The engine was in my dyno room, not in a car. The digital 6 plus unit was standing on rubber feet, on concrete floor. No alternator was used. Just a normal 220v to 12v battery charger. Connected to the optima redtop battery that provides 12 volt to the engine electrics. The logger says steady 12,9volt through the whole pull. The coil was hanging in free air 30cm above the engine. All plugwires separated and not near any metal other than the intakes. All other wires separated from metal, eachother and plugwires. The wires, not in use, like the 2 step activation wire. Was separated and insulated.
We spent about 5 hours of troubleshooting. After chancing to the old 6AL unit (that should be more picky about voltage according to the factory specs) all jetting and timing was done in 1 hour
The engine was also easier to start with the 6AL. Tried both cylinder settings 0 and 4 on the digital 6 plus without any difference.
I don't have a solution to the problem. And from what I can find online... they will work fine if you test the box with a simulator.
My guess is that is has some gremlins or bad soldering in the retard system. I can't see any spikes or dips in the lambda reading when the missing fire occurs. So I believe it fires... but with a lot of retard.