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Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
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Topic: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services (Read 6905 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 5701
Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
April 06, 2015, 10:29:58 am »
I have thought about this long and hard for 3 days now but feel it is time for it to have to stop as it is really playing on my mind about what could have happened, it really saddens me that people think it is ok to behave like this in our small community
It was made clear to me this weekend at the track that certain people have been claiming that they made/supplied etc parts to me for my cars which they never have done, and then selling other racers inferior [and even dangerous] parts using my performance to show how good the quality of there parts are.
This is not the 1st time this has happened to me about my cars that I knew about, but it was the 1st time I knew of that could potentially cause a car to crash and this has gone too far now to ignore.
So I will state categorically now these are the only companies in Europe that have made or supplied or worked on my new version of the cabrio,
Cylinder head services, northampton
East coast manx
and VW
If anyone else tells you they have it is a lie, and I will add I never have, and never will use any parts from Taylor machine services or tell them any info about my car or set up, you can figure the rest out for yourselves particularly if you are on facebook and follow VW racing, the info about what parts and what happened is there for all to see
A very unhappy and dissapointed Richie webb
Cars are supposed to be driven, not just talked about!!!
Good parts might be expensive but good advice is priceless
Hero Member
Posts: 1063
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #1 on:
April 06, 2015, 11:40:30 am »
That's a pretty lame/childish thing to do really isn't it?!
Hero Member
Posts: 966
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #2 on:
April 06, 2015, 11:49:02 am »
Not so much to do with childish more with extremely dangerous selling and making bits that aren't up to the task they are designed for then claiming they are the same that are on Europese fastest car.
member of team YAC ; the guys who write history.
GASSER GARAGE a few friends creating history.
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Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #3 on:
April 06, 2015, 13:27:18 pm »
Easy there fella,
I have never claimed I make anything for your car.
I can see you saw the axles that I made that broke. Let's get one thing strait
I advised that they made both ends of the axle components from 930 cvs and not the ford hybrid they used. But they insisted. It be make like that. This brought the axle diameter down to the smallest diameter of the ford cv. This was there call
Made the axles as strong as we could within the parameters given.
My guaranty is that if you break them in the first season you get another set free. Or your can have your money back. Simple
I offered to make them a set of replacement axles with 930 cv ends and make new stub axles to take them. For free. But they have decided for there money back.
No problem. Money has been sent back.
And I can categorically state I have never made parts for you, and anyone saying I have are mistaken.
The only comments I make about yours and Russell's car is that I admire what you've accomplished , I just wish I had the time and money to compleat at that level.
9 sec street car, its just simply not fast enough
Swing axle to CV convertion is on the website now
Hero Member
Posts: 5701
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #4 on:
April 06, 2015, 17:44:24 pm »
Someone who I hardly know told me this weekend of you
" He is a serial liar "
and he was in my opinion 100% correct, it seems you just cant help yourself. Just like you cant help yourself claiming to know all about other peoples business, both private and public, the bullshit I have had to put up with that came from your mouth is ridiculous. so you never have mentioned me or my cars to anyone except in a positive or admiring way? bullshit, you shit stir and lie any chance you get, and I am not the only one you do it to or about. So what has this got to do with Russell? more name dropping un-needed dialog from you.
As you mentioned the axles I will reply, I see no reason that the people involved would try to claim you associated your company and products with me and my cars if it wasn't true, what difference would it make to them breaking?
Whatever size the axles were[ bus cv one end 930 cv the other] they were not fit for the purpose, unsafe and probably dangerous, as everyone can see from the picture they broke at different ends, one near the small cv and one near the big cv, and the distortion in them shows the material was wrong, nothing to do with the thickness, we have all seen axles break, they sometimes twist up a little, then snap clean off, or just snap clean off, nothing like this situation.
A few facts for those that weren't their, this is a supercharged Subaru engine bug,1st pass on a cold track, they did a small burnout, then launched at about 3000rpm on a soft pass to check out the car, with 22PSI in the slicks, the car dynoed at about 300hp, it moved 6 feet then was done.
I used the bus cv's on the old car for approx. 8 years with some cheap Russian axles, they never failed despite big wheels up launches, lots of abuse on street etc, so the cv size and hence axle size has nothing to do with yours breaking, those axles are still in use today on a street strip car total 15 years of abuse.
Really the axles aren't my problem, hence why I didn't mention them in the 1st post, its the lies and stories you make up that piss me off the most but I would line up next to a car that I know has any of your products or work on it now, why risk my car and life to your shitty work, sound familiar at all?
And for the other clown that doesn't have the balls to reply on here, but is posting shit elsewhere, stick to polishing cars or choosing paint colours, you have no idea what you are talking about and digging a very deep hole AGAIN
Cars are supposed to be driven, not just talked about!!!
Good parts might be expensive but good advice is priceless
Hero Member
Posts: 810
Cash Converter....
