Went racing yesterday, only second time out and was overall pleased with how the car did. Going in the right direction at least
2 main problems to solve, one of which is:
I ruined one of the limited runs by missing second. That's not unusual in practice.
The shifter is sitting on a new plate, spring and a quick shift kit.
I replaced all the serviceable parts between shifter and gearbox.
The gearbox is stock and although no obvious problems, has not been checked out in detail.
2-3-4 work great, and reverse if I want to get it. And I need to press down against the spring to get reverse.
What seems to be happening is that unless I get it just right, I'm graunching into reverse gear while trying to get to second.
Maybe I need to refettle the shifter plate again, but that has often felt like robbing peter to pay paul.
Do (all) the better shifters with reverse lockout isolate reverse more fully? I've held off buying one because it felt like overkill, but if it effectively blocked off any accidental contact with reverse it would be worth having.