my latest project 1962 COW-LOOK bug

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Jim Ratto:
Quote from: danny gabbard on January 26, 2008, 01:33:24 am

I might fuel inject, but ran two lines just in case. also theres bulk head fitting on both ends, can always cap the line i dont use.

sure looks cleaner than my anaconda of AN-8 hose forced thru tunnel. Nice thought put into your setup.

That's a great and flexible way to plumb a pan.  Sadly, out east here where it is not as dry it might be hard to keep sealed off from the elements.

thanks for sharing. Just when you thing you have seen it show this. After fighting my way through my tunnel, this is a very smart way to do it. Lots of spot welds to drill huh? Andy specs on the car? Do tell. vish

Wow that is such a cool idea! What do you use to bolt the pan belly back to the car, do the bolts stick out into the passenger compartment?


danny gabbard:
the back two bolts next to torsion housing are adjuster screws. thanks for all the cool feed back.


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