The Cal-look Lounge

Cal-look/High Performance => Cal-look => Topic started by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 16:53:24 pm

Title: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 16:53:24 pm
Ok, after the short discussion with DKK Fred on the Keep on Buggin' post.... instead of turning their post into another topic I thought we could get a discussion going here.

DKK Fred (Mark), you seem to have a great eye and mind for the little details that make the big difference. How about some thoughts from you about your ideas and how you think of stuff. Like I was saying, your engine compartment on the orange '66 sure looked tidy. Same with your current '67 engine.

Bill Schwimmer has always had good looking engines in the ragtop too. I remember his 1776 42DCNF motor was one of the best looking and cleanest engines I had ever seen. And of course his big IDA motor has looked good for over 15+ years.

Another few of my other favorites, from pics or from seeing them in person....

John Dean's DUMPER 1776cc 48IDA motor.... one of the tidiest 48IDA motors I can remember. Only seen a few pictures of it. The glossy black 36hp shorud, Tayco linkage, polished manifolds, aluminum firewall cover and polished small crank pulley all look nice

Gary Berg's 2110cc from his old Berglar, when Gary owned it. The way a high HP street motor would look if VW made it. All business...

Danny Gab's 2164cc from the black Ghia, the one off shroud, and linkage, 48IDAs, Vertex...

Jim Kurlinski's 90.5x86mm (whatever cc that is) in his java green '67. I remember this car blew my brains right out of my skull first time I saw it in 1991, at Jamboree. Imagine a stock looking java '67, I mean stock ... then just add real BRM mags, and a super clean 48IDA motor with all the best stuff, and a huge turbo muffler under the LH rear fender. Only those that know will know....

And of course the Pepco motor in Galassi's ragtop. No other motor makes guys scratch their heads wondering "WTF?" than Dave's little huffer motor....

I've always strived to try to get my engine to look half as good as these guys' motors...  paying attention to  wiring, hardware, routing of fuel hoses... etc.

What else? One thing's for sure...  to me those over-the-top engine compartments... polished cases, anodized stuff, billet stuff, chromed tin... they look just plain goofy to me. A hp engine should look all business. What are your ideas and thoughts?
Thanks guys....

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 16:59:07 pm
Mark your motor pictured here has to be one of the best looking VW motors I've seen pictures of. Even without Weber 48's.  8)

Thank you, Jim. Believe it or not, the only chrome on that engine was the generator nut and keeper. Everything else was polished. I hated engine chrome then, and detest it even more, now.  I had access to bead and sand blasters at the local VW shops, back then. So anything that went on my car was blasted down to bare metal. In that pic, the decklid spring is raw and unfinished. Every Bug-In, I'd do something different to the car. Change wheels, pull the engine and paint it differently, etc. One year, just to mess with everyone, I sand blasted various engine parts. Like the generator backing plate and many other components. And I left 'em that way, just for that show. A few people noticed it and commented on it. HAHA!! The next year, I built another engine from scratch (see other thread) and kept the coil sand blasted, but this time... I clear coated it and used an N.O.S. Bosch 6v sticker. That was my favorite feature. It's in the pic that you posted. It turned out like a semi-metallic look under the clear. I was really proud of that tiny detail. Another thing was I had a nice set of Type 3 spark plug wire ends on my dist. cap. I'd love to find another set of those for my '67.


The paint that my friend/roommate, Joe, and I used on our tin was AWESOME! Handyman (ancient hardware stores from the old days) used to carry their own line of spray paint that was oil based. So we bought a ton of gloss black because if you knew how to lay down paint... it would look like it was powdercoated or painted by a pro. Too bad that oil based spray paint is long since gone from the market. Since I had years of painting experience dating back to my bikes as a kid, and later... hanging out at the old body shops in Bellflower, I could do wonders with that Handyman paint. I really miss that stuff. I still have a 16" Schwinn Sting-Ray bike that I painted with that same batch of paint. I built the bike to fit in my orange '66 so I had something to ride on while at O.C.I.R. and other VW events. Built it in 1982 and still ride around town. Even has an Al Martinez Body & Paint sticker! I'll post pics of it on my thread.

One thing's for sure...  to me those over-the-top engine compartments... polished cases, anodized stuff, billet stuff, chromed tin... they look just plain goofy to me. A hp engine should look all business. What are your ideas and thoughts?

VERY cool thread idea, Jim. I'll move that stuff on Dave's thread over here. But I've always shared the same thoughts regarding engines in any type of car as you do. Nice to see that I'm not alone. Wait till my friend, Patrick, is done with his turbo '67. He's like me... hates chrome. In fact, so much, that he's not gonna have ANY chrome on the car. But anyway... back on topic.

Brian Plummer's engine is great. Love how he and Danny put that time in on the fan shroud. Subtle and very cool. I'll post some other engine pics on here, too. I gotta dig 'em up.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 17:01:27 pm
Right on, Mark. I had some great pics of Bill's car/engine from 1990 or so, DKK Rick M. has them.... maybe if he comes back 'round he can post them for us?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 17:02:49 pm
Right on, Mark. I had some great pics of Bill's car/engine from 1990 or so, DKK Rick M. has them.... maybe if he comes back 'round he can post them for us?

