The Bug Jam '02
Here are a couple of pics shooted by Autohaus. Thanks!!! Of course, that's not a full review as I do not attended the show (Regret...). But there were so many cool cars in the pictures this guy sent me that I thought I had to post them here. Note that there were some awesome buses...
I especially wanted to wrote some words about two particular cars :
- Jason REYNOLDS Lil Jay : Without a doubt, the greatest car on attendance... Talk 'bout a nostalgia racer... This car HAD it all!!! Yes, had, coz as you can see on pictures, the car was totalled. Too bad! :(( Hope the car will be rebuilt the same way it was... Good luck Jason...
- Ian CLARK's Split window : Boy I love this car. I fell in love with it with the Volksworld feature some years ago, and the car keep coming better and better. Keep the faith Ian.
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