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Little Horus VWDRC build
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Topic: Little Horus VWDRC build (Read 21937 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Little Horus VWDRC build
August 10, 2017, 13:55:18 pm »
I started a thread on my 1956 oval a few years ago on another forum, but as I now spend most of my time on Cal look instead I thought I post the same thread in here -
This is my race car little Horus...
John Mills
, on Flickr
I had the car since 2008 and been racing her (well him) for the past few years doing RWYB at various events, Joined the VWDRC in 2014 and started to race with them in 2015 (I had to wait to get a cage fitted into the car first)
I Have few old build photos of the car from 2008 to present so here a quick history of the car and a select few (of which there are many) jobs I done on the car
Here is how the car looked when it arrived from USA in 2008
34 - Copy
John Mills
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One of my first jobs when I got the car was to fit a new box (as the boy racer in me blow the last one up racing a Honda civic R type from the lights).
John Mills
, on Flickr
I fitted a traction bar set on the car the year after, along with external oil cooler which gave me no end of problems for the first year as I just couldn't get the oil from leaking from various parts of the engine, I ended up solving it by changing the pump for a smaller one, I also had to re drill the case and put studs instead of the bolts as I could get the oil pump to seal
John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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I was having problem getting the power down in the first few years of doing RWYB so I made some home made bump stops
John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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Iv also replace the rear shocks to Spax collovers and now run M&H racemaster plus a huge list of other jobs I can't even remember! other jobs Iv done include rebuilding the engine (twice), rebuilt gearbox (twice) new 2" narrow beam, Empi wide 5 front disc kit, New front shocks, complete rewire, Battery box, electric fuel pump, 5 point harness, twin circuit brake upgrade, Harden Short shafts, Full MSA roll cage, made car MSA spec for racing with VWDRC and a load of other stuff I forgotten about.
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #1 on:
August 10, 2017, 13:56:40 pm »
Made 150 on the rollers
521582_10150742042481294_876792098_n_zps46046e3c - Copy
John Mills
, on Flickr
At cal look drag day in 2014 (the stinger is a new addition and got me into the 12's just)
John Mills
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And the car today (well last week)
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John Mills
, on Flickr
Best time to date
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John Mills
, on Flickr
Best time over the years
2009 14.99 @ 88MPH
2010 13.87 @ 94.5MPH
2011 16.30 @ 80 MPH (Slipping clutch)
2012 -Broken-
2013 13.27 @ 100.61 MPH
2014 12.87 @ 103.24 MPH
So that's the past here the future, over the winter am going to be taking the engine out and getting a cage fitted and tied into the frame horns, I may up the cc from 2180cc to 2276cc but will have to wait and see
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #2 on:
August 10, 2017, 13:58:05 pm »
December 2014 -
Engine spec
82mm Bugpack Crank (very long story behind this as I paid the engine builder for a Scat one at a cost of around £600 when the engine broke after 500 miles and had to be split again I took it to another engine builder when we opened the case it had a bugpack crank into! not happy to say the least)
92mm Pistons (nothing fancy just GSF ones)
fk89 cam with scat straight cut gears
scat 1.4 rockers with Scat cut to length push rods and tubes
Arao stage 3 heads (US heads from ARAO engineering 42 x 37.5 valves) Ported to match the manifolds with 48 IDA
Had all the bottom end balanced
and running with a Rancho Pro street box with hardened shafts, Bugpack gearbox mounts, and mid mount with traction bar.
Engine is now out of the car and is going to Cotwelds racing for a cage fitting on 14th December, Going to fit a line lock on her over the winter and may have a play (again) with the rear suspension
John Mills
, on Flickr
March 2015
So I got the car back from cotwelds racing who fitted the cage, and what a fantastic job they did! I been building the car up slowly over the last month. I re fitted all the external oil cooler and pipe work, and re fitted the engine which felt great as it seemed a lift time ago since I took it out. I was thinking it would be a bitch to start but first turn of the key and he fired up! :mrgreen:
A few jobs I have to do on the car to make it MSA complaint including changing all the fuel line to steel braided. Which was a hugely important job as when I removed the pipe that went from the tank to the fuel pump it had a hole in it!! Iv also added a fuel pump cut off switch, Fuel tank vent valve breather, roll cage fitted, securing the fuel regulator and line lock (because race car!)
