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Author Topic: What ever happened to Bob Blakley?  (Read 1299 times)
John Rayburn
Hero Member
Posts: 2481

Der Kleiner Panzers

« on: July 01, 2008, 00:19:39 am »

I wish I had pictures of that old car! He was one of those people that ran a 13 or so to 1 compression 2180 back in the seventies. Back when you " couldn't" do that in a driver. It was a blue small window 64ish, I believe with centerlines that had been drilled to death to lighten them. The car was insanely fast and ran a custom hood out of aluminum ,which Bob made himself, which was completely smooth and no body lines. I used to sit out on the lawn when he'd park at the neighbors for a visit and stare at the car. I'd always wait around to watch him leave. The car was always slicked down, and the departure from Lakewood back to Long Beach was always a violent sight to behold! Anybody remember that car?

I also park at Nick's.
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