Cool! Spoke to Rick, yesterday, on the phone. I'm sure he'll be into that.

I remember that oil based paint from Handyman. I used it on bikes and Hot Wheels. The cartoon guy with the H body

You're the first person, in years, that remembers that paint.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 17:15:20 pm
Speaking of all business engines... my favorite aspect on Rick Sadler's '67 is what's under the decklid.

Stephan's also fits the bill.

My all-time favorite convertible late model, ever. Don Metz's engine was also another of my fave's. When he built this car in the early '80s, I was very impressed how he went in another direction than the masses. Left it clean, simple, and very factory looking. The only thing I'd change is lose the chrome gen. backing plate. and any other chrome.

A recent shot of Scwhimmer's engine that I took at Cars & Coffee. Can't leave out Bill's car.

Tim Allen's car at Bug-In 33. VERY impressive car. Lot's of subtle detailing throughout.

Laugh all that you want... but this is the best looking VW air-cooled engine I've ever seen. On the way to the parking lot, at Bug-In 33, as we were leaving... my best friend, Bob, and my girlfriend were waiting for me to stop gawking at it. The owner thought I was gonna kidnap it and leave. HAHA!! It's a work of art, in my opinion. It's how my 1915cc will hopefully turn out.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 17:22:38 pm
Sarge's 2.0 liter too.... though I do not have a picture handy right now. Another good looking motor can be found in Dave Rhoads green '64!
(there was a copy of a magazine picture here somewhere recently, I think).
See, I grew up in North Calif, where it seems the VW scene was way different than Southern Calif. Khrome was King, function was flop. Most VW's up north were ratty stock 1600's smothered in cheap chrome tin and tacky bolt on crap. My maiden voyage to OC in 1990 to see Gary Berg's '67 at Jamboree sure opened my eyes as far as how engines should look.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 17:44:57 pm
Darrell's car is AWESOME. I love how simple the engine is, too.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: javabug on September 12, 2008, 17:54:36 pm
All good choices so far.  But there's an important and seldom discussed aspect of engine compartment detailing:

How do you get your pretty engine back into the engine compartment without screwing it up?  Just go real slow?  That's not easy!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 17:56:55 pm
All good choices so far.  But there's an important and seldom discussed aspect of engine compartment detailing:

How do you get your pretty engine back into the engine compartment without screwing it up?  Just go real slow?  That's not easy!

I use blue tape and terry cloth bath towels as I jack motor up into the car. I usually scratch stuff when removing/installing carbs.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 17:57:00 pm
I've never had a problem with getting a detailed engine back in the car. Most of the time, I leave off the shroud or anything else that can be damaged/scratched till after the engine is bolted up to the transmission. Sounds lame, but haven't scratched anything so far. To each their own.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: javabug on September 12, 2008, 18:02:08 pm
Yeah, mostly common-sense stuff sounds like.  Sorry if I'm asking obvious questions, just trying to promote conversation about simple, yet important stuff we never get to hear about.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: louisb on September 12, 2008, 18:29:59 pm
One of my favorite engines. With the black on black paint all you really see are the carbs and block.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Harry/FDK on September 12, 2008, 18:32:28 pm
I'm doing it the "virgin" way as well. First mate block to tranny, and start building her up. Guess what, still scratches. ;)
But i love to take a whole day or two just to do sparkleads, tie-wraps (hidden), oil/breather lines, touch-up, clean etc.
With some good tunes this is my favourite part, it's like putting your heart in that engine for the second time.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 18:39:11 pm
WOW! That black Oval is all business and very mean lookin'. I love it.

Harry, I agree... just put on some good tunes, take your time, and have fun. The rewards when you fire it up and drive it are priceless.

This sucks... I know that I have a picture of Brian Plummer's white '67 engine from Bug-In 33 that I took. Can't find it. But it's in the August '08 issue of Ultra VW magazine. Stephan did a great article and pics. The engine picture RULES. Nothing like a set of Darth Vader black 48IDA carbs. One of the best engines I've seen.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: lawrence on September 12, 2008, 19:39:07 pm
Many nice engines here motivating me to get mine back in the car and make a few small changes while its out.

Isn't there a household chemical that will remove anodizing from AN fittings? Oven cleaner or something?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 19:47:45 pm
Many nice engines here motivating me to get mine back in the car and make a few small changes while its out.

Isn't there a household chemical that will remove anodizing from AN fittings? Oven cleaner or something?

Easy-Off Oven Cleaner works the best! I've using that trick since the late '70s. Use it on anything that's anodized. Be advised that the metal will be left dark and raw. It polishes up very easily with Mother's, Blue Magic, Simichrome, or any other good metal polish. Recently, I built a bait rod and sabiki (for catching small bait fish) rig and when I got the rod from a friend, I liked it but couldn't stand the gold anodized components where the reel attaches. So, I sprayed it with Easy-Off... waited a minute or two... wiped it off... polished it with some Mother's and it looks like polished aluminum, now. WAY easier on the eyes.

Used to do the same thing when I raced BMX (dirt bikes) back in the late '70s. Remove all the coloring from my rims, brake calipers, handlebar stems, seatpost clamps, brake handles, etc. My race bikes were all polished nickel (frame/forks/handlebars) and the alloy stuff was polished. The only black was the brake cable housing, grips, tires, and seat. Made for a very plain but cool look.