Jobs left to do is torquing up the rear hub nuts (iv re done the seals over winter as I had a small leak) add the split pins and re fit the wheels, fit of the drivers seat and the making of the head rest, fit the harness and safety net, I also need to secure the battery box add some race stickers and he ready to go!
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
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John Mills
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Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 14:07:40 pm by runningmonkey
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #3 on:
August 10, 2017, 13:59:34 pm »
November 2015
So I ended up braking first gear at big bang I needed to get the box out and repair resulting in me miss volkslife : ( John rag top 63 repaired the gear for me and gave it an overall at a cost of £270 which I thought was a great price! Iv now got the box back and been building it back up again. This is actually only the second time I have fitted a swing axle box in all my years of messing with beetles. I totally forgot about the paper shims you have to fit on the axles and after spending a good few hours building the box up I realised that it was complete lock up! So Iv now had to dismantle the box again and order the paper shims from Machine7. Hopefully I will have the box rebuild (again) for Monday fitted Wednesday and Engine back in for weekend.
John Mills
, on Flickr
Hoping to get the car tuned and set up before bugjam 2015.
A friend of mine once told me that -
'Once you start, you'll spent the rest of your life chasing number'
I laugh at this statement and told him - It would never happen to me, am more then happy with my 13 second street car!!
He was off course completely correct!
So 2015 season is over bring on 2016 and the search for 12 and pro! (maybe)
My plan over the winter is to change from my old style 009 distributor to a new MSD electric ignition system, Fit a larger bore exhurst (currently running small flange 1 Inch) So going large flange and 1 5/8. and I'll see if I can put the car on a diet to lose a few grams which may include ditching the battery and going for a lightweight red top race battery but will see how all that turns out.
Best time of the season 13.15 @ 101 MPH
I have to post this picture up from Nation finals
John Mills
, on Flickr
Heres my winter upgrade to the car, Its out with the points and condensor and in with a MSD full set up
John Mills
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John Mills
, on Flickr
This bad boy look pretty tricky to setup and install but will give me more control. I can setup a launch control so in theory should get more consistent time as I will always be leaving the line at the same RPM. Will also produce and more more powerful spark and and again in theory should increase power. The amount of wiring that's in the box is very scary tho I can see this thing coursing me a few headaches and maybe the odd swear word in the install!
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #4 on:
August 10, 2017, 14:01:38 pm »
IMG_20151028_132131 1_zpsfajqdtjk
John Mills
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Iv had a good look at the wiring and at first it seemed like a real nightmare combined with the instruction book for the control box being 30 pages thick and the instruction book for the Dizzy being another 20 pages thick I thought this is not going to end well :lol:
But I got it all out last night and did a kind of mock up on the floor, and after reading the instructions it actually seem straight (ish) forward.
The quality of the products is very good, I was really impressed the plugs leads on there own are a work of art. You even get a small device in the box that helps you trim and cut the leads down if there to long.
It will be a few weeks before I get round to installing this lot. Anyone any idea about setting up the dizzy? They have a mechanical advance system inside which is set up springs which you can change, for now I think I'll leave it as factory until I get more advance on to set it up. Also need to work out ware to put the 2 stage rev limiter switch for when I lurnch, I may put it on the handbrake but not sure yet.
December 2015
Started the MSD install this weekend
John Mills
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This control box (when working :eek: ) Should give me a 2 stage set with launch control, Going to put the switch on my handbrake and am thinking of setting it at 3600RPM for the launch, Can't wait to get this up and running and back on the strip!
February 2016
Here's a little up date of what Iv been up to over the winter, Iv didn't planned on doing any upgrades to the car for the new season as I finished 2015 and the car was running perfect, how ever I went a little mad lol
So MSD is now full installed! And the cars running well and sounds like a beast! At best guess am hoping for a boast in horse power by fitting this kit (maybe between 5 & 10) As the multi spark system fires a lot stronger then the standard one, and it will give me launch control. So this will be a fun thing to try out in the 2016 season
John Mills
, on Flickr
Second upgrade (A unplanned one) Is the exhaust, this popped up at the right price on a facebook group so I snap it up! A gene berg exhaust, it's 1 3/4 which is a lot bigger then my standard vw heritage 1 1/4 exhaust. Again am hoping for a boast in HP by adding this. It was a major pain in the arse to fit because of the size difference, It much bigger! It means if I want to fit the muffler I now need to remove the rear support bar. This is anit such a problem as it's only a 10 minute job to do just means I have to spend a little more transferring the car for road going to strip.
