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Author Topic: Seat Tracks  (Read 1750 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 3274

Runs with Scissors

« on: March 20, 2008, 19:26:05 pm »

One of the reasons I have not been driving my bug recently is that the driver's seat keeps coming out of the seat tracks. If you push too hard on the pedals it pops out of the front and you end up looking at the ceiling. (Real fun while in traffic.) Taking a close look at the floor pans I noticed someone has put a couple of bolts through the rails and into the pan. (Cheap replacement pans) I was thinking of taking some u-blots and putting them over the seat frames and then through the floor. The only other thing I can think of is to re-weld the tracks to the floor or replace the pan halves. I would have to get access to a welder for either of those. Any thoughts on this?


Louis Brooks

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Shubee2 (DSK)
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Posts: 2865

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« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2008, 19:29:45 pm »

One of the reasons I have not been driving my bug recently is that the driver's seat keeps coming out of the seat tracks. If you push too hard on the pedals it pops out of the front and you end up looking at the ceiling. (Real fun while in traffic.) Taking a close look at the floor pans I noticed someone has put a couple of bolts through the rails and into the pan. (Cheap replacement pans) I was thinking of taking some u-blots and putting them over the seat frames and then through the floor. The only other thing I can think of is to re-weld the tracks to the floor or replace the pan halves. I would have to get access to a welder for either of those. Any thoughts on this?

fix it right it could be bad news if you were rear ended just being straped in by a seat belt is not enough

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