Today I was hunting around the Phoenix Bug-O-Rama and found a cool shifter, one of the really close Berg knockoffs(round shaft) that was beat to crap. Hell the thing was only $2!
Broken flange, bent screws, worn out nylon ball guides
I rarely ever see this shifter at swaps, I usually only see these-
This one I found for $1 and the base flange and handle were both in good shape. Unfortunately the ball had a lot of play that would need to be taken care of.
So I dismantled both of them
I actually prefer the handle on the left, so will be using that one, I don't like how the reverse button isn't centered on the more "ergo" handle, it bothers me.
To take care of the play at the pivot ball I put the upper cover on the belt sander and removed a few thousandths from the mating flange, bringing the nylon guide further down towards the ball.
Then I cleaned everything up, lubricated it and put the $2 shifter together using the $1 shifter base.
I'm going to order a shift boot from Berg since it will fit this shaft.
I'm pretty stoked considering I'll only have $10 into it after the boot gets here!