John Mills
, on Flickr
Third upgrade (no picture sorry) I changed my extended oil sump for a smaller one, Not sure if this was wise? I had a empi 3.5 ltr one fitted which I have changed to a 1.5 ltr one. My thinking behind this is that am pretty sure that there is no need to carry so much extra oil in the car and I feeling the 3.5 ltr one was just overkill. It will also save some weight as am now 2 ltr of oil less, This may bite me in the arse but will see.
Fourth upgrade, Drip tray! I have a small leak on my case (another reason why I change the oil sump as I was hoping it was that and not the case) turns out the leak is coming from the case which I can't fix without replacing it. The leak is very small but I thought I fit a drip tray just in case
John Mills
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I picked this from DTH Scotland, I also picked up (again unplanned) a rear seat blank and a set of rear door cards all made from alloy not sure when I'll get round to fitting them?
John Mills
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Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #5 on:
August 10, 2017, 14:02:59 pm »
update of my 2016 VWDRC
My first event of the year was at bigbang (seems a very long time ago now!) After several disappointing runs at bigbang (best being a 13.6) and one 15.00 in Saturdays qualifying I arrived back at the pits to discover a small engine rattle after a little investigation with help for Rob Judd we fired up the engine again which then seized on the spot
I also had to send the MSD box back as it turns out it was faulty as the 2 stage launch control didn't work all in all not a great weekend
I got the engine out a few weeks later and we split the case to find that one of the bolts on a con rod had snapped leaving the con rod free to wreck havoc inside the case. The result is we need a new engine case, barrel and pistons and con rods, everything else was savable.
As a new case was needed I decided to up the CC from 2180 to 2276 (going from 92mm to 94mm)
By the time the next event had arrived we have all the parts and are ready to put the engine back together, but unfortunately the guy who is machining the heads for me (from 92mm to 94mm) has let us down so the engine wasn't ready for the next event at the Summer nationals
However I did manage to borrow a 1300cc (don't snigger) off Phil Unsworth for the next event so I fitting it for Summer nationals and ran some very slow 22 second runs. I did dial in at 22 and ran a 22.02 which put me in number 1 qualifier.
John Mills
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John Mills
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I was hoping that I could race at Bugjam (but the heads still didn't arrive) I was then hoping to race at Avon Park (still no heads) and I was hoping to race at the last event of the year the National finals (but you'v guessed it still no heads!)
Turns out that the first head fell off a pallet and it damaged the cooling fins. Was told he would replace it ASAP. The second one was then machine incorrectly and it now scrap! So they said they will pay for and replace the heads less the cost of what he was charging me for the machine work which was £150.00, which I thought was fair but iv been waiting now since may for the new heads to turn up. So that one break down at bigbang really ended my season.
So in the mean time the only job I done on the car is a bit of interior tinkering, I got some alloy door cards made by DHT in Scotland. Iv also replace the carpet area that covered the battery with another alloy panel again made by DHT. (oh and Iv replaced the fault MSD with a one one)
John Mills
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John Mills
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Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #6 on:
August 10, 2017, 14:03:43 pm »
December 2016 -
Just got engine back (finally) from the engine builders. So it's now all systems go to get the engine fitted over Christmas and run in over the new year and January. Iv made some upgrades to the engine from last years spec, in 2016 at Bigbang I had already upgraded the exhaust system and fitted an MSD so was hoping for better times but they never came and the engine let go on the 3rd run of the day. Now Iv increased from 2180cc to 2276cc and have upgraded the cylinder heads to Scat pro street (full spec below)
So am hoping to smash my PB in 2017, my best run today (before the roll cage was fitted was 12.87 @ 103, after the cage fitment (this of course added more weight to the car) my best time has been 13.15. With the new larger captaincy engine better heads, larger bore exhaust and MSD am expecting the car make easy 12's to mid 12's maybe even low 12's but from my experiences of racing air-cooled engines the latter will probably not happen and we will break down at the first race meeting!
John Mills
, on Flickr
AutoLinea ASC Race case
94mm AA Barrel and pistons
Bugpack 82mm Crank
FK89 cam with scat straight cut gears
Scat Pro wedge ported Cylinder heads 44x37
Scat 1.4 Rockers
1.5Ltr extended sump
Gene Burg 4 into 1 header 1 3/4 exhaust
Full MSD set up
Kennedy stage 2 clutch plate
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #7 on:
August 10, 2017, 14:06:00 pm »
April 2017 -
So a little update from team Little Horus, we was set, this season (2017) to run in all but one of the event giving us a great chance at getting us into the top flight of the table but it true NDA bad luck style the brand new 2276 race engine span a shell in testing two weeks before our first meeting and left us without an engine (again).
