Dry sump oil system are complex and ads a lot of weight to a race car. It ads a lot of hoses that needs to be
disconnected every time you have to pull the engine out (clutch adjustment etc) and those hoses are filled
with air when you start the engine again. It's hard to do a well working dry sump oil system with less than 8-10L
of oil and all the hoses, larger pump, tank etc will ad up to 15 -20 kg. I have made a 2789cc oxyboxer engine that
runs mid 10 sec with a stock located pick up tube and stock sump. Yes it looses oil pressure when launching and
would need some attention to solve this problem, but the current owner have not done anything yet and it still
runs great
. The problem was'nt there when it ran mid to low 11 sec but after an upgrade to the engine and
fitted in a better car the oil pressure gets very low for less than a sec and recovers very fast. But there's more to
it than just the sump/pick up tube location. I believe that baffles in the stock sump will make a huge improvement.
Adding a deep sump like Udo have done would just make things even better. Baffled sump and deep sump engines
are way more simple to handle when doing service and repairs in the pit at a race.
Just my 2 cent on this subject
RMS Boxer Service
European LAT Oil dealer