The Cal-look Lounge

Tyre kicking => Off Topic => Topic started by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 16:28:53 pm

Title: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 16:28:53 pm
I was thinking of elaborating what happened in a thread here, but after two days of recovery I don't really think I care too  :D
The very short version is:
Total server meltdown(e.g fried harddrives), corrupt data in the database etc etc...
Two days later and we are hopefully!? up and running again with a loss of 26 threads (probably newest), and 284 posts. This is actually a good thing, because two hours ago I was back to a June backup of the database!

I appologize strongly for the mishap and have now moved this forum to a webhotel provider which should hopefully prevent this from happening again.
Added cost, but better sleep at night for me and a more stable service for you:-)

Glad to be back online!
Please report anything suspisious to me on PM or email


Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: jamiep_jamiep on August 25, 2009, 16:30:11 pm
Hey! Great news is its BACK!!!!!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: jamiep_jamiep on August 25, 2009, 16:31:09 pm

Hey, am I the first to post???? If so, do I get a prize or something?

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Jesus on August 25, 2009, 16:33:55 pm
GOOD work on getting it back up and Online, can't imagine the amount of work it must take, GOOD EFFORT ;D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: jamiep_jamiep on August 25, 2009, 16:37:19 pm

I appologize strongly for the mishap and have now moved this forum to a webhotel provider which should hopefully prevent this from happening again.
Added cost, but better sleep at night for me and a more stable service for you:-)

Don't think you need to apologise Trond, I think everyone will be along to thank you shortly.... Cheers for all the hard work.

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Dave Rosique on August 25, 2009, 16:45:36 pm

Thanks for all your hard work Trond!

Wow... I really missed my daily stroll through the Lounge ;)

(Thanks for the spell check option)


Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 16:50:02 pm

Thanks for all your hard work Trond!

Wow... I really missed my daily stroll through the Lounge ;)

(Thanks for the spell check option)


Haha, scary/funny part is that I have no idea where that came from... hehe.. Probably turned off earlier?
But if it works, nice to have....

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: alfie the monster on August 25, 2009, 17:00:36 pm

Hey, am I the first to post???? If so, do I get a prize or something?

No Jamie, you made it worse by keep hitting refresh page all the time  ;)

Nice to see it back up and running Trond  ;D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Wünderwolff on August 25, 2009, 17:22:49 pm
Indeed good to be online again, was starting to get cold turkey of the daily habit.

If it is more cost, is there any way we could help out? I'm willing to send you my old mac G3 to add to the server park  ;D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: javabug on August 25, 2009, 17:23:12 pm
Thanks for the hard work and aggravation on our behalf.  Is there anything we can help with?

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 17:24:16 pm
Thanks for the hard work and aggravation on our behalf.  Is there anything we can help with?

Yes, enjoy it daily :-)

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Black Sheep on August 25, 2009, 17:43:12 pm
Well done Trond , I was starting to get lounge withdrawal symptom's  :D
Is there anything we can do to help prevent this happening again i,e deleting excess message's stored etc ?
Glenn .

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: louisb on August 25, 2009, 17:45:50 pm
And productivity across the globe plummets.  ;D

Thanks for the hard work and getting this back up. Stuff like this is why I quit being a sys admin a long time ago. (Well that and dealing with annoying users.)


Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 17:47:44 pm
Well done Trond , I was starting to get lounge withdrawal symptom's  :D
Is there anything we can do to help prevent this happening again i,e deleting excess message's stored etc ?
Glenn .

Hehe, not thats not needed :-) We have plenty of space available.
I have run this forum on my own private server since we started, and lately we have had some problems with the server, most likely due to multipe power cuts. Harddrives don't like that too much, databases neither :-) It was finally enough.
I have a new IBM eBusiness server waiting to be installed, but I figured a webhotel would be better. Less to worry about at least :-)

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 17:48:16 pm
Stuff like this is why I quit being a sys admin a long time ago. (Well that and dealing with annoying users.)

go figure ;-)

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Zach Gomulka on August 25, 2009, 17:51:13 pm
No worries, you all do a fantastic job!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Jon on August 25, 2009, 17:51:40 pm
Thanks for hanging in there Trond! And thanks for hosting the forum for all these years, if we can find a way to pay for the web hotel I guess it's the way forward...!

