i perfectly agree with monkiboy.
pinstriping is a fever toohigh in europe at this moment. people could pinstripe their dog if things go on like these days.
there is a reason for this i think: after centuries of flames people discovers that pinstriping are a nice form of art.
tht's ok, i agree, but not for the fact i love pizza i can eat pizza everyday.

pinstriping is everywhere....even on cal look cars.
do someone remember olive green "i-girl" ingrid (the french girl) before pinstriping? was simply right....just before.
don't take it bad ingrid....only my opinion.

pinstriping is an hotrod thing. gasser is near to hotrodding. cal look is near to muscle cars. another thing. just different.
lowfastbus: volkswagen was produced in over 20 millions!!!
everything you do someone did before!!!! but i think we are doing a general speech....about genral tendance. the car you posted is evidently an exception that confirm the rule!!!