BTW I believe that this method is very effective for cooling and it should be discussed in appropriate forum :-) Imagine modded sump with some kind of small scoop and voila..can help significantly and no auxiliary cooler needed!Maybe.
not VERY effective , but a nice little mod than will help along with other things to cool the oil .
i did the math using the outside diameter of the pipe i had , and loss of oil capacity was negligable .
we looked at making it shaped a bit like a naca duct , for ramair effect , but the ammount of extra work needed , plus having a weld or 2 "inside" the sump meant it was abandoned ....... along with the fact there are some berg things in the way front and rear of the sump , plus the extra surface area we was looking for was negligable .
(i think .... the fabricator doing the mod will do his own thing , and we havent discussed it for a while )