Same thing can be done to stainless steel braided hose fittings in an engine compartment. I've detailed many peoples' engines doing that. Looks SO much better than the colored stuff. If you don't want to deal with the constant polishing, you can always put a coat of satin clear over it, too.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: lawrence on September 12, 2008, 19:57:58 pm
Thanks for the tip. Keep up the good work, Mark. ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jason Foster on September 12, 2008, 20:01:09 pm
This was how I originally built mine I loved the clean and simple look. Pure old school here.

 Later I went with MSD and changed fuel system as well as polishing and powdercoating a few things it looks good to me like this too but at times I miss the old rendition.

  Well I guess some will say I ruined a good thing but it sure runs as good as it looks.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: louisb on September 12, 2008, 20:02:34 pm
Wonder is that will work for rims too. I want to strip the clear finish off my gasburner replicas and re-polish them.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: louisb on September 12, 2008, 20:04:02 pm
Doug Mische has another great looking engine. I really like the carb treatment.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 20:17:11 pm
I hope Danny Gabbard can take a break from being Mr. Al Borland Home Improvement and tell us a thing or two here.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: jick on September 12, 2008, 20:42:16 pm
i'm currently detailing my engine parts.....i'm going for  totally black & gold anodised.  sorry Fred! ;)

just want to do something a little different and matches my cat


going for solid fuel lines in gold ano,  gloss black magneto and gold clamp. pretty much everything else gloss black.

we'll see how it turns out.....

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 21:42:56 pm
Don't be sorry... I enjoy seeing different engines. For me, personally, I prefer plain. Sounds like your engine will match the brindle fur color on your cat. Don't let Keith see that picture... I don't think he digs kitties.


Jason, love the picture of the engine in the house. GOOD stuff! Like Frenchy... he understands the concept of having cars in the house. I'm entertaining the idea of moving my '67 into part of the house. Soon as I save up some money... it's on.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 12, 2008, 21:43:59 pm
two colors needed for engines. Black and Grey.  8)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Harry/FDK on September 12, 2008, 21:50:08 pm
i'm currently detailing my engine parts.....i'm going for  totally black & gold anodised.  sorry Fred! ;)

just want to do something a little different and matches my cat


going for solid fuel lines in gold ano,  gloss black magneto and gold clamp. pretty much everything else gloss black.

we'll see how it turns out.....

Cat's Name ?? My Sam is checking it's first IDA inlets as well.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Diederick/DVK on September 12, 2008, 21:51:29 pm
Jason, love the picture of the engine in the house.

that's how i'd love to build my engine too!
but i don't think my girlfriend would agree to have it inside  :D

as far as engine detailing, IMHO wiring is key!! therefore i have one question... where can i get something like this:

(preferably click-on)

i'd like to have it as 70ies as possible!! clean looks, generator, tayco linkage. i love looking at frenchy's ghia engine:


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Harry/FDK on September 12, 2008, 21:56:54 pm
WTF you mean "have it inside"....
"It" is an insult already Died

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 12, 2008, 21:57:07 pm
as far as engine detailing, IMHO wiring is key!! therefore i have one question... where can i get something like this:


The terminal block? You can buy those anywhere in the States. Mostly electric supply houses. Either with or without the fuse links.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: jick on September 12, 2008, 22:02:31 pm
hi there's things?

its coco the cat. ;)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Harry/FDK on September 12, 2008, 22:07:47 pm
Well Coco Rocks !!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Donny B. on September 13, 2008, 04:29:51 am
For me real engines are black!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: danny gabbard on September 13, 2008, 04:38:42 am
well tim I mean jim just bought a new table saw and jig saw. just kiddin . well everybody's car's have really stepped up all you guys in dkp the motors look bithen and they run. I can't even remember having a vw that ran or moved on it's own with out pushing it in and out of the shop. But its always fun makeing one off stuff.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 13, 2008, 05:26:01 am
I can't find my picture of Brian's white '67 engine. Danny, do you or he have a pic to post on this thread? I love what you did on his decklid and fan shroud. Seriously COOL.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: 67worshipper on September 13, 2008, 07:59:17 am
heres mine. nice details i think ;) (

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: gizago on September 13, 2008, 13:47:28 pm
Very nice mate. (but you knew that ;)) Loving the hard lines for the fuel/breather. 8)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: danny gabbard on September 13, 2008, 16:35:56 pm
I will try brian seens how I'm in nevada this week, Mark look at stock breather and cyliinder tin were it meets fan shroud and area around manifolds more reworked area's

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 13, 2008, 17:10:13 pm

heres mine. nice details i think ;)

Now THAT'S TITS!! 8) 8) 8) 

As ratty as my old '63 was on the outside, I always took extra time making sure all was sano under the deck lid.  That meant polishing the generator pulley, voltage regulator, coil bracket and anything else that semi-chrome would shine.  Always sprayed the shroud and tin with black refrigerator epoxy, too.  The pic is of the 1700 I had for a short time in the '63..., the one with the Engle 125 that overlapped up through the carburetor so bad I could hardly stand to drive it.  The device by the distributor is an E-Up that supposedly made the car run WAY BETTER, but actually did nothing other then flash it's red lite when the points opened and closed.  It was COOL though ::) ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: speedwell on September 13, 2008, 17:41:08 pm
 writings on the rear lights were white ???

