then i had the fortune to find two new old stock autozodiaco bodies from the molded in yellow and the other, that i used, in purple. i think that this colours ( are very cool on these cars....which are kitsch in their nature

so the body was new, and with the body came a couple of bucket seats nos of the seventies....all for the big amount of 200 euros!!!
the frame was painted and i added a new home chopped and hand polished window frame. no wipers.
then came an inox steering column with a moon rev counter on chrome pot, grant 10" wheel, 1967 shifter, and inox marine dash sitches from a boat (very cool cause this boat was caught from the police doing some outlaw business and wrecked)
then inox polished rollbar is added from the factory that does inox tubes for riva boats!!
the steel wheels (best choice for a nostalgia buggy in my opinion) are 5x14 and8x15. i am painting that wheeels metallic bronze and next week i will mount that flotation tyres and wide ovals on the front.
big amount of parts were rechromed artigianally, like for example the original headlights, the and the hubcaps, that are treated just like old empi ones. they are porsche 356 nipple cap,no logo. you can't find them anymore on the market, so i had to take ones with logo, have holes of logo welded and then rechrome all.