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #5 on:
April 07, 2015, 16:17:33 pm »
It would seem you prefer an open forum to air your views, instead of picking up the phone or saying it to my face. any way I’ll get back to that in a moment
Regarding the Axles.
after investigation, it would seem that the axles were made from EN24T then heat treated, after a lengthy discussion with the heat treatment company i use it would produce the same level of hardness but wouldn’t be fit for the job under a twisting situation. This was a complete cock up from the machinist and us as whole company. Measures have been put in place for this to never happen again.
I've contacted Mark Hyde and explained the situation and he accepts it as a cock up, it happens.
I have also contacted everyone who has or runs my axles and there more than happy with explanation and will continue with them. I stand by my product, replacement or money back, in the first season is the guarantee.
I don’t recall anyone else issuing a warranty like that on a racing product.
And as for your other comments I have contacted my solicitors and they will take up the matter with you in due course.
9 sec street car, its just simply not fast enough
Swing axle to CV convertion is on the website now
Hero Member
Posts: 5701
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #6 on:
April 07, 2015, 18:35:24 pm »
Quote from: Martin on April 06, 2015, 13:27:18 pm
Easy there fella,
I have never claimed I make anything for your car.
I can see you saw the axles that I made that broke. Let's get one thing strait
I advised that they made both ends of the axle components from 930 cvs and not the ford hybrid they used. But they insisted. It be make like that. This brought the axle diameter down to the smallest diameter of the ford cv. This was there call
Made the axles as strong as we could within the parameters given.
My guaranty is that if you break them in the first season you get another set free. Or your can have your money back. Simple
I offered to make them a set of replacement axles with 930 cv ends and make new stub axles to take them. For free. But they have decided for there money back.
No problem. Money has been sent back.
And I can categorically state I have never made parts for you, and anyone saying I have are mistaken.
The only comments I make about yours and Russell's car is that I admire what you've accomplished , I just wish I had the time and money to compleat at that level.
Quote from: Martin on April 07, 2015, 16:17:33 pm
It would seem you prefer an open forum to air your views, instead of picking up the phone or saying it to my face. any way I’ll get back to that in a moment
Regarding the Axles.
after investigation, it would seem that the axles were made from EN24T then heat treated, after a lengthy discussion with the heat treatment company i use it would produce the same level of hardness but wouldn’t be fit for the job under a twisting situation. This was a complete cock up from the machinist and us as whole company. Measures have been put in place for this to never happen again.
I've contacted Mark Hyde and explained the situation and he accepts it as a cock up, it happens.
I have also contacted everyone who has or runs my axles and there more than happy with explanation and will continue with them. I stand by my product, replacement or money back, in the first season is the guarantee.
I don’t recall anyone else issuing a warranty like that on a racing product.
And as for your other comments I have contacted my solicitors and they will take up the matter with you in due course.
there you go I have quoted both your replies for you so they cant mysteriously change
So let me get this right, 1st it was their fault as they wanted an axle made to use a cv that that was to small? but when I showed with a real, not fantasy example how strong an axle with that size cv could be and how long they could last suddenly the axles you supplied are the wrong material now? and you expect us to believe that? Well I don't, its just another *** You might have suckered them in, I don't know if you did, but not me. I wonder how this would have all panned out if I had kept quiet
Oh and warrantee, how about karpiola? lifetime guarantee on them isn't it? makes your year seem weak
As for me wanting to air my views on an open forum, well I thought I made that clear in the 1st post, but maybe it didn't get through, yes of course I do, I want people to see what is going on here, I left it to long already and muttering about it to myself sure isn't going to make that happen, and you are deluded if you think I have any desire to talk to you, I have tried to avoid doing that for about the last 15 years, dammed if I am going to start now.
As for your "threat" [well I guess that is what it is
] unfortunately for you their are plenty of people that are way more respected in this community than me that have had the same experience with you that I have.
I stand by what I have said 100% and at the end of the day people can make up their own minds about it all
Cars are supposed to be driven, not just talked about!!!
Good parts might be expensive but good advice is priceless
Posts: 20
Re: Racers ripping of other racers with false claims to sell parts/services
Reply #7 on:
April 12, 2015, 18:59:16 pm »
Now I have nothing whatsoever to do with this conversation, know nothing about the situation, but want to add my two cents...
My parents taught me to say nothing if I had nothing nice to say. This thread should definitely come under that category.
This is an open forum and promotes a hobby, a dying hobby. Reading slander and claims of dishonesty do not read well to someone considering entering, and we all hope their may be a few! It looks childish and unsporting, the hobby will die out with threads like this
No one of us has the right to be judge and juror on others, we can form our opinions, but sharing them in this way often backfires and leaves egg on your face.
Shoot me down with comments, I rarely enter into these conversations and have little to lose and even less to gain. I really don't care, but I do have respect for those who sit behind their keyboards, shaking their head reading threads like this, they just don't feel like getting the abuse I will surely get. It's a depressing site watching someone's futile attempt to discredit another racer.
Like my mum taught me, I am staying quiet now after indicating some good old fashioned manners
And I didn't want to get involved. I am not involved. I just hate reading posts like this.
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