Now the engine is run in and then plenty of kilometers in and out of the workshop.
She wants more and more fuel and it is so nice to read the wideband straight in my face.
It is a bit like missing turbopressure above 4000 rpm.....yeah no turbo and not enough fuel.
I am kind of waiting for the engine to wake up.
Then I had an oil issue on a re-used AN nipple.
No! I did not intentionally bend that bumper....... I did not even notice until I got it out of the workshop. Looks terrible and I identified it to a wrongly mounted left bracket.
Now it is fixed and tomorrow I will probably ream som mains. Lets see if she wakes up above 4000 rpm.
This one is worth gold!
I have even sound dampened and now working on the aestethics, or rather during winter I will get the rugs in there.