The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Peter on July 31, 2009, 16:44:11 pm

Title: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on July 31, 2009, 16:44:11 pm
Well guys,
went to the yearly controle technique today,
but the car failed miserably:
front axle has been welded: need to replace by an OG one
disc brakes: need to put drums on again...
engine: need to put OG in again

damn i feel down....:(

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: speedwell on July 31, 2009, 16:55:30 pm
are you  in oldtimer license plate or normal plate ???
with loldtimer , will don't have that problem , , i was at the control with t-bars , bucket seats , without bells , front beam  with sway a way  welded , no problem in oldtimer , and  here , never arrested by the cops , i drive without front plate , and don't care about the laws  for oldtimer  :D

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Rick Meredith on July 31, 2009, 17:04:56 pm
Cal-Look has always been about sneaking things past the local law enforcement.  ;D

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on July 31, 2009, 17:31:10 pm
thanks guys,
Yeah Fabian its on normal plates..
in the next few days i will register it as an oldtimer..
and hope i dont have to change too much :)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: speedwell on July 31, 2009, 17:43:45 pm
thanks guys,
Yeah Fabian its on normal plates..
in the next few days i will register it as an oldtimer..
and hope i dont have to change too much :)
normal plates = if you'ren't in original condition = tuning 
hope it will work

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Wünderwolff on July 31, 2009, 22:10:42 pm
And once you have oldtimered it, start all the procedures to get it on the road with a proper daily driver MOT. It's hard, but do-able, go show those suckers.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Rennsurfer on August 01, 2009, 00:23:18 am
What a bummer, Peter. I wish you well in getting your car past inspection. Sounds like a big pain.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: nicolas on August 01, 2009, 06:01:43 am
Sounds like a big pain.

understatement off the day. i think there are several stories here from my car about tech inspection in Belgium.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Christofe on August 03, 2009, 17:14:12 pm
get it registred as oldtimer = easy, but get yourself a very good insurance (some companies make insurance contracts covering more that
what the licence plates allows.



Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 03, 2009, 19:41:08 pm
well went today for an oldtimer check, but still i have to change everything back to original again...
Motherf"ckers! :)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Turtle001 on August 03, 2009, 19:52:54 pm
Hey P -- change of MOT station -- try to go to Londerzeel -- i've been there with the 59er -- with my puma under it -- and i had a green card!

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Wünderwolff on August 03, 2009, 20:48:31 pm
get it registred as oldtimer = easy, but get yourself a very good insurance (some companies make insurance contracts covering more that
what the licence plates allows.



Doesn't matter, it's actually illegal to offer insurance covering more than the oldtimer number plates allow for  ::) They can say whatever they want, but get in a nasty accident and you'll know how well you are covered and how fast they'll want to pull out  :-X

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Christofe on August 04, 2009, 10:12:28 am
Excpet that some companies know that problem and do on purpose cover more than what the oldtimer licence plate allows.
Besides, how is it illegal ?

I know that for excemple, Wintherthur offers that kind off contract if you are a member off an official club (like the belgian VW)

The only thing you could get is a claim from the police because of not respecting the oldtimer plates rules wich is about 70 €!

And by the way as the other said, change MOT station.  ::)



PS : I'v been in crashes with oldtimer plates NEVER had an issue.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 04, 2009, 11:28:59 am
I changed MOT station yesterday !
but no luck  :'(

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: wolfswest on August 04, 2009, 12:16:16 pm
I changed MOT station yesterday !
but no luck  :'(

WTF man!  already tested willebroek?

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 04, 2009, 12:46:58 pm
Yep it was willebroek  >:(

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Christofe on August 04, 2009, 15:39:02 pm
Try haren (ch d'haecht) ;D

been there with a body lifted 181 .... so .... :o

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 04, 2009, 18:00:46 pm
I think to be able to pass, i need a person that knows the guys from there and bribe them..
its common practice here but you gotta know that person :)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Christofe on August 04, 2009, 18:09:47 pm
this one

and I don't know anybody overthere .... try it ... ::)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Wünderwolff on August 04, 2009, 19:04:53 pm
It better not drive you to this:

or else you'd better come up with something very good to make the Wünderwaffe proud  >:(

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 04, 2009, 19:14:47 pm
I d fancy a ghia,
and there s no harm in trying, right? :)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: j-f on August 05, 2009, 11:28:31 am
Well, my car is normally registered. I have drop spindles, fuchs wheels, disc brakes and a dual T-Bird exhaust. Never have problems to pass the check.  :-\

