23 am I didn't know I was still in the club. I thought Carlos (one less bean nut) took my place.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: DKK Ted on July 08, 2009, 08:13:46 am Hey Mark, I really like the wheel change you did on your car, any close ups of your setup?
Ted Title: Re: Sunday at Nick's Post by: alfie the monster on July 08, 2009, 16:27:18 pm Awesome photo Sarge ;D Thanks James.... your to blame for all the pics! ;D 8) I get the blame for everything ;) |