These last days at work have been hell... but productive :-\

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Black Sheep on August 25, 2009, 18:02:36 pm
Ive got a good way to help pay , charge for classified ad's  ;)
I wouldn't mind a small charge and it would stop the mercenary one post's from going straight to the classifieds  >:(

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Speed-Randy on August 25, 2009, 18:13:26 pm
That or we could just paypal a couple of bucks each to trond to help pay for it, if everyone gives a little it wouldn't kill anybody financially

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: vwcab on August 25, 2009, 19:04:06 pm
I'm glad it's back,I didn't know what to do  ;D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Nico86 on August 25, 2009, 19:08:20 pm
Cooooooooool we are back ! Thanks to the team  ;).

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: 71CALRIPPER on August 25, 2009, 19:23:04 pm
If you ever need any server kit donated let me know allways have stuff going through my hands :)


Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: speedwell on August 25, 2009, 19:24:06 pm
Cooooooooool we are back ! Thanks to the team  ;).

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Eric Ellis (57HotrodVW) on August 25, 2009, 19:38:29 pm
I...have now moved this forum to a webhotel...

Hopefully the new location has all amenities enjoyed by those who attended SCC2009 -- alarm clocks that sounded like IDA'd engines, plenty of beer/brown cheese, and fish ponds... ;D

Thanks a bunch for getting things up and running again, as well as making the server change - it's much appreciated! ( (


Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: JS on August 25, 2009, 20:25:07 pm
Thanks for all the hard work Trond, really appreciated!!!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: John Rayburn on August 25, 2009, 20:56:23 pm
Trond, you said there was corruption; possibly from an infected photo, maybe? I hope the new server will let you rest a little easier! And, THANKS!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 25, 2009, 21:08:48 pm
Trond, you said there was corruption; possibly from an infected photo, maybe? I hope the new server will let you rest a little easier! And, THANKS!

No, It wasnt a virus or anything. The database and harddrives doesnt like suddenly beeing without power  :o ::). When this happens weekly over a period due to power cuts and UPS with battery failure.. well.. nuff said...= headache.
New server was almost ready to take over, but I was too late :-(
Ah well... Shit happens, at least we didnt loose to much. My other Norwegian forum is worse, 50% of threads are gone in the corrupt database and nearest backup without corruption is June.. Working on that now.. Will see how that goes....

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: BeetleBug on August 25, 2009, 21:11:14 pm
You`re doing one hell of a job Trond, THANKS!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Russell on August 26, 2009, 00:07:40 am
Well done trond

PM Sent

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Rennsurfer on August 26, 2009, 00:12:29 am
Good job, Trond and anyone else that helped. Good see you guys back online.

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: John Rayburn on August 26, 2009, 01:16:37 am
Thanks Trond!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Wünderwolff on August 29, 2009, 08:32:12 am
Hello Trond, lately I have been getting quite some posts with missing images (even where I could see them before, like the FDK/Hurry camper thread). Could this have something to do with the move of server?

By the way I'm on Mac and Safari. Not always the best combination for web related stuff, but great to test with  ;D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Trond Dahl on August 29, 2009, 12:50:05 pm
I get the same thing on my mac, but I can´t explain why it happens. If you click on the hyperlink right below the missing picture it works...

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Lids on August 29, 2009, 15:44:16 pm
phew, i had to spend a few days doing some work!

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: holmsen on August 29, 2009, 16:05:07 pm
BTW,,,seems like the top ten bus list, got lost with the server crash  :D

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: Lee.C on August 29, 2009, 16:17:30 pm
THANKYOU Trond - you do one hell of a job looking after our little forum - THANKYOU DUDE  ;D

P.S I for one would be willing to pay some kinda fee for classifieds etc - might be worth thinking about :-\ :)

Title: Re: Server crash
Post by: alfie the monster on August 29, 2009, 17:53:00 pm
Charging a few pounds/euros/bucks/whatever for classifieds sounds a good idea. It doesn't have to be fortunes, and it will help to keep this place running  ;)