Sunday again, time for an update!
I’ve cleaned up the welds and thrown some primer in the spare wheel well.
Friday, I went to the garage and sorted the hole in the floor behind the drivers seat.
This repair was done "quick and dirty". I know this is not the right way to do it.. The idea is for it to pass the MOT. Later, when the car is fully disassembled and under rebuild, the body will be lifted from the pan, and both floor halves will be replaced with new ones.
Then it was time to tackle the inner wheel arches. The right side was first, and I decided to try making the sheet metal myself instead of buying an aftermarket panel.
Of course, you start with CAD (Cardboard Aided Design).
After some bead rolling, flanging, and bending over my knee, it started taking shape.
The heater channel also needed repair (of course).
The gap at the bottom of the A-pillar was welded shut, and I made my own press tool to shape the area around the nut for the fender mount. Strangely, I didn’t take any pictures of this, but I’ve filmed the whole process.
Using some 6mm metal from the scrap bin, I made a nut that resembles the original ones, which, as I understand it, were pressed into the fender edge. This one ewas welded on the back side.
Then it got welded onto the car. The fit wasn’t 100%, but I think I can adjust it later.
Next time, it’ll be the left side.
Take care!