Stephan S
« on: June 18, 2007, 18:22:44 pm » |
I know HOT ROD Magazine is fairly easy to get in Europe; so you might be interested in the August 2007 issue, which just came out about a week ago. There is a 10-page article about the hi-performance VW scene, with pictures of DKP cars, DAS Drag Day, etc. See picture below...
Der Kleiner Panzers
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2007, 01:56:38 am » |
Great job, Stephan. I looked at the local grocery last night, but they still had the July issue...
Mike H.
Sven was right.
Matt H
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2007, 03:54:45 am » |
Nice Stephen. Could this be a return to the mid 60's to mid 70's when it seemed every issue of Hot Rod had a hop up article on VW'a. DDS and Empi used to always have an ad in the back of the Magazine. Very Cool 
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2007, 10:17:17 am » |
Does anyone know how to get a copy in the UK?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 10:32:10 am » |
the July issue has just arrived here in Switzerland 
LUFTKRAFT Hopped-Up Vee Dubs since 1998 LOWTECH Traditional Hot Rods and Customs Online ...because stock sucks.
Matt H
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 03:38:12 am » |
I have been checking their boards to see if we get any crap from the "hot rod" guys. I have found that over the years even here in the Motor City of Detroit I still get some respect from the traditional muscle car guys. I always keep some old magazines from the 70's laying in the car to show them. There is usually someone that comes up with a "there was this badass bug" back in the day story. Very cool article. One qusetion I have is that it looks like some new blodd in the DKP. It has been 4 years since I have been out there. How about a update on new members and rides.

Posts: 46
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 10:49:17 am » |
Does anyone know how to get a copy in the UK?
Uncle Graham at American Automags has it. 
It's only a bodge if it fails...
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 16:17:18 pm » |
One qusetion I have is that it looks like some new blodd in the DKP. It has been 4 years since I have been out there. How about a update on new members and rides.
Your right, Matt...we have three new members. Jim Ratto, Carlos De Alba, and Manuel "Tiger" Vasquez are the latest additions. Check out the members section of the club's website for all the details Time you got out here for a visit and a few brewski's!
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2007, 17:12:46 pm » |
Great coverage in that article. I bought me a copy then promptly left it at the What-A-Burger where we have our club meet. --louis
Louis Brooks
The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves!
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2007, 17:27:21 pm » |
Great coverage in that article. I bought me a copy then promptly left it at the What-A-Burger where we have our club meet. --louis SHEEESH...I've been looking for a copy for two weeks with no luck. Maybe I'll cruise by the local What-a-Burger! 
Matt H
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2007, 20:12:39 pm » |
Sarge you throw the brisket on on d I am there  I want to brin my family out next year. My 8 year old gets tired of hearing the wife and I talk about California. I was looking threw a realty paper I had from 92. You could have lived in a nice house in Laguna Niguel for $325,000. I bet it's over a Million now
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 20:39:18 pm » |
Right on, Matt! Your welcome any time...the Tri-Tip's smokin' on the BBQ just to the left of your drink. 
Shubee2 (DSK)
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2007, 03:07:49 am » |
Great coverage in that article. I bought me a copy then promptly left it at the What-A-Burger where we have our club meet. --louis SHEEESH...I've been looking for a copy for two weeks with no luck. Maybe I'll cruise by the local What-a-Burger!  LOL Sarge It's In & Out where your at Try Borders I got mine there today
Der Selten Kafers VW Club. Founding Member Est: 1976
58 Ragtop Old School Cal Look 66 Cal Look Drag Car 67 Resto Cal Look 67 Chevy II Nova L79 02 Camaro Vert! 04 Corvette Vert! 04 Colorado Pickup
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2007, 16:12:50 pm » |
I finally got my copy of the Hot Rod magazine at the newsstand! Congratulations Stephan, it's an awesome write-up of the current VW hi-performance scene, a perfect insight for everyone not yet familiar with the "dub thing". And I'm sure it might rise an eyebrow or two among the V8 guys.  Very cool!
LUFTKRAFT Hopped-Up Vee Dubs since 1998 LOWTECH Traditional Hot Rods and Customs Online ...because stock sucks.
Trond Dahl
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2007, 05:49:43 am » |
Nice writte Stehpan, It was the first magazine I bought when I came to California a few weeks ago.. could have something to do with that vw rod on the front page I think 
Street car 10.67/206kmt@Kjula 2014 Race car 9.49/236kmt@SCC 2017 
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2007, 06:54:21 am » |
I know HOT ROD Magazine is fairly easy to get in Europe; so you might be interested in the August 2007 issue, which just came out about a week ago. There is a 10-page article about the hi-performance VW scene, with pictures of DKP cars, DAS Drag Day, etc. See picture below...
Stephan, I can not find it here in Belgium if you could buy me a copy and sent to my place that would be great just let me know how many euro's (    ) it was great seeing you again at recent BugIn
Stephan S
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2007, 18:17:39 pm » |
Hey Gunter! I will try to find the August issue... Can't promise, as the September issue is already on the stands! Please forward me your address & I'll make sure to send it to you. My email address: stsphoto@earthlink.netSteph
Der Kleiner Panzers
Stephan S
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2007, 19:03:17 pm » |
Went to 3 places before finding one issue! Gunter, please confirm your address & I'll mail it to you Steph
Der Kleiner Panzers