But there are  very few bugs around here. And generally not too much modified. Maybe there is more bugs in your area that are hoodrided and slammed (  ::) ::) ). I'm sure it gives pimples to inspectors when they seen such cars on the road. And so, the guy that comes to technical center with a modified bug, is seen as a dangerous road user ...  :-X

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: volkskris on August 12, 2009, 13:28:48 pm
i have some links about getting you r car registered, all in dutch:
in the second link you can read the rules and in the beginning of that link the exeptions. that rules DONT apply to cars whit first registration before 15.06.1968. yours is from before that date, so you can register it on normal plates, you just have to now the law here.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 13, 2009, 00:07:36 am
Thanks Kris!
My head is still spinning from all of that reading!
its too damn complex for my mind now :)
maybe I am tired or the law is hard to understand :)

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: volkskris on August 13, 2009, 10:14:07 am
to say it short, your car (or any car in Belgium with first regestration before 15.06.1968) must follow the basic principles (listed under III):
1. The outside of your car can't have any sharp or pointy edges or things that can make, by their form, aim or hardness, the seriousness off the injuries of the person who has been hit by your car whorse.

2. The outside of your car can't have any potruding things where pedestrians, cyclists or bikers can caught on.

3. The driver must have a free view without any things or inscriptions that obstruct his view. (apart from the mirror I think :D)

4. The wheels of the car must be covered.

5. No dangerous or sharp edges on the inside.

6. The parts and surfaceses where the passengers can bump against must be to the regulation bend and surface ??? (original is fine)

7. The inside of the roof can't have any dangerous or sharp edges.

8. The backside of the seats can't have any dangerous or sharp edges who can cause an injurie for the passengers.

9. Direct or indirect light (in the inside of the car) can only be used on a privat territory.

10. The engine bonnet must have the original hinges and locks.

Thats it. So when you go to the control, print that pdf (, its the latest one) and mark the tings that are important like: page 1, title II,  undertitle 1 where the exeptions are told; title III; and on page 8, title VII, undertitle 1.
They propably wont believe that its like that, but just go to the boss (stationsmeester) and ask it him. they will have to say that you are right, and they will check your car on the 10 points listed above. ;D
sorry for the long post, I hope that it's clear now.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 13, 2009, 11:36:41 am
Is it really that easy?
would be nice...
BTW how were your exams?
got a project yourself?

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: volkskris on August 13, 2009, 21:04:25 pm
you ghave to be really hard, because they will keep saying that you're not right. and when you're going to the stationsmeester, don't forget to lock your car up :P. sometimes they just push your car out of the way and continue.

I got two re-examinations, french and extra math, and i'll maybe get a project when i pass. :(

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 13, 2009, 23:53:55 pm
Hi Kris,
i read on the net the laws, but its a bit more complicating:
cars registered before 68 still have criteria that you should keep:
like not changing the brake system and so on no welding on axles etc...

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: volkskris on August 14, 2009, 11:54:22 am
i think that you should go to the control, to ask the boss (stationschef) what the rules are for cars with first registration before 15.06.1968, because i don't understand a shit from the rules in belgium now :-\. maybe you could contact jonny banaan who could ge a wild street-rod on normal plates.=>
Why can't belgium have a clear law, it's really confusing with al lettres being spread.

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: volkskris on August 14, 2009, 13:01:37 pm
just looked at this link (in dutch):
he got his car trough the control, because he has no "gelijkvormigheidsattest" (don't now the word in english) to get his car registered, so if your car is registered without it, it's no problem, but if you have, you got a big problem

Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: speedwell on August 14, 2009, 21:00:20 pm
pfff what rules  peter ???
 i went to the inspection  with my 61 for my oldtimer plate  , with t bars , berg shifter , t bird , bucket seats  , my 1200 with dual carbs , porsches 356 brakes ,no belt , and they don't ask me anything
 normally , they just control , your brakes (works), the chassis number , the ball joint(rotule/pivot) from the front suspension , nothing else

go to wallonie for your inpsection  ;D


Title: Re: Controle technique SUCKS!
Post by: Peter on August 15, 2009, 01:42:55 am
Thats what I heard as well Fabs,
but when I got there for old timer inspection, it was a different story  >:(

I ll come to you and you can go with my car  ;D ;D