Am now trying to sort out the repair with the engine builder but it’s looking costly so it on to plan B and a brave new world of turbos and EFI!
Long story short I have got my hands on 1776 EFI Turbo motor, which is fitted into a sandrail buggy, It’s already been down the strip doing a low 12.2 on street tyres. I know the sandrail will be lighter than Little Horus but am hoping with the more stable body and gearbox mounts plus running slicks I don’t think the times will be that much different for when I fit the motor into the beetle (I am thinking mid 12’s). Now the Turbo engine doesn’t have an intercooler / Charge cooler fitted so there improvement to be had there to drop them times to low 12’s
But there an added twist the engine is fully fitted with NOS which has never been used! Once this has been plumb in I believe we may even get the car into 11’s but am just speculating (dreaming), but the engine does have a lot of paternal.
Am hoping to get the car back out again at summer national in June but I have a lot of work to do, transferring the engine won’t be a problem, the big problem will be working out the ECU and EFI, wiring all the control boxes and find suitable mounts for them inside the beetle, plus wiring up the NOS and setting the whole system up which am sure will give me many many sleepless nights.
John Mills
, on Flickr
JULY 2017 -
Small update before Bugjam.....
So Iv manged to fit the 1776 Turbo engine from the Buggy into the car, There was a lot of head scratching at first as I had no idea about Turbos or EFI systems, but we managed to get the engine running and onto the rollers where it made 155 BHP! not bad for 1.7! The fuel map is still not right as we couldn't get the ECU to talk to the laptop correctly. In the end we discovered that the problem was with the serial adapter we was using. My modern laptop only has USB connectors where the ECU had 9 pin serial, so an adapter was used. I was told get a old laptop instead as they will already have the 9 pin socket, which Iv now done so hopefully this will fix the connection problem.
So our first meeting in the car was Summer Nationals, Straight off the trailer the car did a 13.4 @ 105 with a missed 3rd gear, so was a potential 12 second run, which I was really happy with.
Second run I was really itching to get that 12 so I set of from the line at 7K revs and blow the clutch to bits!
We spent Saturday night fixing the car and had one last run on Sunday, This time I took it a lot easier and left the line at 1500 revs :lol: I missed 3rd (again) but still ran a 13.6, Big thanks to Richie Web who got me the replacement clutch so we could run again.
So it on to BugJam next weekend
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
, on Flickr
Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 16:14:05 pm by runningmonkey
Sr. Member
Posts: 357
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #8 on:
August 13, 2017, 21:57:53 pm »
Nice one RM.
Machine looks great.
Good luck for the 12's..
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #9 on:
December 15, 2017, 13:45:02 pm »
So small update, Bugjam was a wash out so no runs made
Next outing and the last for this year will be Winter Nationals at Santa POD on 21 - 23rd September 2017
Iv made a few change to the car but nothing major, Iv started striping out the interior as am going to have a complete change for next year. I found a fiberglass rear valance at Tatton park for £10, We cut it now to accommodate the turbo. Am changing the rear spax shockers for a new set of AVO's and doing a complete rear brake over haul as I found that the passenger side wheel cylinder was sized.
John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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John Mills
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So on-words to the winter nationals in September and fingers cross for a new PB before I change the 1776 to the 2332.
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #10 on:
December 15, 2017, 13:46:27 pm »
Here my 2017 year update
Once again the 2017 season has been riddled with bad luck, from the start of the season where the new 2276 engine let go to various break downs and bad weather. Though I did learnt a lot this year about turbo systems and EFI, I ran a new personal best at National finals at Santa Pod with the 1776 turbo motor of 13.3 @ 101mph but as I decided to enter the car into VW Pro for this event no points where earned and we ended finishing 22nd in the championship. We would have ended up higher if we didn’t switch from Sports man to Pro half way thought the season.
Turns out that the turbo setup on the 1776 isn't suitable for the new 2332 engine so a new CB performance set up as been purchased, The 1776 turbo motor has now been sold and it am move forward now with the new build and the 2332cc turbo.
