I can make a rack and pinion kits for for both -65- and 66- LHD beetles, which uses VW polo rack.
Kit includes:
- Welded bracket from lasercut parts, with rivet nuts for ease installation. Separately 140€
- Steel steering rods with stock outer joints and german inner uniball joints for precise steering.
- New VW rack.
You need jointed steering shaft from VW Polo 6N, or which needs about 20mm shortening (can be done without welding since its variable lenght with spring between joints). Also stock rubber coupling may work on 66- beetles.
Also you need shaft from stock steering box, which needs to be adapted to a +100mm shortened steering shaft.
Clamp bracket required are one beetle steeringbox clamp and two polo rack clamps.
Also may work other VAG steering shaft/joint from polo, golf,1303 etc, but you can use also universal
shaft and
joint with a little work.
-Also fits to -65 beetles with little modifications, you need 50mm longer tierod on the other end and 50mm shorter at other end, since rack moves about 50mm to the right.
Waiting time 3-6 weeks, since i dont always have lasercut parts ready and bended.50% in advance for ordering parts.470€ + Shipping