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on September 13, 2008, 17:45:15 pm
writings on the rear lights were white ???

Thats called "not gettin rid of all your polish" ;) :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: speedwell on September 13, 2008, 17:48:31 pm
another one  ;)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Casey on September 13, 2008, 17:51:51 pm
I will keep my mouth shut on the whole "running right" part for now! If it isn't one thing its another. But about the "look", I wanted the all business deal too. I've had the motors that required taking crap apart to repolish and puss out if you know what I mean. So over that. I tried to keep it simple, no polish stuff, stock but detailed hardware and of course, the semi gloss green. I did not want the motor to stick out and say look at me, but I did want it to be noticed. ;)


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 13, 2008, 18:17:34 pm

 writings on the rear lights were white ???

Yeah, those are VERY RARE  ::) ;)

Casey, your motor looks awesome! 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: ian c on September 13, 2008, 19:56:05 pm
i like this one .
the guy who owns it is Mirko , out of vancouver

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 13, 2008, 21:14:22 pm

the guy who owns it is Mirko , out of vancouver

Darren (L) and Mirko at Bug In-32.  Sorry about the B/W..., those are red cups ::) ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 13, 2008, 21:24:05 pm

heres mine. nice details i think ;)

Now THAT'S TITS!! 8) 8) 8) 

As ratty as my old '63 was on the outside, I always took extra time making sure all was sano under the deck lid.  That meant polishing the generator pulley, voltage regulator, coil bracket and anything else that semi-chrome would shine.  Always sprayed the shroud and tin with black refrigerator epoxy, too.  The pic is of the 1700 I had for a short time in the '63..., the one with the Engle 125 that overlapped up through the carburetor so bad I could hardly stand to drive it.  The device by the distributor is an E-Up that supposedly made the car run WAY BETTER, but actually did nothing other then flash it's red lite when the points opened and closed.  It was COOL though ::) ;D

I hope Sheep doesn't see that pic or it's back to the drawing board with his motor...... ::)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 13, 2008, 21:38:58 pm

heres mine. nice details i think ;)

Now THAT'S TITS!! 8) 8) 8) 

As ratty as my old '63 was on the outside, I always took extra time making sure all was sano under the deck lid.  That meant polishing the generator pulley, voltage regulator, coil bracket and anything else that semi-chrome would shine.  Always sprayed the shroud and tin with black refrigerator epoxy, too.  The pic is of the 1700 I had for a short time in the '63..., the one with the Engle 125 that overlapped up through the carburetor so bad I could hardly stand to drive it.  The device by the distributor is an E-Up that supposedly made the car run WAY BETTER, but actually did nothing other then flash it's red lite when the points opened and closed.  It was COOL though ::) ;D

I hope Sheep doesn't see that pic or it's back to the drawing board with his motor...... ::)

WTF ??? >:(  Do I LOOK like I need a kick in the pods and who the f@#* is sheep??  sheeeeesh ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: roland on September 13, 2008, 21:50:15 pm
What strikes me is that all these engines have alternators... never been a fan of the look of those...

As far as my engine goes, it's all satin black, nothing fancy but i think it looks clean  :)


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on September 13, 2008, 22:23:37 pm
looks perfect!!!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on September 13, 2008, 22:44:53 pm
What strikes me is that all these engines have alternators... never been a fan of the look of those...

As far as my engine goes, it's all satin black, nothing fancy but i think it looks clean  :)


Alter....... What  ??? ;) :) you can't have one of those - looking good Roland  :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 13, 2008, 23:16:46 pm

As far as my engine goes, it's all satin black, nothing fancy but i think it looks clean  :)

Well said, Roland! ;)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: lawrence on September 13, 2008, 23:22:35 pm
I see that some 36hp fan shrouds in this thread have the coil bracket attached. How are you guys doing this. Threaded inserts?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Stephan S on September 14, 2008, 01:14:13 am
I can't find my picture of Brian's white '67 engine. Danny, do you or he have a pic to post on this thread? I love what you did on his decklid and fan shroud. Seriously COOL.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: louisb on September 14, 2008, 01:43:43 am
What strikes me is that all these engines have alternators... never been a fan of the look of those...

As far as my engine goes, it's all satin black, nothing fancy but i think it looks clean  :)


I actually like the black hoses over all the SS braided hoses you see these days.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bullitt on September 14, 2008, 01:46:14 am
my buggy engine

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on September 14, 2008, 03:04:15 am
my buggy engine

Hmmmm that reminds me of......... ;) :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: danny gabbard on September 14, 2008, 18:12:06 pm
Is the new ultra vw mag out in ca. yet

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: j-f on September 14, 2008, 18:15:30 pm
What about a nice Okrasa Engine?