So due to all the bad luck I’ve been having I’ve decided not to cut anymore corners and not to rush into the 2018 season. I have wanted for a long time to take the car of the road and do all the little jobs on it that have been driving me crazy. So am going to do a complete restoration of the race car over the winter and into 2018, she going to be a more show and go car and am not going to rush anything this time and want to do everything right, so if am not ready for the start of 2018 season than so be it.
The car is now completely striped down, No engine, no gearbox or rear running gear at all, all the interior has gone including the headlining and carpets, fuel pump, tank & fuel lines removed, windows are out and am just in the process of getting to car ready for a re-paint which is happening over at Ste Kay Customs in January 2018. Getting the interior painted and a 1200 style custom head lining made so all the steel work will be exposed and colour match to the rest of the car. Jaz racing seats and a homemade tacho mount and custom alloy door cards will finish of the interior. An all new gearbox is being built as we speak by John Walklett to handle 300HP so this should eliminate any gearbox issues for future use. Got new rear suspension set up coming from RJ volks to stiffen up the rear end, combining this with the new 2332cc motor and the new CB performance turbo and EFI kit which is now on a boat sailing it way over from the US to the UK is hopefully going to make an awesome 11 second car. Will do more update and pictures as the re-build progresses.
John Mills
, on Flickr
Interior and windows strip out, getting ready for paint
John Mills
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2332 has arrived awaiting new tinware and the Turbo kit
John Mills
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New rear stronger spring plates and retainers will stiffen up the rear end to handle the extra HP
Full Member
Posts: 245
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #11 on:
December 17, 2017, 14:32:45 pm »
Looking forward to seeing your progress over the winter, good luck.
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #12 on:
February 06, 2018, 18:32:06 pm »
Quote from: Andrew on December 17, 2017, 14:32:45 pm
Looking forward to seeing your progress over the winter, good luck.
Thanks Andrew
So a small update, The new CB performance turbo set up has arrived from the states in four big boxes. I feel I may have bitten off a touch more then I can chew with this one! There no real fitting instructions with the kit, (use the word ‘kit’ loosely) Comes with a CD rom with a brief run down of what you have to do, (Think Ikea style instruction!) But am sure I’ll work it all out! Its going to be an exciting few months! Going to do a dry fit of everything in the up coming weeks / months. Then going to split it all down again to send the parts of for ceramic coating, porting and polishing etc.
Love to know if anyone else has had one of these turbos set up and how they got on with it?
John Mills
, on Flickr
Going to do a video on this one, as when I was doing research on the set up I couldn’t find much, so will do my own video once Iv opened all the boxes.
In the mean time the car has now gone for painting at Steve Kay customs in Belmont near Bolton. Steve is an award-winning customizer and was a big name in the VW seen in the 90’s and 00’s. The gearbox is out of the car, so we had to make some casters, so we could move it round the work shop. I picked up these from machine mart and welded them to some box section and some old torsion covers I had.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
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Should get the car back for April 2018, then the build-up begins! Am hoping to get the car back out for VW action but I think this may be a tall order….but will see…..will see....
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #13 on:
May 01, 2018, 13:49:14 pm »
Car has now returned back from Steve Kay customs, All painted and very shiny! Its black inside and out and I had the roll cage painted black as well to match so its a black on black on black kind of style.
John Mills
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John Mills
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At the same time the gearbox has returned from John Walklett, (ragtop63 on here) So I can now start building the car back up.
John Mills
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Iv also had a few parts powered coated , these are mainly gearbox mounts and rear springs, I have a few more parts to do which I'll get round to shortly.
John Mills
, on Flickr
Now Iv managed to get a bit of spare time to have a look at the CB performance turbo kit I got from the states. Iv made a un-boxing video which Iv uploaded to youtube (not sure how to do the embed link but just click on the link below). I hope people will find it interesting / useful as when I was researching buying the kit I couldn't find a huge amount of information, so I made a video showing folks what comes in the kit.
John Mills
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So its now on to the build up off car, I am hoping to car the car ready for Action in September (2018 :incheek: ) we will have to see if that happens..... What this space
Full Member
Posts: 245
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #14 on:
May 02, 2018, 08:13:28 am »
Two gearboxes, you're a lucky man, John. Car looks very impressive!
Full Member
Posts: 118
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #15 on:
May 02, 2018, 10:48:02 am »
I would recommend repositioning the waste gate flange to where the header merges all 4 cylinders, it will work having the boost measured off of just cylinder 2 like is it is at the moment but it’s not ideal and should see boost from all 4 cylinders really.
