I would imagine the 1.25s will limit the rpm potential of the FK87, true?
Seems it would be a bit tricky considering the powerband, then not being able to take advantage of it ...
I would think, depending on heads and valvetrain, the opposite would be true.
I'd tend to agree with that statement, depending, as stated, on the heads and valvetrain ... being somewhat mismatched to the chosen camshaft in a normally aspirated combination (FK87 - 320 degrees advertised duration, 276 @ .050", .401" lift @ cam, .564" w/ 1.4 rockers; .483" w/ 1.25s).
Thinking of swapping to an FK-97, but with 1.1 rockers; lift would be .487"! ...
Seriously though & back on topic, Russ, what is the main use and purpose of your engine? What heads will you be using? Carburetion? The last thing to choose will be the camshaft.
I ran an FK-87 (with 1.4s) in a 2110 street motor, which also produced a 12.77 time slip with 48IDAs and 42X37 welded Fumios. Would rev to 7K with the belt once I switched my dual quiet packs to a 2.5" muffler on a 1.625" merged exhaust. It was a good combination, but only made really strong power over 3500. Drivability in town suffered, but I was willing to make the sacrifice for those occasional blasts.
I guess my point is that that cam is not exactly a good torque producer, unless maybe you're running a 4" bore.