Here is a rare opportunity to buy an original cal look show car winner.
"Peaches 'n Scream" featured in the pages of Hot VW March 1985. It won more than 100 torphies

It's a 1962 bug build by Bob Jackson. It has Fuchs wheels, a Custom dashboard with many VDO gauges, a rollcage and a 80's custom upholstery.
The engine is a 2084cc with all the good parts and dual weber 48 ida carbs.
The transmission was done by Dave Folts.
This is a 12.5 second car !!!

The body was painted by Calif Body Works. Their is a lot of pinstripping.
This car won over 100 trophies.
This car has been in storage for over 20 years. It's a time capsule from the 80's.
It is in perfect condition and run perfectly.
It was a custom that anyone would remember seeing in the magazine and at all the shows of that era.
It is for sale for $16000.
The buyer can also buy all the trophies for $2000 more.
lenny@classicvws.comLenny will be at the European Bug-In if you want to talk about that car.