Make sure you have good lubrication to your engine.
It is just as you say also warming it up well before any run.
Never run it cold. Get a gauge so you can see a good 70-80C .
Now in my theory, I say thery because I have no proof more than oservations, one of the most common issues with our dear aircoled engines is oil pressure quality.
Not what we see on the gauge or just think we have as we do not see the red lamp.
But rather good even pressure, no foam and the above mentioned temperature.
Hidden loss of oil pressure is probably a very common reason (plus valve float in the topic of hidden reason) for damages and breakdown. we just do not realize it until it is too late.
Get a deep sump, do not fall for the idea of keeping in very low but rather on the normal side.
Have fun!
Anyone agrees?
Thank you. I just keep my sump on the engine then. I just ordered a defa warmer for the oil so i can get some heat in the oil before i race.