Is it a performance engine or just an engine to push your car around? If you don't care about performance and just want a pusher it is not necessary. VW engines were not balanced from the factory.
VW engines WERE balanced from the factory!
Maybe not to high spec race tolerance but pistons and rods were within 5gms of eachother- sufficient for a stock low rpm motor
Crank assemblies were also dynamically balanced
Picking up 4 miscellaneous rods off the floor you could have as much as 50 gms difference between lightest and heaviest
A cheap set of kitchen scales will get you close enough for a low rpm moderate performance motor
I've seen an engine pound itself so bad due to massive unbalance the brand new case needed a 1mm line bore to clean up the main bearing saddles after only 600 miles
Brand new Mahle piston/cylinder kits rarely have pistons within 5gms of eachother
As for dynamic balance - if you're using the original crank and flywheel you probably won't be too far off for a basic build
Lightening the factory flywheel removes the original balance correction (drillings on perimeter)
Result: runs way off spec compared to the unmodified version
KEP clutches come with instructions advising against further balancing
Not sure what tolerance KEP work to but it's obviously a million miles off what I use
Your choice...