Hey All
Its the time of year again, with only 116 days left till EBI !
For those who dont know Powderpuff is all about the Ladies racing ! Wether it be your car, your friends, your husbands car, or if its a race car or street car, just having a laugh and racing at the same time! We had so much fun last year and lots of great stuff to give away!
We will be running Powerpuff again and its the same deal as last year, Please register at
www.europeanbugin.com and enter POWDERPUFF next to your name ie; 'POWDERPUFF Adele'. Kobus can then send me a list of all Ladies that have registered!
We will have more sponsors on board this year and also some special prizes again!
Thanks to everyone that supported last year and hopefully lets see if we can interest more than the 10 ladies last year !!
If anyone wants any more information/advise please email me adele 'at' vintageair . co . uk
I know i will definetly be there with my car this time..... Anyone else ?