A DTM from Jack Raby is not enough for your purpose?
He did some extensive testing on the VW cooling.
No, for several reasons,
one: all the testing i have read about[no idea how accurate it is] shows it cools evenly over all cylinders but as it uses a regular fan its still limited on how much air it moves at any given rpm, i have a tall 4th gear so fan speed is quite slow, using a 911 fan which moves double the air a wide type 1 fan does at an given rpm should make a huge difference
two: the dtm set up takes even more room in engine bay than type 1 does so harder to fit everything in, and worse work on it as well

three: there may have been some bias in the testing done to prove dtm is best

Thanks for your explainations

Hard to tell what's technically good, versus a good marketing nowadays.