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: speedwell on September 14, 2008, 18:32:25 pm
and empi/speedwell   ;D ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 14, 2008, 18:52:42 pm
I will try brian seens how I'm in nevada this week, Mark look at stock breather and cyliinder tin were it meets fan shroud and area around manifolds more reworked area's

Yeah, Danny, I remember you pointing that stuff out to me at Bug-In 33. VERY impressive stuff that you guys came up with. I love sublte but factory mods like that. Uber COOL. Also how you flattened out the single carb air filter indentation on the shroud.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Fastbrit on September 14, 2008, 19:23:00 pm
One of mine - now in the Race Shop Ghia.

Red anodising, blue leads and manifolds, nothing more. nothing less... Mmmmm, magneto...

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sarge on September 14, 2008, 19:34:47 pm

 Mmmmm, magneto...

"You touch the red pole while I give 'er a spin..."  :o :o :o ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: danny gabbard on September 15, 2008, 04:10:20 am
The whole skin of the fan shroud was made from scratch and the ends of engine tins

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on September 15, 2008, 04:57:08 am
The whole skin of the fan shroud was made from scratch and the ends of engine tins

NICE! That engine turned so good. I love the black IDAs, too.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jon on September 15, 2008, 07:56:28 am
A LOT of pretty faces here! Frenchys engine just rock my boat! But it lacks the Magneto  ;)
I'm amazed by the small dimensions on peoples breather tubes, smaller than stock in some cases... not for high rev'ing applications I guess.

Has anyone done modifications to the engines mo make them easier to work on? Not necessarily visible... show your tricks ;)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: LuftsickTero on September 15, 2008, 08:09:37 am
Since the topic didn't say nice detailing nor killer engines I can probably post picture of mine, which at the moment looks like shit  :-[ :'( I have to sort it for next summer as I need to remove it from the Oval anyway to get the gearbox overhauled. The car is 53 year old original paint one so at least the engine isn't prettier than the car it's in  ;D

I got ill-fitting repro tinware, visible especially around the dipstick. The fact that it's an Oval and I live in city and have to park it outside doesn't help; if it's raining, and it sometimes does in Finland, the water runs straight into engine bay as the drainage was introduced in 1958(?). The Cabriolet lid adds to the looks but lets even more crap into engine bay.


I am using the Lumenition ignition with the 009 so there is more wiring than I would like to have. Besides cleaning, re-organizing the wires, new breather box, black dizzy cap & pulleys are on the list too.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rocket Ron on April 21, 2009, 20:21:38 pm

here my new powder coated tin ware in the car  8)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rune on April 21, 2009, 21:35:04 pm
My little runaround.. Daily driven.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Diederick/DVK on April 21, 2009, 22:18:06 pm
very cool rune! very oldschool :)
how about some specs in the engine thread?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rasser on April 21, 2009, 22:27:37 pm
Here is my new type 4 engine:

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Dez on April 21, 2009, 22:34:34 pm
heres mine. nice details i think ;) (

WOW!! If I can get mine looking half as good I'll be chuffed :D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on April 21, 2009, 22:37:29 pm
    Great thread discussion when I did the engine and the engine compartment on the Ghia I was 25 years old and if I had to do this engine again I would of had done the connectors with shrink tubing and soldered the ends as well at the time in 1975 no one was really into this type of anal detailing I learned it from Shaky Jake my mentor into the hobby I owe it all to him. If you want to see more engine detailing you can see my latest project my 1932 Hot Rod on our website ( ) As soon as the 32 is done I will be posting pictures of it.

  Good discussion

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on April 22, 2009, 00:02:34 am
   Great thread discussion when I did the engine and the engine compartment on the Ghia I was 25 years old and if I had to do this engine again I would of had done the connectors with shrink tubing and soldered the ends as well at the time in 1975 no one was really into this type of anal detailing I learned it from Shaky Jake my mentor into the hobby I owe it all to him. If you want to see more engine detailing you can see my latest project my 1932 Hot Rod on our website ( ) As soon as the 32 is done I will be posting pictures of it.

  Good discussion

Agreed dude cool thread, I have always admired your work, I learned ALOT about "detailing" when I worked at a Ferrari restoration place a few years back now, the kind of suff we had to do was just ridiculas! How about lining up ALL the bolt heads on a 1950's V12 Testarossa motor  :o :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Frenchy Dehoux on April 22, 2009, 00:59:24 am

    I am sure a lot of people think that I maybe to anal for a lot of thing I do but anybody can have a nice car with nice paint job and interior but the most important is to have some detail which will make the car more appealing and have more taste my 2 cents. Also you can not always have all of the head bolts facing the same way especially if the torque specs is telling you where it stops you cannot go any further. As can be seen on my V12 Lincoln motor in my 32 Ford

   Frenchy ( Doc Detail )

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on April 22, 2009, 01:22:07 am

    I am sure a lot of people think that I maybe to anal for a lot of thing I do but anybody can have a nice car with nice paint job and interior but the most important is to have some detail which will make the car more appealing and have more taste my 2 cents. Also you can not always have all of the head bolts facing the same way especially if the torque specs is telling you where it stops you cannot go any further. As can be seen on my V12 Lincoln motor in my 32 Ford

   Frenchy ( Doc Detail )

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, There are Soooooooo many cars out there these days it takes that "Little somthin" to make you take a second look  ;) :) Aslo I know what you mean about torque setting etc, I'm mainly talking about rocker cover bolts, ancilaries etc - Not the important stuff  ;) :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on April 22, 2009, 14:30:04 pm
Rasser, that engine is perfection.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bluestar on April 22, 2009, 21:32:27 pm
black , black and black !! and generator thats all for me...

