« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2010, 03:25:36 am » |
Right on, John... this is great news! Thank you for sharing with us.
"You can only scramble an egg so many ways." ~Sarge
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2010, 04:02:51 am » |
Thanks for the update. Very good to hear that Lynn is doing better.
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2010, 09:27:16 am » |
Really Glad to hear some good news ...!!!!...Right on !!
"I am on a drug, it's called 'Volkswagen.' It's not available 'cause if you try it once you will die. Your face will melt off, and children will weep over your exploded body."
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2010, 18:12:20 pm » |
I've received a few more photos from Ron Rosevear. This one with is "Great Grand Son". Hard to believe as when I first met him his kids were little. To me he looks about the same, just a bit more grey.
Volkswagens Limited, Der Kleiner Panzers Founder Member Celebrating 61 years of Volkswagens in my life 1963-2024
Life is a learning experience and then you die but when you do you've lived a good life if you contributed to your fellow man.
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2010, 18:14:34 pm » |
Great to hear news like this! We've lost too many of the VW pioneers too young. They all should live to be 100 in my opinion.  Mike, I agree. Unfortunately this is the way of life and we all need to appreciate it while we have it.
Volkswagens Limited, Der Kleiner Panzers Founder Member Celebrating 61 years of Volkswagens in my life 1963-2024
Life is a learning experience and then you die but when you do you've lived a good life if you contributed to your fellow man.
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2010, 21:34:47 pm » |
That is so very true... !!!
"I am on a drug, it's called 'Volkswagen.' It's not available 'cause if you try it once you will die. Your face will melt off, and children will weep over your exploded body."
Mike Maize
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2010, 01:37:19 am » |
I agree with that John, grateful for the day is always my plan...  Good news.
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2010, 10:18:55 am » |
It's been very intersteing reading all the comments and wishes for Lynn and Tammy.
I love everything about Auto-Haus and that Shop picture we see so often on here is my favourite VW Picture of all.
These people put in the hard work 'back in the day' that created the Wonderfull Nostalgia we are able to enjoy so much today.
To hear that former employees still have such high regard for Lynn as a person AND an employer, truly adds to the Auto-Haus story.
Let's be honest not all bosses are spoken of with such warmth so long after the event.....
Sadly I've already had the pleasure of a Heart attack and I know that at these times, Friends can REALLY make all the difference.
I'd like to add my Best Wishes to all the others and wish Lynn and Tammy all the very best with everything they still have to deal with.
Get Well Soon Lynn.
« Reply #38 on: February 01, 2010, 16:31:16 pm » |
Saturday evening (01/30/10) Tammy Rosevear phoned with updates on Lynn. I wasn't able to take the call but Tammy relayed to Christie that Lynn sat up in a chair from 9:30am until 1:30pm that day. Pretty remarkable for a guy that was on death's door and just five days after a six hour heart surgery is doing this. She also relayed that he is known as a "miricle" within the hospital. Possibly the VW Gods were not ready to take him yet. Lynn is supposed to be move from ICU possibly today.
Volkswagens Limited, Der Kleiner Panzers Founder Member Celebrating 61 years of Volkswagens in my life 1963-2024
Life is a learning experience and then you die but when you do you've lived a good life if you contributed to your fellow man.
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2010, 18:57:11 pm » |
That's good news John. Good news indeed. 
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2010, 18:21:51 pm » |
I haven't said much on this, but MAJOR problems came to pass after Lynn's surgery. He was in very bad shape and it has been a real struggle.
On Saturday I spoke with Tammy and she informed me that Lynn is now home and can move around a bit with assistance. I was able to speak with him very briefly. He was only able to get out about ten words as taking interferes with his breathing. He did state it was "an experience". I told him to rest and we would talk more in the future.
After loosing Joe Vittone recently I think we all need to reflect and appreciate these early innovators in the VW performance world while we can.
Volkswagens Limited, Der Kleiner Panzers Founder Member Celebrating 61 years of Volkswagens in my life 1963-2024
Life is a learning experience and then you die but when you do you've lived a good life if you contributed to your fellow man.
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2010, 19:57:50 pm » |
So true John, we wish Lynn the best and he get through all this, and his family strength. We will keep praying for all of them.
 VW Classic 2012