El Dub's Nostalgia corner.

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EMPI, Auto-Haus, R/S...
by Heinz JUNG
If you're into Nostalgia (and I'm sure you are...), you will agree that EMPI designs are among the best as far as that 70's feeling is concerned. If you already had the chance to detail an EMPI catalog of that era, you know what I mean as bright colors and curves make these catalogs true work of art, and make them very apealing...
Heinz JUNG was the EMPI wizard designer! It's great to put a name on those awesome designs right? That's why I decided to compile a little section as a tribute to his one of a kind skills...

Heinz was very secretive and did not like being in the spotlight, always stayed in the background... So, enjoy the mega rare picture of him below (courtesy of Glenn MILLER).
From what Glenn reminds, Heinz demanded quality from all those involved, and as an Artist and Illustrator, he was one of the best.
His cut-aways and artwork in the EMPI catalogs show it, he would use an air brush and touch-up the photos to be used in the catalogues. He designed the logos that were printed on background in EMPIs blister products.
Speaking of cut-aways, detail the picture below... Without a doubt, cut-away are very hard to draw, so when they combine with design, the result is out of this world... See below to see what I mean... Yes, it's an EMPI GTV Muscle Beetle... True work of art! Such cut-aways were used in catalogs, magazines adverts, and I even found a B&W one in a very early Bug-in program...
Without any surprise, EMPI art was highlighted in their own catalogs... Below are some cool examples. Images are thumbnails...
The new sound of the 70's sure wasn't only pop music, but the EMPI extractor one as well... Note how the GTV demonstrator bug combines with the 70's drawing... Excellent! |
Anothers examples of catalogs designs... Note the flashy purple color used on this Handling & Suspension section. Images are thumbnails...

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E-mail : eldub@cal-look.com