Outlaw Flat Four 35
12.64 @ 106.25mph
Posts: 9
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #16 on:
May 26, 2018, 12:41:27 pm »
just read ur "diary". very nice car . looking forward to seeing the turbo engine up and running.
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #17 on:
December 28, 2018, 11:58:33 am »
Quote from: Andrew on May 02, 2018, 08:13:28 am
Two gearboxes, you're a lucky man, John. Car looks very impressive!
Thanks very one for the reply's!!
Only one gearbox is mine another was for a friend who had his refreshed, they just got shipped together.
Here a update for you all - Summer 2018
Iv been building up the rear suspension and installed the gearbox and brace bars etc. Iv added the parts I had powered coated, and think they look really good. Not the best powered coating Iv ever seen but looks much nicer then painting parts black. Just a shame no one will really see them :lol: Iv decided am going to powered coat a few more bits like the gear stick and a few more mounting brackets so it all matches.
I had a huge problem getting the new spring plates installed, These are Sway-a-way strengthen plates built for drag racing, with Jeecee spring plate covers. They where a real nightmare to fit! Iv tried using Urathan bushes put had to change them to rubber as I wasn't happy with the fitment.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
Next job is to look at fitting the charge cooler radiator, wait for more powered coat parts to arrive, finish brake line and then maybe look into starting fitting the engine. loads to do. I was hoping to get the car ready for Action but I can't see that happening so we may have to wait until 2019 before he's back on the race track again.
Last Edit: December 28, 2018, 12:00:09 pm by runningmonkey
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #18 on:
December 28, 2018, 11:59:37 am »
Summer 2018
Going has been slow, I was hoping that I would be near completion or at the very least have the car running by now. But life gets in the way of race cars some times so am behind the schedule I had in my head. The first meeting of 2019 is 19th of April 2019, this gives me about 22 weeks to get the car and there still a lot to do!
Good news is engine in! Now fitted with a strong Black Magic clutch with a Kennedy stage 2 pressure plate, Turbo system is coming together and the parts bench is getting less and less.
John Mills
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John Mills
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Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #19 on:
December 28, 2018, 12:01:34 pm »
Winter 2018
Been working hard on the car over the last few weeks, so Iv got a update for you all.
First off Iv been working on a 'how to video' for you tube on how to fit the CB performance kit, It will be in 4 or 5 parts, I should have part 2 (am calling the un-boxing video part 1) up over Christmas.
I had to make sure the rear valance fitted with the turbo now its mounted, it should fit with no modification need...not the the case, I had to trim parts of the inner section and cut a small half moon out of the valance which you can just see in this picture. You also need to cut a inner section out to allow for the exhurst pipe.
John Mills
, on Flickr
You have to fabricate the O2 sensor into the exhurst tail pipe, the kit comes with the bung which you have to weld in. Iv also now fitted all the fuel lines (which is a story in itself! Had the breather box powered coated and fitted and the fire wall. Got all the electric and injectors fitted to the engine (again another long story which i'll cover in the video) You can also see on this picture that the charge cooler and charge cooler pipe work in now connect (again another very loooooong story!)
John Mills
, on Flickr
Fuel rail and petrol sensor
John Mills
, on Flickr
Fuel regulator
John Mills
, on Flickr
Charge cooler fan the radiator, this set over the steering box inspection hole and will be wired to a switch in the cab. the radiator and fan are from a quad bike.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
Iv also now fitted the ECU, its fitted on the opposite side to the battery box. All the wiring goes thought a 1inch x 1 inch hole on the fire wall.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
Hopefully my next post will be part 2 of the video
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #20 on:
December 28, 2018, 12:03:27 pm »
I just finshed and posted the second part of the how to video.
Not sure how to embed the video, hopefully the link will work. Will make part 3 as soon as I can.
Cheers all.
Hero Member
Posts: 2836
Snabba grabben...
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #21 on:
January 03, 2019, 08:54:00 am »
Looking good mister and the only thing I would change is your fuel/oil line fittings since I have a bad experience with hose clamps and especially in combination with steel braided hoses. The steel brade eats into the rubber hose when you tighten the clamp causing a leak over time.
Keep on with the good work and keep posting the updates here.