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Hotrodvw on April 22, 2009, 21:44:02 pm
Here's my 2007cc.  I kinda like the contrast.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: larry mck on April 23, 2009, 04:00:19 am
Here is my engine. I really wanted a clean look with minimal wires and hoses.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Stephan S on April 23, 2009, 05:22:49 am
We need to ask Gene Berg Enterprises to manufacture their linkages without the cutout for the coil bracket...

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Hotrodvw on April 23, 2009, 05:35:25 am
Paint it to match, and it's not as noticeable.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bilboa2 on April 23, 2009, 06:04:21 am
Great shots. I am glad this post is happening as my old 2332 is know a 2442 with a thing fans shroud, ditching the berg linkage to custom made empi style. no berg breather,fuel lines behind shroud, new improved computronix coil set up and ???. Car is at gab-fab north(nevada) making a rear removeable apron. Lucky to have danny as new neighbor, Talented...New Pics soon. bill

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 23, 2009, 16:34:35 pm
Here is my engine. I really wanted a clean look with minimal wires and hoses.

Great shots. I am glad this post is happening as my old 2332 is know a 2442 with a thing fans shroud, ditching the berg linkage to custom made empi style. no berg breather,fuel lines behind shroud, new improved computronix coil set up and ???. Car is at gab-fab north(nevada) making a rear removeable apron. Lucky to have danny as new neighbor, Talented...New Pics soon. bill

you TOO NICE !

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Sam K on April 24, 2009, 00:51:50 am
I had the engine out of my bug a couple weeks ago to lower the compression and fix a couple oil leaks, so I decided to powdercoat the tin and replace all the hardware with allen head bolts. Now I am much happier with the look of the engine.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Zach Gomulka on April 24, 2009, 01:45:58 am
How did I miss this thread!? Probably because my motor is a greasy mess! ::) It's hard to keep a daily driver hospital clean... well at least for me it is.

Love this motor. If I ever ran type 4 power, it would have to look like this. 36hp style shroud, 356/912 breather... It all looks like it should be there, no afterthoughts. Well done.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: . on April 24, 2009, 02:18:24 am
Great shots. I am glad this post is happening as my old 2332 is know a 2442 with a thing fans shroud, ditching the berg linkage to custom made empi style. no berg breather,fuel lines behind shroud, new improved computronix coil set up and ???. Car is at gab-fab north(nevada) making a rear removeable apron. Lucky to have danny as new neighbor, Talented...New Pics soon. bill

The license plate lights in the pre-heater hose holes for "trouble lights" is a great idea !

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: 67worshipper on April 26, 2009, 11:34:16 am
Here is my engine. I really wanted a clean look with minimal wires and hoses.
i love the cleanness mick ;) have you thought about changing the crank pulley? something black or dark grey perhaps.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: FDK/mrpedrini on April 26, 2009, 18:38:35 pm
Here's mine... 1600cc, home ported heads, Kad's, Bosch 019..... 2017cc is in da works...

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: fahrvergnugen on April 26, 2009, 20:22:17 pm
Here's mine.
How it was and how it is 8)
1.2Ltr type1 +/- 30bhp.
2Ltr. type4 +/- 120bhp.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rasser on April 26, 2009, 21:42:14 pm
Thanks for the comments DKK Fred and Zach.

Took a couple more pictures today:

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Diederick/DVK on April 27, 2009, 00:36:43 am
dude, the cleanliness of your car is amazing.
put some miles on it, burn some rubber, you're making me feel ill. i'll never have a car as clean as yours  ;)
all kidding aside, amazing detailing. and you're running that thin oil cooler again (right?). is that the second oil cooler, or do the hoses run to that one in a loop. nice!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bilboa2 on April 27, 2009, 03:47:12 am
ok, 2332 k10 out, 2442 fk46 in, same heads...Eng compartent goal is to hide as much as possible,fuel lines,breather lines, ign , etc.Car is at gab-fab north.May ditch eng turned firewall, Damm, it was alot of work and looks old school too.Danny is also filling in rear apron holes while making rear apron REMOVABLE...Also pics of eng tim. Chech out lengthred cyc tin..Come on more pics and ideas.??? bill

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: TexasTom on April 27, 2009, 04:10:24 am
Dang Bill ... SUPER nice!
Love to see more pics when you get the chance.
Love the rolled edge around the manifold/plug opening. Now that is detail!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Bruce on April 27, 2009, 07:08:00 am
We need to ask Gene Berg Enterprises to manufacture their linkages without the cutout for the coil bracket...
When you're talking to them, get them to make that angle piece from Al instead of that piece of old bed frame.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: BeetleBug on April 27, 2009, 08:40:31 am
Thanks for the comments DKK Fred and Zach.

Took a couple more pictures today:

Very nice and very clean!

A little tip, add two shrink rubbers to the valve cover bail so that you do not scratch it so badly. It also increase the pressure = less change for leaks.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Hotrodvw on April 27, 2009, 15:01:10 pm
We need to ask Gene Berg Enterprises to manufacture their linkages without the cutout for the coil bracket...
When you're talking to them, get them to make that angle piece from Al instead of that piece of old bed frame.

