The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: nicolas on July 26, 2009, 19:57:13 pm

Title: i didn't know that!
Post by: nicolas on July 26, 2009, 19:57:13 pm
well i just looked at the august 1977 hotvw's issue and came across the article about 'a day at the tracks'. so on page 34 there is a big picture off two bugs on jackstands and 2 people wrenching on it. doesn't ring that a bell? well wait, there is more to it. the car on the left is a nice (very nice) black 67 and the car on the right is the famous beige chop top from Keith Goss/ Keith Seume...
so i had seen this picture before, here on the Lounge. but it was different, if i remember correctly the picure was almost the same, but insted off KG wrenching on the beige car, i think i saw KS.

anyway, i hope someone can find that picture and scan the one from HotVW's to make things a bit clearer.

but, maybe that was not the most important thing about this picture. the fact that this picture struck me was that it is (again) something that seems to be 'part off our hobby', and what a part. i think that besides benchracing and actual racing, wrenching is amongst the funnest things to do in this hobby. helping a friend out on a project, or fitting new parts together seem like nothing major, but are what binds us and make great friendships in this hobby. or am i the only one to think that? i think not as KS went to all the trouble off copying that picture and not others off the car...

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: Zach Gomulka on July 26, 2009, 20:07:20 pm
You are not alone ;)
I spend much more time working on my friends cars than my own :)

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: speedwell on July 26, 2009, 20:58:33 pm
black  67  was mike o neill  ,nicolas

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: nicolas on July 26, 2009, 21:01:48 pm
off course it is, even with the mag next to me i get it wrong. thanks for the first article allready. do you have the picture from here on the Lounge as well?

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: speedwell on July 26, 2009, 21:03:20 pm

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: louisb on July 27, 2009, 12:14:19 pm
In the last photo, who's car is being towed by the chop? Any more pics of that car?


Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: Diederick/DVK on July 27, 2009, 12:16:47 pm
that would be Mike O'neill's 12-second '67.
1776 w140 and Fumio heads. Pretty cool car, not that much known if I'm correct.

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: vwcab on July 27, 2009, 14:17:51 pm
In the last photo, who's car is being towed by the chop? Any more pics of that car?

Hey Louis,there's a little pic in the 1st "california look" book.(K.Goss towing M.Neal's bug to fotoshoot location)  ;)

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: deano on July 27, 2009, 15:06:12 pm
I remember taking that photo in Mike's garage 30+ years ago. We need to do more of that again. Notice Mike's choice of beer?

Title: Re: i didn't know that!
Post by: nicolas on July 27, 2009, 20:23:56 pm
I remember taking that photo in Mike's garage 30+ years ago. We need to do more of that again. Notice Mike's choice of beer?

yep, you should do that again. pictures like this are timecapsules and they tell so much more. in this one it is two pretty famous cars, back then and now, but what is even more important is that the setting or things happening in that picture are probally going to be timeless.

i think i would have quit this hobby years ago if i couldn't get my hands dirty and have the satisfaction, agravation, pain, joy,... off wrenching on my own car. personnaly i don't get it that some people have their car fully built by someone else. not that it is 'wrong', but for me personnally it would take out a big funfactor. that said, sometimes i wish i had more knowledge about some stuff and not always have to rely on a trial and error way off doing things.  ;)

BTW i totally blew it on the idea that the picture KS showed, was a re-enactment off the one in HotVW's  :-\ sorry 'bout that.