10.41 - 100ci - 1641ccm - 400hp
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Posts: 2604
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #22 on:
January 03, 2019, 10:29:36 am »
I would agree. Now you have all the hose lengths worked out just take them all off and take the hoses complete with fittings to a hose specialist and they can replicate them all with proper fittings (not jubilee clips)
I use a company called 'thread and pipe' but I'm sure you will have a similar company local to you
Looks great
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #23 on:
January 29, 2019, 14:33:29 pm »
Quote from: leec on January 03, 2019, 10:29:36 am
I would agree. Now you have all the hose lengths worked out just take them all off and take the hoses complete with fittings to a hose specialist and they can replicate them all with proper fittings (not jubilee clips)
I use a company called 'thread and pipe' but I'm sure you will have a similar company local to you
Looks great
Yeah I agree, I did try to do all the fuel lines my self using AN8 fitting but I ordered the wrong parts and was running out of time, so I have just jubilee clip them for now. I am hoping to change them all in the future.
January 2019 update
Get close to first time startup!
First off am really chuff with how the 'how to videos' are doing on you tube, over 1k views now, am going to be going ahead and make part 3 over the next few weeks, where i'll cover in more detail the CB performance build.
I realise that the turbo and exhurst would get very hot and I was worried that it could get so hot the paint may bubble on the rear valance. I added some heat shield which I picked up from Demon tweeks to the under side.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
One off the last jobs I had to do on the engine was to fit the cylinder head temperature sensor and the air flow sensor. It a scary job, you have to tab your head with a 1/8 NPT thread. You need to do the same for the air sensor but this time tab number 3/4 pressure cover.
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
I realise the sensor in the pressure cover is at a small angle, but once fitted it can't be seen.
I now just finish last night doing the paneling, which where made by Donald Harvey. Iv enclosed the battery and ECU and all the wiring and 1/4 panels
John Mills
, on Flickr
John Mills
, on Flickr
I think it looks really good, but the photo doesn't really do it Justice.
So my next job is to set up the ECU, do some final checks and I should have the engine started in the next week or so. Am still having a few problems with charge cooler setup and there to matter of fitting the windows back in, and various other small jobs.
Erlend / bug66
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Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #24 on:
January 29, 2019, 15:37:22 pm »
I might be wrong, but a cylinder head temperature sender should be fitted outside the rocker area?
And what is a air flow meter?
Looking good
The '67:
10.626 @ 132mph, SCC 2016
10.407 @ 134mph, SCC 2017
10.221 @ 135mph, SCC 2018
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Not yet..
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Posts: 2604
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #25 on:
January 29, 2019, 16:01:48 pm »
Donald does really nice work
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #26 on:
January 30, 2019, 14:36:41 pm »
Quote from: leec on January 29, 2019, 16:01:48 pm
Donald does really nice work
Yep really does, and cheap to!
Quote from: Erlend / bug66 on January 29, 2019, 15:37:22 pm
I might be wrong, but a cylinder head temperature sender should be fitted outside the rocker area?
And what is a air flow meter?
Looking good
No head temp sensor is where CB tell you to fit it, they say Ideally in the ball area where the rocker cover clips go, this means you have to change your original rocker covers for bolt on type.
Jr. Member
Posts: 85
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #27 on:
March 01, 2019, 14:29:39 pm »
March 2019
Here's an exciting update
John Mills
, on Flickr
After a lot of head scratching over the last 6 months the car is finally on the key. Everything is running like it should and she's sounding like a cage animal! The MAP that come pre-installed on the ECU works and the engine is running nice and smooth. The car booked in on the Dyno at the end of March and am hoping we're going to be hitting figures around 250 to 300hp mark.
I only have a handful of jobs left to do including fitting the 1/4 and drop windows, front door panels, and bleed the brakes up.
All bring well I should have the car out at the first VWDRC meeting of the year which will be Festival of Power.
I'v also just uploaded to YouTube part 3 of my how to guides, If you like to watch them I have put links below for all 3 parts.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
One last thing before I go, I will be filming the Dyno run and doing a walk round check off the car which will be exciting! I will also do a ECU video and talk about how the CB software works, which will be part 4 and part 5. So feel free to subscribe to my Youtube channel (i'll also post them in here)
Hero Member
Posts: 5701
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #28 on:
March 02, 2019, 08:29:27 am »
Nice, well done John
Cars are supposed to be driven, not just talked about!!!
Good parts might be expensive but good advice is priceless
Hero Member
Posts: 1169
Re: Little Horus VWDRC build
Reply #29 on:
March 02, 2019, 18:45:03 pm »
good stuff
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