 ;D  LOL   My guess is it's steel for rigidity.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 27, 2009, 18:14:24 pm
Looking good bilboa

say hi to Gabbard for me

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bilboa2 on April 27, 2009, 19:25:07 pm
danny wanted a better shot of fixture for tinwork, so here are a few more, firewall fittings are portside-fuel supply,(fuel pump up front)starboard fuel return.possible fuel inj one day..aye matey's..bill

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: danny gabbard on April 28, 2009, 00:52:50 am
danny wanted a better shot of fixture for tinwork, so here are a few more, firewall fittings are portside-fuel supply,(fuel pump up front)starboard fuel return.possible fuel inj one day..aye matey's..bill
I will post some pictures also. I will be makeing these peices for sale. The advantage's #1 are they are 1/2 inch shorter for stroked motors so motor tin does not hit body #2 clearanced for scat-trak manifolds with flanged edges, #3 you can tilt tin towards fan shroud and not have gap, #4 by leaning tin toward fan shroud now you can touch spark pluds, #5 If your tin is short next to case, With added flange on peice that I make , You dont have to weld strips on the end of cylinder tin

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jim Ratto on April 28, 2009, 00:54:36 am

Sheep just gave me a set of OEM Vw tin, but I'll wait for yours Danny.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Zach Gomulka on April 28, 2009, 02:11:57 am
We need to ask Gene Berg Enterprises to manufacture their linkages without the cutout for the coil bracket...
When you're talking to them, get them to make that angle piece from Al instead of that piece of old bed frame.

HAHAHAHA that's rich!!!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: bilboa2 on April 28, 2009, 06:46:40 am
ok, danny here is other shots, thanks.. Can't wait to show trick removable apron progress...bill

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: fahrvergnugen on May 01, 2009, 20:14:57 pm
Thanks for the comments DKK Fred and Zach.

Took a couple more pictures today:

Nice talking to you in Hanover today Rassor, this is really a verry good detailed engine bay.

Your car looks bitching, thumbs up.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: volksnut on May 02, 2009, 04:16:31 am
Early on JYT motor and tub
Then, well.... all hell broke loose, you all read that story

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 02, 2009, 07:02:47 am
Early on JYT motor and tub
Then, well.... all hell broke loose, you all read that story

Hmmmm interesting - where did you get that belt cover ??? :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Dave Rosique on May 02, 2009, 07:07:57 am

Cool engine from the Zenith to the dual Cop callers!


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: volksnut on May 02, 2009, 13:47:13 pm
Belt cover came from the Samba, think I paid $25 for it, it's gone now though, never did put an id on it, it had some #'s cast in it (kind of what CB does) but couldn't find it's maker, believe it or not that Zenith pushed the buggy to 12.30's at a 102 in the 1/4....the cop callers were just that, didn't last a day on the car....went with the Scat set up, then a turbo on top of the flange :o

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 02, 2009, 14:56:09 pm
Belt cover came from the Samba, think I paid $25 for it, it's gone now though, never did put an id on it, it had some #'s cast in it (kind of what CB does) but couldn't find it's maker, believe it or not that Zenith pushed the buggy to 12.30's at a 102 in the 1/4....the cop callers were just that, didn't last a day on the car....went with the Scat set up, then a turbo on top of the flange :o

Hmmm interesting - I kinda have a thing for those Cast style covers - Thats the 5th style I've seen now - its pretty cool  :)

Here's mine - These are now being sold by Mark at Flatlands Engineering :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rasser on May 02, 2009, 20:56:58 pm
Thanks for the comments DKK Fred and Zach.

Took a couple more pictures today:

Nice talking to you in Hanover today Rassor, this is really a verry good detailed engine bay.

Your car looks bitching, thumbs up.


Thanks!    Nice talking to you guys too.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: charlie on May 03, 2009, 20:10:07 pm
Shaw Geers engine


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 03, 2009, 23:09:39 pm
Shaw Geers engine


 :o WOW :o ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Felix/DFL on May 09, 2009, 19:53:20 pm
Hey, can`t belive that nobody posted a typ-3 engine yet.
They can look good...  ;)

My 1776cc setup:

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: cal-look 56 on May 09, 2009, 20:06:31 pm
That type III looks clean Felix.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 10, 2009, 05:24:05 am
Dang, Felix... that's one of the best looking Type 3 engines I've ever seen.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: nicolas on May 10, 2009, 07:02:29 am
there are some exceptions, but type3 engines don't have that much appeal to them. i like them, but there isn't much to see/show.  :-\

anyway here is mine.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Felix/DFL on May 10, 2009, 20:13:00 pm
Thank`s Cal 56 & Fred for that kind words.
Next step`s: install polished fuel-lines, some ldetails and update to 2178cc  ;)

So many nice engines in here what a blast.
Here is another one I really love cause it really has that 70`s look.
My club mates Tobi`s engine:

Go on...

