Hi Clarke
http://www.race-technology.com/interfaces_2_7533.htmlbottom of the page the do all sort of Modbus gateways as they may be able to programme on for you as they can do OBDII and DTA S40, I have some of there kit and they are very helpful on the phone, I have a DTA to Racetech Modbus gateway but ive changed to motech and all they need me to do is send the Gateway to them and they will re-flash it job done.
cheers andy
Race Technology doesn't appear too interested in configuring a gateway for a 3rd-party datalogger.
Clarke is certainly not the first person to run into this issue. Most end-users do not realize CANbus is just a network standard, and does not specify the structure of the datastream. I wish manufacturers would state upfront, "Our CANBUS data format is proprietary"; then customers might not purchase incompatible equipment thinking CANbus is some standard data format.