Thanks Keith for fielding that question about getting shorter....
Hot VWs is alive and well, and thanks for the concern. Yes, the amount of display ads, and the pages to support them are not what they used to be (although we have been at the same size for well over a year plus). HVWs has gone through cycles like this before, where the amount of total pages/ads goes down, but there will be a time when they start to creep up, and we'll add pages when they do. I think our all-time largest size and number of ads was way back in '86? So, all is not lost, by any stretch. We are confident that judging from the high attendance at most VW shows last year, the interest is certainly strong, it's just part sales are slow and retailers are cutting back as well.
And as far as comparing us with VWTrends... Their ads went well below 20 pages (in good times!), but was perhaps worse was they had been discounting their subscriptions for years (remember those 3 years for $9 deal on e-Bay?). Well, once you spend that income, you still have to send out magazines for years to come.... but at what cost? That ended up nailing them. VWT was owned and run by a HUGE corporation that looked upon that publication as a very, very small part of a much larger picture. Where as Wright Publishing is small (ten employees), and concentrates on only two publications, Hot VWs and Sand Sports.