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 10, 2009, 22:50:00 pm
You ain't kidding about the '70s look. VERY COOL! Simple and to the point. I dig it. Other than the stuff on the firewall, I hope to get my 1915cc looking like that, one day.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 10, 2009, 22:56:02 pm
Thank`s Cal 56 & Fred for that kind words.
Next step`s: install polished fuel-lines, some ldetails and update to 2178cc  ;)

So many nice engines in here what a blast.
Here is another one I really love cause it really has that 70`s look.
My club mates Tobi`s engine:

Go on...

Tobi's engine is AWSOME "period perfect" what dizzy is he running ???

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: vwxtc4free on May 11, 2009, 02:24:51 am
Here is my original 1776 with 42 dcnf's with claudes buggies aircleaners and german 009 with pertronix 2.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: vwxtc4free on May 11, 2009, 02:28:33 am
And here is my 2332 ,fk89,12/1 comp.,Ida breathing beast!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Jason Foster on May 11, 2009, 06:35:29 am
Hey Matt there's something on top of your carbs.... :P

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: JS on May 11, 2009, 08:07:14 am
Thank`s Cal 56 & Fred for that kind words.
Next step`s: install polished fuel-lines, some ldetails and update to 2178cc  ;)

So many nice engines in here what a blast.
Here is another one I really love cause it really has that 70`s look.
My club mates Tobi`s engine:

Go on...

Tobi's engine is AWSOME "period perfect" what dizzy is he running ???

An old Mallory/Scat/Treuhaft I think. Have a couple of those laying around, both dual and single point.
I think these look awesome, but I guess they kinda suck since "no one" is running them these days.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Tobi/DFL on May 11, 2009, 08:46:04 am
Ups, thatīs my engine! :)
You are right Johnny, itīs a Treuhaft "010" dissy. I use it with a Mallory unilite modul and didnīt have any trouble with it, yet.


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 11, 2009, 10:31:07 am
Ups, thatīs my engine! :)
You are right Johnny, itīs a Treuhaft "010" dissy. I use it with a Mallory unilite modul and didnīt have any trouble with it, yet.


How good would it look with a MAGNETO though ??? ;) :)

That is a SUPERBLY detailed engine dude - I love the wiring deatil and those SHORT manifolds - PERFECT!  ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Tobi/DFL on May 11, 2009, 11:53:19 am
Thanks, Lee! 8)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: vwxtc4free on May 11, 2009, 18:05:02 pm
Hey Matt there's something on top of your carbs.... :P

Yeah I know the dont look as good as open stacks.  :-[ But pluged jets and fouled plugs arent fun to change with short intakes. :-\

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: charlie on May 11, 2009, 23:58:55 pm

On a German type 2 pick up



Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Lee.C on May 12, 2009, 00:04:49 am

On a German type 2 pick up



Seriously Clean & cool  ;D

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Zach Gomulka on May 12, 2009, 02:20:20 am

Nice stacks!!! ;D
I had a pair of the cool cast aluminium stacks, picked them up off for cheap. But they wouldn't fit under the filters. So I traded those to Steve Hollingsworth for a pair of Berg stacks he had lying around, drove over to Sil Modesti's place and he shortened them. Then I took them to HPC for some fancy ceramic coating. I think they only rise .400" above the carb (total height was about 3/4") and probably do nothing, but I was so proud of them :)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: nicolas on May 12, 2009, 07:24:58 am
and so am i!

i like them as well. they fit perfect, but indeed could have been a bit higher, for more effect, but anything is better then nothing. i haven't run them with the filters, i thought there wasn't much clearance, but i'll try it some day.

btw the carbs must look familiar as well.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 12, 2009, 07:33:33 am
Charlie, that pick-up engine is AWESOME! Especially the fuel pump. Wish I would've kept mine... had those in both of my '66 Beetles.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: 181 on May 12, 2009, 08:45:17 am
I would definitely make a shortened breather tower for that pickup engine..certainly not fun to add oil with this configuration :-)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Rennsurfer on May 12, 2009, 12:00:39 pm
I noticed that, too. But figured it was a later body with the top access removable cover.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: speedwell on November 18, 2024, 16:15:39 pm
finally got my 82x88 in the 61 ;)

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: Steve67 on November 21, 2024, 16:47:43 pm
Looks great, a lot of nice parts on that engine

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: andrewlandon67 on November 21, 2024, 19:46:26 pm
finally got my 82x88 in the 61 ;)

As period-correct as anything out there, straight outta 1970! Looks great, man!

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: andrewlandon67 on November 21, 2024, 19:52:00 pm
And in the interest of keeping the thread going, here's my lump on medium format film, sometime back in the summer when I had time to actually keep the poor thing clean.


It has heater hoses now thankfully, being my only car it's nice to have some warmth again.

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: speedwell on November 29, 2024, 18:55:42 pm
finally got my 82x88 in the 61 ;)

As period-correct as anything out there, straight outta 1970! Looks great, man!
thx a lot

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: MrIcka on January 02, 2025, 13:16:03 pm
My engine in the 67


Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: JezWest on January 14, 2025, 23:57:54 pm
Looks great. I don't recognise the coil or the linkage, can you tell us any details?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: spoolin70 on January 15, 2025, 07:10:27 am
Is it a logmech linkage ?

How do you find it ?

Title: Re: Engine Detailing Thread
Post by: tpb_karl on January 15, 2025, 11:18:20 am
You order those directly from Logmech. You can contact them via email from their website.  :)