Haha Ole, i know
i thought this is a stock one (it came off an industrial engine the seller told me)
maybe my timing light is playing tricks on me ? allthough it works fine with the electronic ignition..
I just revved the engine up to see the advance...No driving with 45°
i also didnt rev higher, so advance might have been even more at 7000?
on the mag it says: 0° at 400 and 12° at 1750 i think... so thats why i set it statically at 15 to get around 28 full out...
but it advances further.... I thought it could be due to the engine running faster than 2000 and pushing the advance weights further than they should be?
or is there a stop somewhere that stops the weights? i tried to open it up, but i dont have the correct tools or knowledge about them, so i couldnt take a look at the weights..these things are made to never take apart!!
cheers, Peter